The Energy Certificate is signed and approved by the Administration

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Doubts raised about the Energy Certificate, its signature and endorsement in the Administration.

At present it is estimated that the Energy Certificate can be drawn up and signed by Architects, Technical Architects or their equivalent Building Engineers, Industrial Engineers, Industrial Technical Engineers.

The antecedents to determine who signs and writes the Energy Certificate are as follows. According to the Royal Decree Project we obtain from Art. 8 Point 2 which indicates:

"The energy efficiency certificate of an existing building will be signed by certifying technicians who are in possession of the academic and professional qualification enabling them to carry out building projects or their thermal installations, or energy certification, freely chosen by the property of the building."

Obviously the previous paragraph is quite generic when determining the "Certifying Technician". We have found some reviews that we believe are quite clarifying in the IDAE Training Plan that indicates for the CE3 and CE3x (Simplified Option) programs the Qualified Schools are, and I quote verbatim:

«The courses are organized in collaboration with the competent bodies in energy certification of the Autonomous Communities, the Higher Council of the Colleges of Architects, the General Council of Technical Architecture, the General Council of Official Colleges of Industrial Engineers and the General Council of the Colleges of Engineers Industrial Technicians. »

I understand that therefore we already know who can choose to be Energy Certifiers. Given that we do not have a reliability, we try to specify by making a query to the Citizen Information Service on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (SICER) of the IDEA whose resolution was a series of indirect and opacity without a concrete response from the Administration.

Other points that we want you to know and that we understand are of general interest is whether the Energy Certificates must be "endorsed" by the corresponding schools and the possibility that the signature of the Report is electronic. And this is the direct response via email from SICAR:

“These matters must be resolved by the body that is responsible for registering the certificates. The draft RD says that the CCAA will define this section. "

Once again we are left with the doubt, but we can argue that we will have to wait for the reaction of the CCAA before the approval of the Royal Decree Project to be able to determine a coherent price to assign to the Energy Certificates for the future client given the possibility of the visa of the Report that would increase an additional expense to the Certifying Technician

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