Slate roofs that generate energy - Green Ecologist

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Slate covers

I believe that by now we can all recognize that harnessing the energy of the sun is no longer an option, it is a necessity and also, the construction sector offers us excellent opportunities. New techniques combined with constructive tradition and pure coherence can provide us with energy solutions that are really worth it, and a perfect example is the slate roofs that we can turn them into true solar energy collectors.

The alternatives that we can use for covering roofs are several (fiber cement, zinc, tile …), but as a natural product and with less environmental impact, we just have to see the following graph! … The slate takes the prize and this already We talk in the article on architecture with a blackboard with some examples of heart attacks.

We must remember thatthe slates contain a very stable mineralogy in comparison with other materials, since the minerals sensitive to environmental action are very scarce or do not appear directly in its composition. (Content of carbonates and non-carbonated carbon, the possible presence of which is clearly less than 5%)

And another point that we find interesting to highlight is that thanks to its laminar structure, it has a high flexural strength (Between 60 and 90 N / mm2), a value that is difficult to achieve by other stones that are used as construction material.

But this time, we have to investigate how we can take advantage of the Sun's energy in an easy and simple way in the natural slate roof without losing the exuberant beauty of the traditional construction. But what are we talking about?

Slate Solar Roofs

You must be clear that the regulations and legislation in the construction sector require greater energy efficiency and respect for the environment in current buildings, so applying renewable energy capture systems is practically a no-brainer.

The house in the previous image has a solar collection system installed on its roof, although it undoubtedly does not look like it.

An innovative and technically novel solution, which allows to achieve its full integration with the architectural elements, are the natural slate solar panels. So that we have a general idea of how an installation would look in a home, we provide a scheme of the system:

The installation of the collectors on the slate roof Obviously it is the key piece, because of its ease and technical contributions, we liked the modular system of Thermoslate whose appearance and assembly methodology can be seen in the following graphic report and always taking into account three premises or stages to follow for a coherent assembly:

  • Take into account the geographical area where the installation is planned. (For example, the North of Spain is not the same as the South because of its weather)
  • Define the consumption of ACS (hot water) according to the needs of the occupants of the house.
  • Select the best configuration of collectors - panels according to the slate surface on the roof that we have.

First we would like to provide a visual approach to its work and panel components:

To understand the mounting system for solar panels for natural slate roofsWhat better than a step-by-step installation visually with some technical details of its placement:

In truth, we are facing an installation that provides us with free energy to the house (hot water and heating) and that is literally not perceptible to the viewer. SYou can find more information at request information to know more about the Thermoslate facilities.

Advantages of natural slate solar panels

We have talked about the behavior of the properties of slate stones and how solar panels are installed, but … Does it really offer tangible advantages compared to other installations?

  • We use renewable energies for the generation of hot water with the consequent economic savings, not counting respect for the environment by avoiding emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
  • The estimate for each square meter installed corresponds to 50 liters of hot water per day.
  • From a structural perspective, it offers lightness on the roof. On average, the weight would be approximately 20kg / m2.
  • Installation compatible with existing hot water control, accumulation and distribution systems.
  • The integration result from the visual perspective is excellent (Even on slopes greater than 20 degrees)
  • Cleaning tasks are carried out only with very low pressure water, in a simple and economical way.
  • In addition, the replacement, repair and replacement of the deteriorated material does not present major difficulties.

The use of slate for roofs continues to be a viable option and that of course has traditionally been effective as a construction material, both in new construction and in roof rehabilitation, and history confirms this. Research and innovation in this field provide us with solutions that of course we should take into account in architectural projects.

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