Forest School: covered in plants and crowned with a cycling track - Green Ecologist

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The green school

Architecture has long been opting for sustainability at its best and exploring a more intense relationship with nature at all levels.

Another palpable trend is that the roofs of buildings are no longer "simple elements" to protect buildings from inclement weather or rain, they are evolving in a resounding way!

Now, they are reused, they are used more than ever, architectural elements are created that a few years ago were unthinkable to conceive with examples as surprising and already built as the incineration plant that produces energy and is a ski slope.

Today, it's time to see the winning project of a competition for the construction of a school in the city of Pune (approximately 3 hours by road from Mumbai - India). Forest school project!

A future school that will be built next year and is made up of two buildings in cylindrical shape covered by a hanging green mantle the style of the vertically landscaped walls and, united and finished off on the deck, by an infinite cycling track in the shape of an 8.

What if! Except for an educational center - at first glance - it seems like everything. But we are facing a very well-founded design by the architecture studio Nudes that has been maintaining the difficult balance between respecting nature and architecture for years.

THE Forest educational center it's not just a school, it is also a new vertical green lung for the city. A city that has witnessed a dramatic urban growth totally uncontrolled in the last decade. Now, building respecting the environment is not an option, it is already an obligation.

The originality of the project is not only in the building itself, it is what it contributes to a city consumed by excessive construction

Each cylindrical volume represents a formative stage of the educational system implanted in India that wants to provide a dynamic and vibrant space for student learning.

The educational building houses six floors with a total constructed area of approximately 11,500 square meters. It occupies the front end of a rectangular-shaped plot, the rest of which will be used for sports areas.

On the ground floor, the central atrium cuts through the section of the building catching light from the roof, creating a social space that allows natural ventilation in all learning spaces.

In its different floors we can distinguish multiple classrooms, workshop areas, an auditorium, etc., which in its entirety will house learning environments, from early childhood education, up to grade 12.

The "green" skin that covers the building can be cared for and maintained by a peripheral service road that can be accessed both from the levels of the gardens themselves and from the ground floors formed by the internal floors.

To compensate for the urban density of the city of Pune, where recreational spaces are really scarce, the roof is an 8-shaped 'loop' designed as a cycle track. Apart from its main function, it can be used for different activities such as workshops, student exhibitions, concerts, markets and other events.

«El Bosque» is conceptualized as an institution that promotes practical learning, ecological learning and sustainability, networked communities or experimental learning with the improvement of air quality and the health of students through a greener and greener building.

Escuela Forestal presents a new opportunity to rethink the way in which educational institutions are built with approaches that respect the environment and intentions to reduce the impact of the building on climate change. See also the article on a very green building for its uniqueness.

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