30 curiosities of plants - Amazing!

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At Ecologist Verde we want to teach you some curiosities of the kingdom of plants so that you not only learn more about them, but also to get even closer to the natural world that surrounds you. There is a popular saying that you will never fall asleep without knowing something else, so we invite you to take a look at this article full of peculiarities of plants, curious flowers and interesting plants that you surely did not know. Discover below some of the plant curiosities indoor and outdoor. Which ones did you know and which ones amaze you the most?

Trees are mostly dead cells

Interestingly only the leaves of the trees, the tips of the roots and a thin layer of the bark are actually alive. The rest only make up the structure that provides support and firmness, which is composed of lignified cells (wood) that are dying. With this in mind, it is easier to understand the importance of transplants, pruning or the prevention of wounds on the surface of the tree trunk.

Plants emit distress signals

What for us is a pleasant smell of freshly cut grass is nothing more than a clear distress signal emitted by the plant so that other predators come to their aid. This particular aroma produced by the expulsion of a chemical component is also produced when the plant is attacked by pests, such as caterpillars and other leaf eaters, to attract wasps, which are predators of these pests.

Plants recognize each other

All plants have the ability to recognize others of the same species. Experts have studied their behavior by sowing plants of the same species to confirm that, indeed, they are much less competitive, reaching altruism, with the rest of individuals of the same species. This can be seen clearly when checking how between them they give up the space to ensure their reproduction and protect themselves from both climatic agents and predators.

Plants appreciate music

Scientists have been amazed at how plants are not only capable of perceiving music, but also seem to like it quite a bit. This fact has been confirmed by studying several species of terrestrial plants showing that they are capable of react to different melodies improving their growth (or worse in cases of sounds unsuitable for them).

You can learn more about this curiosity about plants by reading this other article: Is music good for plants?

The most widespread flowers in the world are roses

One of the curiosities of the most remarkable roses is that they exist more than 35,000 varieties. This is due to the ease with which this species is able to hybridize, both naturally and by human hands. For this reason and because it is one of the favorites around the world, it is the most cultivated flowering plant Worldwide.

If you also like them, here you can learn how to care for a rose bush in a pot.

The giant trees filled with water

The baobab, also known as monkey bread, tree planted upside down or camel tree, is capable of holding up to 1,000 liters of water in times of drought. This is why it is compared to camels and is often called a camel tree.

Here you can find out more about Baobabs: what they are and their characteristics.

Medicinal plants were discovered by animals

One of the curiosities of medicinal plants is its discovery by the human being, which occurred by imitating the behavior that some animals have with the different species of plants and the use they give them. A clear example is the celandine, also known as the swallow, due to the use that these birds make to favor the sight of their young.

The use we make of these plants for improvement therapy for our health is called herbal medicine. Here you can learn more about Phytotherapy: what is it and how to use medicinal plants?

Aromatic plants are also called protective plants

One of the curiosities of aromatic plants The most widespread is that, in the vast majority of cases, what seems to us an attractive aroma, causes the opposite effect on insects and repels them. For example, normally, fresh and critical odors serve as natural repellent against insects annoying, such as flies or mosquitoes, and protect us from possible bites and pests.

If you want to know some of the insect repellent plants, do not miss these guides on Indoor and outdoor anti-fly plants and Anti-mosquito plants.

Carnivorous plants respect pollinating insects

Without a doubt this is one of the curiosities of carnivorous plants most prominent. Although the main food source of carnivorous plants is insects, they also need pollinators for their reproduction. For this, many species have developed a natural mechanism that is based on separating the flower stem from the trap in order to avoid hunting pollinating insects. However, if a pollinating insect lands on one of your traps, the plant will most likely eat it.

In this other post we will tell you how carnivorous plants eat.

Flowers have not always existed

One of the curiosities of angiosperms plants it is that they have not existed since the beginning of the Earth. What's more, these first appeared a few 140 million years, at which time we can talk about what is known as a flower or at least one that is clearly defined.

You can learn more by reading these other articles about Angiosperm Plants: what they are, characteristics and examples and the Origin and evolution of plants.

Other curiosities of the plants

Here we show you more curiosities of the plant world:

  • The Grayi Diphylleia is a transparent petal flower originally from Japan.
  • Caffeine is a natural insecticide produced by plants to kill insects that try to feed on them.
  • The Selaginella lepidophylla is a plant capable of surviving even losing 95% of its water and is capable of "resuscitating" several years later even when it is dry.
  • A fossilized bee revealed to scientists that orchids are at least 10 million years old of antiquity.
  • Plants called Titan Aurm (called giant hoop, bunga bangkai, corpse flower or Amorphophallus titanum) and Rafflesia arnoldii are considered as the largest flower in the world. The first reaches up to 3 meters in height and the second has a flower of more than 90 centimeters in diameter and exceeds 10 kilos in weight.
  • In Utah it is found the heaviest tree in the world with a total weight of 6,000 tons.
  • In the 17th century in Holland, tulip bulbs took on the value of the currency by becoming a luxury item.
  • Wolffia angusta is the smallest flowering plant in the world, not exceeding 0.5 mm.
  • Sunflowers move from east to west throughout the day following the sun
  • The fastest growing plant It is the giant bamboo of Myanmar capable of growing up to 0.3mm a day.
  • Oleander is one of the most poisonous flowers in the world. Ingesting its petals or the smell produced by burning them can cause dizziness, vomiting and even cardiorespiratory arrest.
  • Plants can commit suicide. There are studies that recognize the ability of some plant species to commit suicide if the conditions in which they are found are clearly adverse.
  • Carnivorous plants do not need you to feed them since game is not always their main source of food.
  • Roses are the most widely grown flowers in private gardens.
  • The oldest tree of the world is more than 4,800 years old.
  • In California's Redwood National Park is the tallest tree in the world, a redwood over 115 meters.
  • According to the ancient Greeks, rosemary was the most powerful aphrodisiac, which is why they are consecrated to the goddess Aphrodite.
  • Dieffenbachia is a toxic plant whose juice is very irritating to the throat. Being able to leave the person without a voice for several days.
  • The dandelion plant is edible. Its leaves are rich in vitamin K, its flowers are used to make wine, and the root is used in the production of soft drinks.

If you want to read more articles similar to Curiosities of the plantsWe recommend that you enter our Nature Curiosities category.

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