EL mobile with thermal camera, laser for distances and much more - Green Ecologist

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Mobile phones with thermal camera and laser

The field of mobile technology is advancing by giant steps and with a lot of competition. At this point, large companies see opportunities to improve their sales by manufacturing mobiles for a certain type of user.

And this is where the perfect mobile for architects, surveyors or engineers from the hand of Caterpillar. We are talking about Cat S61 mobile. A smartphone that brings together different tools to facilitate daily life in the engineering, construction and construction sectors.

The new Caterpillar mobile is no longer just a rock in terms of resistance. The latest phone model may not be brimming with power, but it does have some very cool features:

  • A thermal camera with streaming for the industrial sector.
  • A laser distance meter.
  • Sensors that measure air quality.

Just to list some important skill. Possibly, it becomes an indispensable reference in the sector. As a summary of its capabilities, we have the perfect video in Spanish …

And remember that we also have good augmented reality applications and software for mobiles. Now, let's see what are the best capabilities of this robust mobile …

Thermal imaging camera in streaming

The mobile has a thermal camera integrated that can work in image format or in streaming. They detect invisible thermal energy at a distance of up to 30 meters, capture and measure any change in temperature in the form of a thermal image or video.

It provides a new perspective and opens up new use cases, including: detecting heat loss around windows and doors; detect moisture or lack of insulation; Identify overheating of electrical appliances and circuits or see in the dark and through fog or smoke.

Enhancements to the new Cat S61 include a functional measurable temperature range from -20ºC to 400ºC. (Remember our article on applications and use of thermography)

With HD camera that provides unmatched image optimization using FLIR's MSX® technology. You just have to press the MyFLIR application on the device, and it works. That simple!

Then, through the MyFLIR application, it is possible to record still images, videos and timelapse, in a file format that can be immediately shared by email from the device. Crazy!

Indoor air quality monitoring

Another interesting feature of the mobile is to measure the temperature, humidity or indoor air pollution levels in a closed environment. An air quality sensor that will alert us to the presence of high levels of pollutants

With the device's Air app, you can quickly see the humidity levels in a given, closed environment. Also, for example, it can be used to help understand when a newly plastered wall is ready to paint.

Laser distance meter

Although we have seen different apps that provide a laser meter simulator on mobile. This time, the cell phone does incorporate a laser in its rear camera.

Unfortunately, for an accurate measurement, the estimate is not to take measurements greater than 8 meters (Tolerance up to +/- 3%). The Cat® S61 Measure app uses the device's built-in laser and rear camera to set depth and calculate distances.

It can be used to measure the distance from the device to a surface and to estimate areas on that same surface.

Also remember the article on the digital tape measure. The measuring tape of the future!

It can be used to estimate estimates or materials needed for tiling, wallpapering, painting, flooring or skirting, laying pipes or cables, or preparing floor plans.

It can be configured to display metric (meters and centimeters) or imperial (feet and inches) units of measure.


THE mobile implements waterproof technology Let your phone survive more than just a stream of water.

The latest Cat S61 smartphone is fully waterproof up to 3 meters for 60 minutes. With lock switch, a feature that seals all audio ports to ensure the phone can be operated at depths of up to 5 meters for 1 hour.

Cat smartphone touchscreens are equipped with innovative wet finger tracking technology, which means that the screen can be used normally even when wet.

Impact resistance

The cell phone has a Corning® Gorilla® Glass screen. In addition, it is equipped with technology that allows you to work with gloves and wet finger tracking.

It has an ultra-bright screen, perfect for when trying to read the phone in direct sunlight. And high-quality, high-level audio for working in noisy environments.

As they comment … "capable of falling from 1.8 meters on a steel surface, up to 30 times and in different orientations, without feeling the blow."

In addition, it complies with and is certified with the Military Defense Specifications (Mil-Spec). Resistance and protection against dust, shock, water, vibration and extreme temperatures.

Wet finger technology

It is a technology implemented by Caterpillar that allows you to use the smartphone with wet or wet fingers on the touch screen, outdoors in the rain or if the device is completely soaked with water.

With this technology we can also use the mobile with gloves on, ideal for work environments on site, construction or the industrial sector.

CAT S61 mobile technical characteristics

As we have been able to verify, we are in front of a telephone destined to serve us in our daily work. It may not be the most powerful on the market, but it does have utilities that will save us a lot of time in our daily work.

We've been looking, and from Amazon, you can buy thermal camera phone with CAT official page from HERE. You can also check more information from the official Cat Phones page.

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