Grow vegetables at home with the IKEA hydroponic garden kit - Green Ecologist

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Ikea launches the hydroponic garden to have our vegetables at home

The design of Ikea Surprise again with a very green idea. The next Ikea catalog we can see a newhydroponic garden kit where we can grow our own lettuce and different herbs indoors. Come on a little urban garden with swedish design, where we can eat a salad grown by us, flavored and with a Swedish accent.

In short, the concept of hydroponic garden or hydroponic agriculture is a technique used to grow plants without soil,using mineral solutions instead of agricultural soil with a support of sand, gravel … etc. It is actually a fairly widespread method and many of the vegetables that we eat today use this procedure due to the financial savings it entails.

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As reported Ikea news (Here)… «This April, a series of indoor gardening allowing you to grow your own lettuce and herbs with water. Developed in collaboration with agricultural scientists in Sweden, the series krydda VAXER includes everything you need to get the germination and keep your garden growing - even in the winter!…. How does it work? You just have to keep an eye on the water level. That's it!"

The gardening kit It comes with small absorbent plugs that will keep the seeds moist. Once the plants are large enough, they are transferred to small ones pots with which he fills with pumice stone - gravel. These are placed on another tray that fits into a frame that has a light to allow your plants to grow 24 hours a day.

Now we have no excuse to have our own garden at home.

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