New acoustic material blocks 94% sound waves and lets air through - Green Ecologist

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THE best acoustic material

We live in an increasingly noisy world where it can be quite difficult to find a moment of tranquility, and even more so, if you are located in the big cities.

We are no longer facing a question of hearing discomfort, this is already a health issue and it affects us all.

Although the technology in the field of acoustics applied to construction it is advancing by giant steps; including windows that can reduce noise to 30 decibels, active noise cancellation technology (like that used by headphones), etc. But, we don't always get a acoustic material economically viable and easy to implement.

The technology that we find in the market is very effective in blocking sound (We only have to see the recording studios that are filled with large coatings that dampen outside noise) but apart from having a high price, they do not allow air flow.

Now a small team of mechanical engineers from Boston University has surprised us with the development of a specially designed device to block up to 94% of incoming sound waves, without obstructing air flow.

device that blocks up to 94% of incoming sound waves

The new device is 3D printed, in the shape of a ring - although according to the researchers, it can take many forms - where its design is manufactured to very precise mathematical standards.

Its shape is specifically designed to interfere with incoming sound waves and bounce it back the way they came, reducing the sound that can pass through the center of the ring. (Learn more about acoustics from HERE with manuals and guides)

To test this new device, the researchers placed the prototype on the end of a PVC pipe, hooking a loudspeaker on the other end, and as can be seen in the following video - according to the researchers - the device blocked 94% of the sound.

According to the researchers … “This type of device could have many applications in the real world where the sound needs to be blocked and the air flow is unimpeded. For example, they could be placed on the grilles of heating and air conditioning systems in buildings «

Since this 'sound blocker' can be shaped like a cube or hexagon in design and is very light, it could be used as a tile or brick to build walls that cancel out sound in a forceful way.

According to the team, applications in architecture and construction can be impressive and relatively inexpensive. So we are facing a device that can revolutionize the sector.

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