Monterrey with the first zero energy building in Latin America

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Monterrey with efficient buildings

Throughout the extensive territory of Mexico there are not only large cities such as Guadalajara or CDMX with an important economic and habitability potential that provide great benefits to the development of the country. Other cities are emerging that are marked with the word sustainability, environmental respect, growth or innovation. We are talking about cities such as León, Tijuana, Querétaro, Puebla or the city with the second highest index of urban sustainability, Monterrey.

According to the IESE Cities in Motion 2022, which measures an index the sustainability of the main cities in the world and the quality of life of its inhabitants. In the entire territory of Mexico, in the first place is the Mexican capital (Position 87), then Monterrey (Position 111) and Guadalajara (Position 121), but… What is happening in Monterrey to be in second position?

If we look at the city of Monterrey and its metropolitan area (ZMM), in recent years it has been distinguished throughout the territory by a prosperous economic growth in the face of unprecedented business and industrial activity whose effects are directly benefiting the population. Not only do they mean more employment or greater purchasing power that provides an improvement in the stability of the home, it is also a contribution for the administrations that have more money to provide better services to their inhabitants; better infrastructures, services, better urban planning, more security … etc.

Building sustainable buildings

New urban areas, more efficient districts and more efficient new buildings are growing to meet new needs. If we look at the numbers, in Monterrey, there are approximately 21 buildings that are being built with class «A +», «A» and «B», they represent around 204,662 m2 built new, according to what the new construction developer Habiteca tells us. the next two years will come into service providing added value to the city in terms of modernity and architectural quality.

A boiling business activity that undoubtedly creates a chain of attraction for other companies that will bring benefits to the area and therefore, the real estate sector grows, which is one of the main drivers of a local economy.

New buildings that when they go into operation will not only benefit the company or the citizen, but will also contribute their grain of sand in the face of climate change. It must be remembered that companies are looking for spaces that have greater functionality, equipment, efficiency and services, and projects with certifications governed by sustainability are an undoubted attraction for the business sector.

The first building with almost zero energy consumption in Latin America

With an uncertain ecological future we must begin to take measures and more recognizing that buildings, buildings represent around a third of all greenhouse gas emissions, so they are a main objective to use strategies to reduce their spending energetic. Without comparing it to other economic sectors, the potential is enormous in reducing emissions:

So we must begin to contemplate the construction of buildings that have a zero energy balance where all the energy that can be used must be rewarded and replaced based on energy generated in a renewable way.

Opportunity is born out of change. As is known to all, great opportunities are born in the difference, as new markets flourish, whose opening responds to changes in mentality and therefore to the needs of consumers. In the same way, the new regulations that are appearing introduce requirements that probably have not been covered to date and that are aimed at respecting the environment and why not, saving us a few coins on the electricity bill. This is where one of the most recognized certifications worldwide enters, buildings with almost zero energy consumption with the NZEB (Net Zero Energy Building) certification and has arrived in Monterrey.

The Zero Energy Building organization has registered the first building aspiring to the Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB) certification in Latin America. The Property will be built in the developing area of Arboleda, in Monterrey.

With this action from The city of Monterrey seeks to start a business trend that truly favors the well-being of the environment and a better future for citizens..

New buildings in Monterrey, new houses, new developments are synonymous with progress towards a promising future but we also have to remember that every city has an identity and it is partly due to its traditional architecture. The fine line between the possibility of rehabilitating real estate or opting for new construction, must be in balance with all the parties involved, from the administration, architects, urban planners, promoters of buildings and homes, to the custom house builder and the city's own inhabitants who want to protect those architectural elements that have been and are, part of their cultural identity.

Talking about architectural sustainability is a broader concept than reducing the energy consumption of a building. We understand sustainable development as "one that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs" (World Commission on Environment and Development).

To develop a sustainable urban model we have to attend to controlling four fundamental factors: land, energy, water and materials.

We should therefore design strategic plans where we justify the use of all the components of our project taking into account the resources used and thus demonstrate that we are capable, at least, of really thinking about what we are doing and what its future impact is.

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