Use Land Art to transform a park with zero euros and patience

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The art of Land Art to transform

Some sages comment that creativity is the soul of intelligence, we do not know if this statement can be true or not, but what we can confirm is that artists continue to surprise us day after day. Be it works that will last for years or those ephemeral that with a sigh will disappear, this time a transformation of a park has dazzled us. The pure art of Land art to enjoy it!

For those who are clueless and put ourselves in a situation, the so-called art Land Art or Earth Art It is a current that falls on the contemporary art (A current that began in 1968 in the group exhibition Earthworks - Dwan Gallery in New York) that is closely related to the landscape and nature itself.

Is a landscape intervention, where its materials are those that the environment offers us (Earth, wood, stones, rocks, sand, wind, water, fire … etc) obtaining a work of art and a visual between a crossing of landscape architecture and sculpture.

We have already talked a few times about transforming public urban spaces with different initiatives (How to take advantage of lost public space or with the article on Urban Street art) but this time all that is needed is a lot of patience, zero euros and that the meteorology allows overflowing the creativity of an artist to the amazement of passersby.

The artist Joanna Hedrick, with her project Leaf labyrinth has reinvented and transformed the leaves of the beautiful autumn, into beautiful creations of urban art.

Joanna hedrick She is a consultant at the University of Sacramento and a specialist in art and philosophy, but this time she has drawn true geometric works of art on her campus lawn, her weapons, sheer patience and a simple rake to organize the dead leaves wrapped in the trees forming complex mazes and perfect geometric shapes.

A project that began in 2013 where students and professors from the University discover each fall the new creations of that art called Land Art.

Of interest, see the article on how art and architecture blend into landscapes or the one on changing architectural landscapes to amaze us.

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