Energy certified price - What is the cost and real price

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The energy certified price will be established according to the demand and supply law.

But really, it should be looking at the cost of your visit and writing. The specific cost or the energy certificate price that the user can achieve to process the energy certificate is unknown, since it is a free market. However, if we look at other European countries that already have this regulation, such as Italy, the cost of the energy certificate is about 270 euros (+ VAT) for an average floor of 100 m2. This cost could be lowered if the whole community undertakes the study of the building together, which would also be good for taking global improvement measures, as in the heating or lighting systems of many buildings.

From the Technical point of view, the Energy Certification Technicians will have to establish their spending-time guidelines to determine the price of the Energy Certificate.

The time to visit the property and data collection according to the characteristics of the property, as well as the subsequent drafting of the Report that will vary depending on the type of property to be certified and the programs to be used, whether they are CE3 and CE3X as in the case of use the LEADER and CALENER to establish a suitable energy rating. We must also take into account factors such as possible discounts to customers, offers … etc.

The certificate consists of an inspection of the property by a qualified technician. The construction elements and their composition, the gaps, carpentry and heating and cooling systems will be checked. Likewise, if there are no plans of the house, it will be necessary to carry out some measurements. The prices vary according to the typologies and surfaces.

Another point to highlight is the Registry of the same in the bodies authorized by the Autonomous Communities. Which according to Opinion 95/2013 would be around an "affordable" cost of € 30. The energy certified price will become more expensive for the consumer. We will see the final opinion of the Autonomous Communities before June 1, 2013. Start date in the mandatory compliance of having the Energy Label for those properties that are sold or rented.

We can see a more specific analysis from the cost of the energy certificate in numbers.

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