10 Free Courses for Architects and Engineers - Green Ecologist

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Training courses for architects and engineers

We return to the charge to try to train for free about the world of architecture and engineering with this compilation of free courses for architects and engineers. They are free MOOC courses provided by the main universities and training platforms that will help us expand our knowledge this summer without having to shell out a coin.

By the way, we want to remember that we already published an article with a free architecture course from Harvard University. Which seems to be still online and we can sign up.

Free online training

We recall that the purpose of MOOCs is to offer free courses normally taught by Universities or important organizations to make themselves known.

All courses are online and free without having to pay a single euro, yes, in a high percentage if a certificate of attendance and approval of the course is required, normally it has a cost for the certification that is really not very high if we have in who teaches them counts.

1) Curves in Engineering and Architecture

From the Polytechnic University of Madrid they offer us a course that deals with curves in the field of engineering and architecture. To better understand the objective of this MOOC, you'd better leave the presentation video:

It can be accessed from HERE.

2) creativity, design, and innovation techniques

Taught by the National Autonomous University of Mexico in conjunction with the University of Arizona. It is literally just getting started, so whoever is interested in the world of design and creativity, this is a good opportunity. Four modules make up the course:

  • Be more creative
  • Innovation
  • Understand the layout
  • Techniques and tools

It can be accessed from HERE.

3) Course how to self-build your home

The course to self-build your home and it is taught by the National Autonomous University of Mexico. The objective is to learn the basics and step-by-step procedures so that a self-construction of a safe and affordable home can be carried out.

The course has four modules that will be taught over 4 weeks:

  • Terrain arrangement
  • Foundations
  • Walls
  • Mixtures

The course can be accessed from HERE.

4) Introduction to Parametric Design in Architecture

From the University of Anáhuac in Mexico they offer us an introductory course to parametric design in architecture. It is the second edition that deals with techniques of rationalization and modeling of architectural design geometry as well as an introduction to Rhinoceros through the Grasshopper.

It can be accessed from HERE. And also, these articles with more courses are interesting:

9 Free Online Excel Courses 2022: Basic, Medium and Advanced Level

8 Free BIM courses and modeling projects with Revit

60 Free courses from the UNAM University of Mexico

5) Construction of wooden structures in a traditional way

Another course taught by the Polytechnic University of Madrid where the basic secrets on which the construction of wooden structures is based from the traditional perspective are taught.

It can be accessed from HERE.

6) Introduction to biomaterials

Although the start date of this course is yet to be determined, it seems quite interesting considering the current architectural trends. We find it quite interesting!

You can access it from HERE.

7) Introduction to sustainable construction

This course is supported by the University of Cantabria in its fifth edition. Course taught in Spanish and English with the aim of knowing the main elements of sustainable construction, its objectives, trends … etc.

It can be accessed from HERE.

8) Two interesting courses for personnel management

In this case we recommend two free courses from IESE Business School focused on the keys to managing personnel and teams where some tools and practices in the field of human resources are explored to be more efficient in teamwork.

  • Keys to Managing People. It can be accessed from HERE.
  • The management of people and teams. It can be accessed from HERE.

9) Architecture courses in English

One of the largest training platforms is EDX but it mainly encompasses courses taught in English. For those who do not have problems with the language, the reality is that they offer a lot of courses in the field of architecture and from large universities. It is a highly recommended option where we can obtain courses certified by large international institutions.

We can access the platform from HERE.

10) Courses with LinkedIn Learning

The reality is that we have a lot of platforms that offer free courses for architects, engineers, designers … etc. But not much we remember that the all powerful LinkedIn platform also offers courses.

Results only for the keyword «architecture». Courses 31 and resources in total 116.

I'm talking about the LinkedIn Learning platform. The main advantage of training through LinkedIn Learning They are the professionals who teach the courses, quality, quality and quality, apart from dealing with professionals who are up-to-date in their field.

The disadvantage is that we only have the first month free. So it is worth taking advantage of a month that you have time to start training. And another topic …

It is important to have visibility on Linkedin and a good profile. We have an extensive article on visibility techniques and on courses to learn LinkedIn where you will understand how this professional network works.

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