Free MOOC course urban development and housing

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MOOC in urban and housing development in Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America and the Caribbean are experiencing a rapid urbanization process that brings with it dangers and many opportunities for the integral and sustainable development of this area.How can urban sprawl be managed and sustainable urban planning applied effectively? How can decent housing be ensured for the growing population in cities? What to do with the accelerated birth of informal neighborhoods in developing cities? How can urban heritage be valued and historic centers revitalized?This course aims to answer these questions through theoretical resources, videos, practical activities, lessons learned and case studies that allow the participant-user to understand the context of the urban landscape of Latin America and the Caribbean.Also, a care is made to connect the participants and their experiences, provoking a dialogue and working on joint solutions to the problems at a general and particular level that we find in cities and their areas.

East MOOC urban development course It is aimed at public officials from Latin America and the Caribbean who work or are involved in the field of urban development and housing. It was also developed, keeping in mind the actors who, through the study or their daily work, are having a greater approach to this theme and its derivations.

All those registered will have the opportunity to participate in an activity that will allow them to apply in an aggregate way the contents studied throughout the course and based on this, present an urban intervention in their city. The authors of the most outstanding works will be invited to exhibit it at ¡Viva el Centro! an event organized by the Inter-American Development Bank.

AGENDA of the MOOC urban development and housing:

  • Basic concepts of urban development
  • Challenges and implications of the rapid expansion of cities
  • Principles of land use planning and urban planning
  • On the formulation of public policies to mitigate negative effects of informality
  • To analyze real experiences and apply them to your own contexts

Registration and participation in the course are completely free. There are two ways to get a certificate: a free honor certificate if you meet the stipulated academic expectations and another for people who want a valid certificate of participation for their work. To obtain this certificate for your work, you must check this option and register with a one-time fee of US $ 25.

The duration is 6 weeks with six hours per week and it is totally free, taught in Spanish. Take advantage of it!

The course begins on July 14, 2015. That is, today…. Sorry for not informing before… You can access it from HERE (MOOC EDX training platform)

Another online course of interest, the course on urban policies taught by the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

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