How to care for fruit trees

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Planting fruit trees can be quite a bargain, since in addition to serving as decorative elements in your garden they serve to later collect a lot of fruit that is so good for Our organism.

Tips for caring for fruit trees

For the ones fruit trees they can be developed correctly, you have to take good care of them and ensure that their environment and space is the one you need by species and characteristics. Follow these tips and you will be in top shape:

  • The first thing you should do is calculate the size that it will reach in the future to place it in the best possible place and not have to transplant it later. Each species reaches approximate measurements, although you can always control its size by pruning the branches that become annoying if they are near a window or block a passageway.
  • When you plant it, it must be in a very bright place, either in a pot or on the ground, but that receives light, although not directly the sun's rays since the leaves could burn.
  • An ideal place for its location can be near a wall, especially if it is white, since this way the sunlight will be distributed over the entire surface of the tree and not only in the area that the wall will not be covering.
  • Keep in mind that if you place them near a wall it is very likely that the branches they stick out to the street when they grow up, so watch their pruning so that it does not obstruct the passage of whoever passes through the street.
  • You also have to take into account the temperature of the chosen location since fruit trees need a warm and stable environment that does not suffer drastic changes in temperature.
  • You must keep the humidity of the earth always on the same level and prevent it from drying out completely, although be careful that it does not puddle since it is bad for it to be dry but it is also bad for its surface to flood.

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