Masks: 11 Questions resolved before buying ffp2, ffp3, surgical or hygienic - Green Ecologist

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Masks to combat Coronavirus

This past week we were asking colleagues about what kind of masks exist to stop the Coronavirus (COVID19) and which ones they should buy. Although we have been with the subject for a long time, in reality, there are still many doubts (We discussed something in the article on the keys to the coronavirus in construction).

If we add to this the entry of "fashion fashion" so that we can all wear the best mask on the terrace, which have little effectiveness, products without any approved certificate against pathogens, or that simply are useless. We have the perfect cocktail to add and sow more "chaos" in the population, but … Can I take them?

As an example of marketing and sowing doubts. A simple look at the Adidas campaign …

But can I take it or not?… Well, YES, but under certain circumstances. It's time to clear doubts based on useful questions and answers, with simple diagrams, to understand what mask can you buy

1.- Who is required to wear a protective mask for the Coronavirus?

The use is for all those over six years, with the exception of: those who have respiratory difficulties, is contraindicated for reasons of disability or health, who carry out an incompatible activity or justified force majeure.

It is application on public roads, outdoor spaces or any closed space for public use as long as it is not possible to maintain an interpersonal safety distance of at least two meters. The regulation that regulates it is Order SND / 422/2020 and can be consulted in this PDF.

2.- What type of mask can I use?

Three types are established according to the situation of the people: healthy people (Hygienic masks), sick people (Surgical masks) and people in contact with the virus (EPI masks - Individual Protection Equipment).

3.- What type of masks should boys and girls use?

In case of using masks, healthy boys and girls from 3 years old should use hygienic masks according to each age range.

There are three sizes, according to each age range, between 3 and 12 years. Remember, also, that it is important that an adult supervises the donning, use and removal of masks.

Boys and girls positive for COVID-19, with positive symptoms or asymptomatic ones, should preferably use surgical or hygienic masks with UNE specification.

Hygienic masks

4.- What function do hygienic masks have?

They are the rrecommended for the general population. Hygienic masks are a complement to physical distancing and hygiene measures recommended by the Ministry of Health in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic (The product is not a PPE or a medical device).

They cover the mouth, nose and chin and are provided with a harness that surrounds the head or is attached to the ears. They are usually made up of one or more layers of textile material and can be reusable or single-use.

With fashion and the entry into the market of large firms. New geotextile and elastic materials are appearing that are reusable and that "fit" to the contour of the face, having a double internal layer where the filter is inserted (On the one hand, we have the mask, and on the other, the filter).

5.- What types of hygienic masks are there?

Its labeling shows compliance with these technical specifications. They are those that are subjected to tests and do not meet the UNE quality standard or have simply carried out tests based on other standards. They can indicate on their labeling that they have undergone these tests and show the results obtained. Those that have not been subjected to tests or verifications.

6.- What should I look at the labeling of a hygienic mask?

Lend pay special attention to whether tests are indicated and its results, especially with UNE standard (There may be other manufacturers that show test results according to other standards or criteria. Test results from different standards are not comparable.)

The reference to the UNE standard ensures compliance with a minimum quality standard which corresponds to the attached image. This same information should also appear on those masks purchased on the internet.

If they are reusable, the manufacturer will indicate the maximum number of washes. From there, the effectiveness of the mask is not guaranteed. Non-reusable items should be disposed of after recommended use.

For reasons of comfort and hygiene, it is usually recommended not to use the mask for more than 4 hours. If it becomes damp or deteriorates due to use, it is recommended to replace it with another.

To know the durability and maintenance you should always look at the manufacturer's instructions

Remember that having a healthy home is also important. We have two reference articles that can expand the information; the first, a guide to healthy homes, and the second, deals with air conditioning and health at home.

Surgical masks

7.- What function do surgical masks have?

The Surgical masks are the ones we are used to seeing in clinical settings. Your goal is prevent healthcare personnel and infected patients from (or suspected of being) transmit infectious agents.

These masks are designed to filter exhaled air. His mission is to protect those around you, avoiding the spread of viruses when sneezing, coughing or talking.

They must have a mechanism that allows them to fit tightly over the nose, mouth and chin of the wearer.

8.- What types of surgical masks are there?

According to its Bacterial Filtration Efficiency (EFB), are from type I or type II. The latter can also be resistant to splashes (blood and other biological fluids) if they are called IIR.

The CE marking ensures that the product complies with the legislation. The reference to the UNE EN 14683 standard ensures compliance with a quality standard.

But … How long do they last? It depends on the manufacturer. Always consult instructions. When you notice it wet or dirty, change it. It is usually recommended not to wear the mask for more than 4 hours. In the event that it becomes damp or deteriorates due to use, it is recommended to replace it with another.

They can be purchased at any establishment and must be sold packaged. EYE !!… Only pharmacies can sell surgical masks individually unpackaged and they must be supplied in a format that guarantees their protection against contamination before use.

Only pharmacies can sell individually unwrapped surgical masks

You have to be especially careful with counterfeits that are being sold. Certificates that are not valid or outright false are being reported every day.

Remember, that if there is contagion, at home and with the family, we should take it in addition to practicing a more exhaustive cleaning as we discussed in the article on how to clean your home from viruses and dirt thoroughly.

People who have been infected, have symptoms or are positive asymptomatic, what mask do I have to wear? The use of surgical masks is recommended. The type Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), among which is the FFP2, are recommended only for people in contact with the virus and for vulnerable groups, always under medical prescription (Remember our interesting article on how infrared thermography can detect fever )

Our advice, if you must use a surgical mask directly, buy it at a neighborhood pharmacy (you will promote neighborhood commerce and make sure that you are buying a properly certified product) from trusted sellers, avoiding dubious online sites and suspiciously cheap or flashy offers.

Masks FFP1 FFP2 and FFP3 - EPI

9.- What function do EPI masks have?

This type of Masks are Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and mainly recommended for use by professionals to create a barrier between a potential hazard and the user. They may also be recommended for vulnerable groups due to medical indications.

The EPI masks Their purpose is to filter the inhaled air avoiding the entry of polluting particles into our body.

If you are not a professional, you are not in contact with the virus or do not have risk activities related to COVID-19, you do not need this type of mask to protect yourself from contagion, except for a medical indication.

They are masks for preferential use by professionals - people who are in contact with the virus

10- What types of EPI masks are there?

Depending on their filtration efficiency, they can be of three types: FFP1, FFP2, and FFP3. For their part, those with Particulate filters are divided into P1, P2 and P3. In other words, we have:

  • FFP1 masks (Average: 78% minimum filtration efficiency, 22% leakage to the outside)
  • FFP2 masks (Average: 92% minimum filtration efficiency, 8% leakage to the outside)
  • FFP3 masks (Average: 98% minimum filtration efficiency, 2% leakage to the outside)

The CE marking, followed by four numbers, ensures that the product complies with the legislation. The reference to the UNE EN-149 standard ensures compliance with a quality standard.

The NR marking indicates that the product is Non-Reusable and the R marking, that it is Reusable. The mask type (FFP1, FFP2, and FFP3) and the filter (P1, P2, and P3).

You can consult all the properties as well as classification, manufacture and application regulations from HERE.

11- Summary table of types of masks for sale

As we have seen, masks can be divided into hygienic, surgical, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) where the famous FFP1, FFP2 and FFP3 are found, as well as other masks. In the following diagram we can quickly identify what we need:

And the million dollar question … When does the mandatory wear protection end? At the moment, the Official State Gazette that regulates the mandatory nature of masks, does not specify an end date. We will have to wait for the Government to rule on the matter.

One issue that many people are still unclear about is how do you use the mask, and, as a minor example, the following video:

Extra information points:

  • Consumption remember that hygienic and surgical masks are recommended for the general population … from HERE.
  • What should you take into account when buying a mask?… From the Ministry of Consumer Affairs in PDF HERE.
  • General information point from the Ministry of Health… from HERE.
  • The World Health Organization has just published a guide from HERE (It is in English)

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