What is the most beautiful rest area in the world - Green Ecologist

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The best rest area to enjoy

When we ask someone who remembers some Rest area quickly, the first memory is always a boring highway, at kilometer X. If we make a little more effort, we can already confess a trip where in the middle of the mountain or some paradise we could enjoy spectacular views, but few we remember the architecture of the place from the perspective of the building.

So the public facilities so that we can enjoy a well-deserved rest or a spectacular view, since they are not an architectural icon that we can distinguish as sublime. But this has changed!

From Norway, who have us used to building some rest areas They are literally sublime in both architectural design and breathtaking views. They present us the project Ureddplassen by the Haugen - Zohar Arkitekter (HZA) architecture studio built for the public administration. Pure visual poetry!

Remember that there are also rehabilitations that are a true gem like the sculptural loft that we talked about recently.

The public rest area Ureddplassen sets up a corrugated concrete structure along the Helgelandskysten Scenic Route in Norway, as part of a series of high-value design stops dedicated to road-weary travelers exhausted by all the natural beauty they have just ended to enjoy. It evokes a sense of poetic loneliness in the natural landscape of Norway.

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The building shape is designed to mimic a wave designed to harmonize with the natural environment while providing ample privacy to the people who are inside. Because despite its design, and despite being a small architectural gem, the building itself is a toilet. A beautiful damn toilet!

The exterior part, made up of a terrace made up of a concrete slab and different seats, follows the edge of the curved terrain extending along the rocky shoreline, separating the parking area from the recreational space.

A series of precast concrete steps form an amphitheater that extends from the terrace to the seashore. The steps form seats that look across the water.

The most important qualities and characteristics of the resting place are the view to the north and the midnight sun. The view of the fjord is magnificent, both towards the summits of the mountains and towards the open sea.

Sandwiched between the peaks of the surrounding fjords and the sparkling Norwegian Sea, the small building is a perfect place to see the Northern Lights in winter and the midnight sun in summer. An ideal place to observe the beauty of the Scandinavian country.

In the same area, we also find a memorial erected in memory of the 42 men who lost their lives when a Norwegian submarine collided with a German mine and sank during World War II.

And you can still see more spectacle from the article of when nature enters into dialogue with architecture and the Arctic. Discovering the architecture of the Arctic through photography and landscape.

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