I already warned you that the electricity bill would go up in August

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Has everyone's electricity bill gone up in August?

Last month, specifically on August 3, 2013, the new access tolls that apply from August 1 and the new TUR prices were published.

With the entry of the new year the TUR suffered an increase, reaching its historical maximum of€ 0.150938 / kWh. In April the TUR had a very important drop, with kWh being paid to0,138658 €, for in July to go back up to € 0.140728 / kWh. During these ups and downs the price of the power term (the “permanent”) Has always been constant (it has been since April 2012), so the variation in the electricity bill only depended on the cost of the kWh.

At the time I published an article "My bill goes up 42% in August" where I analyzed, with the data of the proposal for the new access tolls, how these would affect my bill for June. It is time to recalculate these numbers with the real data.

Has everyone's electricity bill gone up in August?…. The answer is no, since there is a strong increase in the power term and a dysfunction in the cost of the energy consumed. Analyzing only the TUR rate, we go from a power term of€ 21.893189 / kW and year to€ 35.649473 / kW and year, which represents a rise in62,83%.

In my article I justified that access tolls increased by76,55%. This data is erroneous according to what was published in the IET / 1491/2013 where the access tolls for power termination is of€ 31.649473 / kW and year (31, 649473 + € 4 = TUR price).

The rise compared to the initial proposal is only one0,19%, going from€ 31,590425 / kW and year to€ 31.649473 / kW and year.

The rise from€ 17.893189 / kW and year (17.893189 + € 4 = TUR price April 2012) does not represent a76,55 % but a76,88%(a0.33% more).

We analyze the price of the energy term:

The price they have set for the kWh of the TUR is0,124985 €. This assumes adescent of17,19% from highs ofJanuary, a9,86% down fromApril and a11,19% down with respect toJuly.

The price set in the resolution is higher than the one I calculated for my article of€ 0.124886 / kWh. The reason is that the order IET / 1491/2013 marks an access toll for the term of energy of€ 0.053255 / kWh (0.053255 + 0.07173 = 0.124985) which is higher than that indicated in the proposal for€ 0.053156 / kWh (0.053156 + 0.07173 = 0.124886) in a0.19% (the same percentage as the power term).

We give an example and with the new prices we recalculate my June invoice:

  • 4.4 kW x 58 days x € 0.097670 / kW day (35.649473 / 365) =24,93 €
  • 90 kWh x (0.053255 + 0.07173) € / kWh = 11,25 €
  • Electricity tax (36.18 x 1.05113 x 4.864%) = 1,85 €
  • Equipment rental = 1,09 € (We will see how much this concept rises in the coming years)
  • VAT (€ 39.12) =8,22 €
  • Total:47,34 €

Based on my June invoice, which amounted to36,49 €, what it means with these new prices10,85 € more and a raise of just one29,73 %. You can see that the rises of the0,19% With respect to the initial proposal in my case it supposes an increase of one4%(“exactly”).

How does that 0.19% more vary for you?…. I suppose that that 0.19% more will mean that more than one goes from a lower bill compared to June to a rise in August.

The solution to the rise of light is still the same as always: Consume less (Consuming home electricity more efficiently and applying more consistent energy efficiency guidelines). In order to be more efficient, we must start by knowing how, when and where we consume (electrical) energy. This equipment will help you to locate inefficient consumptions and thus be able to eliminate them.

+ Info:

  • Simple analysis of the new tolls.

How was the electricity bill for August presented to you?… Have you had any surprises?

Article prepared by Carlos Martin de Arcos (Energy Advisor and expert in Information Technology, Energy and Communications) Access to his website … www.cmdearcos.es. In collaboration with OVACEN. Follow us on Google+

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