Energy Certificate Observations Section

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What observations to add to the Energy Certificate?

I believe that all Certifying Technicians must understand that the writing of the Energy Certificate supposes to give "faith" of a series of characteristics that fall on a specific property. Where the Technician who signs such Document assumes a series of responsibilities both before our client and with the pertinent Administrations. Where the section of the energy certificate observations acquires its importance.

At this point, we should include a series of Observations - in our opinion - that supports the coherent and professional drafting of the Energy Certificate in the event of possible legal actions by our client or other entities.

Energy Certificate Observations:

1.- A section that I think is important and in the latest version of the CE3X program (On the Label) a phrase that may interest us has disappeared (I don't think it no longer appears in CE3) given that the programs for existing buildings calculated based on a standard Rating. It would add:

“It is observed that the Energy Consumption and its Carbon Dioxide Emissions are those obtained by Program ____, for normal operating and occupancy conditions.The actual Energy Consumption of the Building and its Carbon Dioxide Emissions will depend onthe operating and functioning conditions of the building and the weather conditions, among other factors. "

* Let us remember that in Decree 47/2007 for New Construction it is mandatory that it appear (Annex II. Point 5)

2.- The only way to identify a property is via Cadastre, since our client will not provide us with any Registry Doc, contemplating two cases:

2.1.- Cadastral Ref. Is from the matrix or its data does not match:

«It is observed that there are discrepancies between the physical reality of the property and the data thrown according to the indicated Cadastral Ref., In terms of the description and / or location, which does not induce doubts about its identification or characteristics and that do not foreseeably influence the securities issued in this Certificate. »

2.1.- We do not have or cannot obtain the Cadastral Ref.:

"It is observed that it has not been possible to know the cadastral reference of the property nor has it been possible to obtain cadastral data of the same by telematic consultation of the Virtual Land Registry Office."

3.- Customer data:

"It is noted that the information attached in the" Customer data "section of this Report are those provided verbally by the Registrar of the property."

4.- With reference to the shadow pattern, since the data collection will be generic:

«It is observed that the“ Shadow Pattern ”contemplated for the purposes of this Report refers to the best approximation that the Certifying Technician has been possible to obtain for the analyzed typology. Limited only to a generic data collection of the environment. "

5.- Regarding the proposed improvements, I think it is important that coherent and economic values appear. An example would be those provided in the CE3X program:

«It is observed that the proposed improvements and the generic items of construction costs adopted in the economic analysis for an increase in the possible improvement in their rating are indicative. Based on data that has been extracted from specialized magazines, taking into account its location, current market situation, type and qualities of the Certified good. "

6.- Regarding the visit:

«It is observed that the Certifying Technician who signs this Report is not responsible for the possible existence of hidden defects, alterations in the facilities and construction of the property, which could affect the rating expressed in the Report. The data obtained from the verifications of the property in this report have been limited only to an on-site visual inspection of the property. »

7.- Another observation to add that we should take into account is the validity period of the Energy Certificate according to the Royal Decree Project:

"It is observed that this Report has an expiration date of 10 years from the date of writing this report."

8.- We must observe those calculations assumed by the Technician that represents an action not included in the Program used to draft the Energy Certificate.

The glossary of observations provided is of our own writing, taking into account our experience and with the aim of “covering our backs” against possible legal actions. It would be interesting to be able to collate different opinions on this matter.


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