We do not have facilities in the Energy Certificate

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What happens not having facilities in the energy certificate. How will the Certifying Technician act?

We add some doubts that have been resolved by the IDAE regarding the energy certificate for buildings without facilities.

Based on the new applicable legislation regarding Royal Decree 235/2013. “Basic Procedure for the Certification of the Energy Efficiency of Buildings” With entry into force at the National level since 05/14/2013. We have different doubts that we believe should be resolved in order to provide an adequate and quality Energy Certificate to our clients.

How will the Certifying Technician act before a property that does not have facilities in the energy certificate?

QUESTION 1: We havea commercial premises in "Gross" without finishes, without facilities, in a 20-year-old residential building. Can we can obtain the energy certificate of said premises?

-We understand two options:
A) -We cannot certify the premises since we do not know its purpose … it could be a bar, cafeteria, shop … etc.
B) -We make a basic assumption of installations in the premises and the assumption adopted is observed in the Energy Certificate Report.

How to act in this situation?

QUESTION 2: We have a home thatIt does NOT have ACS (domestic hot water) or even any installation, in a residential building inhabited for 10 years.

-We understand two options:
A) -We cannot certify the home since we do not know the ACS and / or it does not have the minimum facilities to inhabit the property … And the CE3X program does not contemplate this assumption.
B) -We make a basic assumption of installation of ACS and / or minimum installations and the assumption adopted is observed in the Energy Certificate Report.

How to act in this situation?


Regarding the question raised, we inform you of the following:

As indicated in Royal Decree 235/2013, of April 5, which approves the basic procedure for the certification of the energy efficiency of buildings, in its article 2, "Scope of application" it is indicated:

“1. This Basic Procedure will be applicable to:

(… )

b) Buildings or parts of existing buildings that are sold or rented to a new

lessee, provided they do not have a valid certificate.

(… )”

That is why the commercial premises must have the energy efficiency certificate when it is sold or rented to a new tenant. When certifying it, the certifying technician must take into account the energy efficiency of the premises to be certified. As indicated in RD 235/2013, it is defined:

i) Energy efficiency of a building: energy consumption, calculated or measured, which is considered necessary to satisfy the energy demand of the building under normal operating and occupancy conditions, which will include, among other things, the energy consumed in heating, the cooling, ventilation, domestic hot water production and lighting.”

On the other hand, when using a simplified procedure for the certification of the energy efficiency of existing buildings, it is indicated as “an ACS system is required to qualify a residential building”. You can consult this through the User Manuals of the documents recognized for the certification of energy efficiency available on the Minetur website:

Access… . HERE.

Therefore, to carry out the correct certification of the energy efficiency of buildings, it is necessary to introduce at least one DHW system.

Another option is to use the general or Calener reference procedure, in which other considerations can be taken into account when making these certificates.

We hope it will help Certified Technicians.

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