Types of kitchens: Layouts and what you should look at - Green Ecologist

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Types of modern kitchens and their distribution

Eating healthy is taking more and more prominence in our lives and, therefore, we need models of kitchens comfortable, practical and functional to cook with coherence.

Here, designers, interior designers and architects know it, and they are designing modern kitchens (there are interesting proposals) with a series of techniques in modular distribution. They are no longer just beautiful or cozy, utility at its best comes into play.

To know the types of kitchens offered by the market, we have to understand the principles of how a functional kitchen is laid out and for that, the designers used the «work triangle»Forms the location of the work zones and the distance between them.

The work triangle defines a type of well-designed kitchen

In the kitchen division should highlight three areas well defined; one for storage of food (pantry - refrigerator - freezer), another of washed (Includes sink and dishwasher) and cooking (The oven, plate, microwave). This creates a practical structure for cooking.

For the triangle to function optimally on the work area, the sum of its 3 sides should not be greater than 8 meters, and separately, the recommended space is 1.20 meters (minimum work space is 90 cm), nor greater than 2.70 meters away.

And since we know how kitchens are distributed from a professional perspective, it's time to see what models of kitchens are there for sale…

1 - Online kitchens

It is considered par excellence the most traditional of all, and, in fact, historically the kitchen online (3, 4 and 5 meters in length) is one of the most used types in houses around the world.

They are ideal for limited spaces, they are simple and at the same time elegant

Obviously, it is the recommended option for rectangular homes with narrow rooms. Perfect in spaces smaller than 2 meters (between fronts) and remember that for optimal storage, high cabinets should be used but not exceeding.

The division of furniture in the distribution of a linear kitchen we should look at three points:

  • The storage area must be near the entrance - door (important that the refrigerator is near the entrance)
  • Cooking area in the central part (we would have all the food to cook on the left and on the right, a cleaning area with cabinets where utensils, pans, etc. are)
  • And the wash, on the right side (which we would normally find the window and laundry access door providing light to the room)

Those kitchens online straight lines that are open to the dining room, you should not use too many tall furniture (visually we produce an aesthetic load), closed shelves and the appliances integrated in a tower (oven and microwave) next to the refrigerator.

The single row kitchen has certain advantages and disadvantages within the models of types of domestic kitchens, What are they:


  • Ideal for narrow spaces less than 2 meters.
  • It integrates very well with open spaces (living room).
  • In linear kitchens you work and cook very well.
  • Cleaning is very easy as there are no nooks and crannies.
  • Its installation is cheap and simple (in most cases, they are the cheapest kitchens for sale on the market).

By the way, from our article on how to design modern kitchens there are other useful tips and ideas.


  • In the linear kitchens, if a bad distribution is practiced we will have problems when working.
  • Limitations when it comes to storage.
  • They can be visually burdensome if we overdo it on tall furniture.
  • Work difficulties when different people cook.

2 - Kitchens in parallel or 2 fronts

They are suitable for rectangular spaces and with a width, face to face, enough to be able to cook quietly or rooms that have two opposite doors.

The work zones in the kitchens in parallel and their division can be almost perfect, special care must be taken in the distance between the two front lines. It must have a minimum of 1.20 to be able to move with ease or greater than 2.70 m of distance (which is already a lot).

the parallel kitchen has an optimized work triangle, they are useful and practical

Here the combinations in the partitions of the zones can be more variable and we must consider that:

  • The ideal in parallel kitchen layouts is: main area and front, tara cooking and washing area (better near window or light entrance), and back, storage area (refrigerator near entrance door)
  • The option is: a front line, cooking zone, and the second line, we would already find the washing and storage area (the "cold" elements are placed together).

In the two row kitchen We can test certain advantages and disadvantages that are:


  • They marry very well with kitchen models integral allowing an almost ideal location.
  • Ideal for narrow spaces greater than 3 meters between walls.
  • They are suitable to be opened to the dining room on one of its side faces.
  • In the two-front kitchens can operate different people in the kitchen without problems
  • Cleaning is easy as there are no nooks and crannies.
  • Its installation is relatively cheap and simple.
  • We can convert a home corridor into a comfortable and practical versatile kitchen.


  • Be careful when placing electrical appliances.
  • Mandatory width between lines must be 1.20 meters (The minimum can be 90 cm, but the indicated distance is recommended)
  • If the distance between fronts is very wide it can be uncomfortable.
  • They have limitations when it comes to making reforms or opening it to the dining room
  • Remember to be careful with the upper furniture and not to add them in excess, and, if possible, not to add a cupboard over the sink and main bench (you will move with more ease and you will be less overwhelming)

Parallel design is one of the most appropriate option when it comes to distributing a kitchen with coherence and that is very functional in the field of types of modern kitchens.

3 - L-shaped kitchens

In recent years, the kitchen in L It has become a very common trend when renovations are carried out in homes where the living room and dining room space is combined with the kitchen.

They are visually very pleasing to look at and blend in perfectly with modern homes.

They are suitable for large rooms where we can make the most of the corners. They also allow you to include a dining table or a central storage island.

The kitchens distributed in L They are practical, but in their division we must consider that:

  • The sum of the three sides (working triangle) must oscillate between 4 and 8 meters.
  • The widest and longest front will be the cooking and washing areas, and the narrow front, the storage area.

The kitchen in corners or with an open side It has certain advantages and disadvantages that are:


  • Visually they are attractive to watch. It adapts very well to any decorative style of home.
  • Due to its L-shape, you can play with the combination of the living room and space.
  • In rectangular rooms that are almost square, it is a recommended option.
  • Can cook different people without problems
  • We can have a corbel where to add stools and improve the storage area. The comfort of cooking is increased by having the extension to be able to move.
  • We can add a table in the central part.
  • For its characteristics. It is easy to carry out reforms or change electrical appliances.


  • The sale price of this type of kitchen begins to increase.
  • By having corners, cleaning is no longer so easy.
  • They take up more space than others kitchen models.
  • If the work triangle is very wide, it will be less functional when cooking.
  • Regardless of the types of kitchen that we can find in the market for sale, remember that less is more and having an excess of storage - cabinets, for most, means "more junk".

4 - U-shaped kitchens

The modern u kitchens they are the perfect ones for cooking with an ideal distribution for the cook.

They are very suitable for rectangular spaces and have a single access, either by door or without vertical facing and open to the dining room.

Due to its division (it occupies three walls) we are already talking about holes with a more considerable size where the storage area is wide as well as the benches to prepare the food.

Examples of kitchens distributed in U They are great friends of the chef, but in their modulation it must be considered:

  • The working triangle, the sum of the three sides must range between 4 and 8 meters. Plus, it starts to get cumbersome
  • The ideal option in a U-shaped or open kitchen is; front, the option of sink or cooking is placed, and on the side, always storage. An example would be the following image:

They are the favorites of chefs for their ease of work

The u kitchen, like all typologies, it has palpable advantages and others that are not so much:


  • They are a prototype of spacious kitchens and the favorites of every chef. Efficiency is maximized by allowing a working triangle with short distances.
  • Suitable for large families or more than one cook at home.
  • They can be combined in many ways and the modules can be distributed according to needs.
  • Ease of exchanging work areas, mobility and easy access to appliances, drawers, drawers, etc.
  • Large storage capacity and use of space by occupying three walls.
  • Due to its characteristics, it is easy to carry out reforms or change electrical appliances.


  • The selling price of this type of kitchen is a bit high as it has more cabinets and takes up more space.
  • With busy corners, cleaning is no longer so easy and corner cabinets can be difficult to access.
  • It is a kitchen that is not viable in narrow and small spaces. We need spacious rooms for placement.
  • Be careful with tall cabinets to avoid creating an overly loaded look.
  • If the work triangle is very wide, it will be less functional when cooking.
  • We must create a planning in the lighting to be able to work with coherence.

5 - Kitchens with bar or in gorma de G

Although the typology of kitchen with bar It is more of an extension or bracket that is added to the different types of kitchens that we have named so far, it is worth mentioning some peculiar characteristics.

I point out that, when adding a bar over a U-shaped cooker some professionals designate it as G-shaped kitchen.

But what is the purpose or function of including a bar? Although a prior it is an expense that does not seem necessary, if you have space, it is a very useful modular option.

  • We increase the storage space.
  • It is an element that when stools enter the game perfectly replaces a kitchen table.
  • It is a module that quickly provides separation - division between 2 rooms of the house.
  • Create conversation between cooks and guests of the house.

This bracket must have its own lighting and it is recommended that it be independent from the kitchen itself (this option will come in handy at certain times and save light).

Neither the sink nor the stove should be placed on the brackets or bars that are incorporated. It is a discomfort if we want to do the dishes or cook.

6 - Island kitchens

Par excellence, within interior design, the kitchen with island It not only provides beauty or a lot of play with other pieces of furniture that are minimalist, but it is also synonymous with luxury (Of interest, the article on minimalist decoration style in homes).

Due to its characteristics, we need large spaces. It is a versatile option, well thought out, we can even change the modular distribution if the island has a wheel (Storage only).

They are placed in large spaces and connected to the dining room

First, What types of island kitchens are there? Being a module, generally according to its characteristics and our needs, there are three types or options of parts:

  • Support island. Where you work is storage and help - support thanks to its countertop that will be totally clear.
  • Cooking and washing island. In stores, it is the most demanded where we find the ceramic hob (cooking area with its extractor hood) and the sink to wash utensils (depending on the size of the kitchen, we can include one or two of the named elements).
  • Island for breakfast or casual dining. It can be made up of any of the previous islands and we simply add an area to have breakfast or lunch.

The type of island that we choose determines the facilities that it has to carry, that is, if we choose an island with a glass ceramic, then we have to carry the electricity or gas, and incorporate an extraction area. The same if we choose an island that incorporates a sink, we have to carry the plumbing and sanitation.

When we start a new work, the kitchen island layout What we can buy for our kitchen will not matter to us, but, if we are dealing with a home renovation, those islands that contain the sink or the cooking area will not always be possible due to the facilities.

Once the use of our island is defined, we have to talk about dimensions and here comes the question … How long should my kitchen measure so that I can fit an island inside and do it in a fully functional way?

The preferred thing is always to look for standard dimensions of the manufacturers so that the budget does not skyrocket. In principle, for a support island, the furniture in depth is usually 60 cm, 35 or 30 cm and in width, for an island, the minimum should be 1.20 meters.

When we talk about a kitchen with island which includes a ceramic hob and a sink here the dimensions begin to increase in size, but we must always respect consistent minimums and know that:

  • Both the sink and the ceramic hob always shit on 60 cm wide furniture.
  • The front part of the sink and the cooking zone must have a free space between 30 and 35 cm (these dimensions correspond to a standard furniture module).
  • There must be a minimum separation between the glass ceramic and the sink, which will normally be 60 centimeters, which corresponds to a furniture module.
  • On the sides of the island, there should also be a small gap for comfort and cleanliness, which is usually between 30 and 35 cm.

7 - Kitchens in peninsula

Although this class of kitchens is often mistakenly associated with the island kitchen, in reality, one of its sides rests on a vertical facing (wall).

That is, the elements are placed perpendicularly on one of the walls, producing an environment that opens towards the center.

  • Island kitchens have four free and accessible sides
  • Kitchens on the peninsula only have three free and accessible sides

Although the kitchen in peninsula it is relatively rare to find and is custom-assembled, they are suitable for large spaces and when we integrate kitchen and dining room with pleasant aesthetic results.

They may or may not contain the burners, the sink or the hob, so when choosing an option you will have to take into account the size.

As they are modular, the combinations in their position are multiple, adapting perfectly to any style you have in the home.

We hope that you already have a better overview of the different types of kitchens on the market from a standard perspective. Playing with modules and spaces is fantastic, but always without losing its usefulness and function, being able to enjoy cooking.

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