9 Security measures for home: How to avoid theft

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Security measures for protect the home and prevent theft

In this article we will cover tips and security measures to prevent theft at home, low cost, and what can we do to prevent theft ordomestic accidents during the vacation period or when we are not at home.

One of the problems we encounter every summer is the insecurity caused by the absence of occupants in our home for a long period of time.

To have the confidence that we will not suffer an unpleasant surprise after the holidays, it is advisable to take a series of measures that guarantee the safety of the home but first we wanted to provide some numbers … What kinds of properties steal the most?

We can see that chalets are a good target, followed by businesses, flats, warehouses and offices. But… What are the most frequent methods of theft?

Types of measures to protect against theft

We must think that there is a classification within the security measures to prevent theft at home:

one-. Passive protection measures against theft

Passive measures will consist of reinforcing possible accesses: doors and windows. We will check the perfect closing of windows and sliding doors with access to the outside; the arrangement of armored, armored or, at least, security door is convenient.

Relax, what are we going to see in more detail? what security measures are the best

two-. Active protection measures against theft

Active measures will focus on the control of facilities and the installation of alarm systems.

Security measures for home

Any precautions and home security measure It is not enough to avoid annoyance when we return from the summer day.

With the arrival of summer and the long-awaited holidays, it is necessary to take a series of measures to prevent theft in flats, not only in homes, but also documents or other valuables on the street, in the vehicle, etc.

In addition, we forget too many times that through other means (social networks, mobile phones, theft of purses and wallets, car theft … etc) they can get both the keys to our home and information to determine if we are at home or on vacation, and proceed to rob our home without any concern.

We go back to the numbers to see what happens with the security measures for a houseWhat are the most common protection measures? and above all, What protection measures are most effective?

It is also interesting to see … What are the most used protection measures?

Now, it's time to see tips to prevent theft at home and chalets …

Measures to prevent theft at home

The security measures for a house they can be very varied; from cameras, armored doors, home automation systems for security, etc., but also, habits are our weaknesses that thieves take advantage of.

Prevention is the best security tip to prevent theft And, although we can more or less understand what to do, there are some issues that we must consider and that we often forget:

1.- Pretend that the house is notempty

Four out of ten home thefts take place during the months of June, July and August, the summer time in the Northern Hemisphere. In addition, every two minutes a theft is recorded in an apartment or house in that hemisphere, a fact that clearly indicates that the measures we take to prevent these incidents are insufficient.

On vacation, you have to "pretend" as if you were at home. 70% of thefts are avoided

Installing an alarm or any electronic security system as a deterrent is no longer enough. We can use some other simple method that indicates that the apartment is not uninhabited, such as placing lights that turn on and off with a timer, keeping the mailbox empty, the blinds half down or leaving some clothes hanging.

You can also suggest to a trusted neighbor or family member that they be attentive to any strange situation and for greater security, we recommend, at a minimum, a surveillance camera for inside the house (We have a very extensive article on security cameras for homes and well detailed)

2.- Control of the facilities

It is advisable during our absence to give the impression that the house remains inhabited, for this we will act on certain facilities.

The control of the facilities will consist of the automation of certain routines that we usually carry out in our daily life; such as the lighting of luminaires or the activation of blinds.

Home automation can prevent theft if we can manage or program blinds and lights

Homes that have home automation installation, will be able to program the operation of blinds and lights without much difficulty, among other options such as:

In the case of homes without home automation, an easy way to turn on luminaires is the provision of a lane timer in the electrical panel, linked to the lighting circuit.

If the blinds are not powered by motors, we must leave them half open, so that the lighting can be seen, giving the impression that the house is inhabited.

3.- Installation of alarm system

The other active protection mode is the alarm, to be arranged by specialists, it will have volumetric detectors that cover the possible entry routes, and with a central connected by telephone or radio to the police.

The simple fact of having some sign that warns about the installation of an alarm system will already be an effective preventive measure, diverting the attention of the thief to an easier "prey".

4.- Beware of social networks

The fact that new technologies and especially social networks are practically available to anyone and that the use of social networks is becoming more and more common, has caused many thieves to search for their victims through them.

Thus, simple status updates that announce a user's vacation period together with the activation of geolocation on the networks serve as a tray for possible theft at home.

Do not comment on social networks that you are going on vacation. Thieves may be spying on you!

It is important not to give too many details about the days on which you are going to be absent, and above all to keep the option that indicates where the home is located deactivated, even the photographs that are uploaded to the web from a mobile terminal may imply the current location data, in case they are uploaded during the holidays, or old, for example photos of the flat.

5.- Beware of online purchases

It is advisable to avoid the use of public computer equipment such as cybercafes, stations or airports to carry out commercial transactions through the network.

In addition, when accessing a purchase page it is very important to check that the site is secure, and with regard to payment, to use a credit card instead of a debit card as much as possible, since fraudulent operations are easier to cancel.

6.- Beware of theft of latest generation devices

Not only the most modern mobiles, such as smartphones or blackberries, but also other electronic devices such as tablets or laptops, seem to have become indispensable for users, who do not hesitate to take them with them during the holidays, many of them with a lot of personal information saved in memory, from addresses to passwords or important documents.

It is advisable to make backup copies of everything that we consider confidential, and if possible to reinforce the security of the device with a password or unlocking pattern, avoiding simple passwords such as the birthday date, in addition to never applying the "remember password" option when we access a site on the web.

6.- Vehicle thefts

To avoid theft of the vehicle, a good measure is to drive with the locks on and the windows closed or with an opening of no more than two inches.

In addition, it is advisable to circulate through busy and illuminated places, travel accompanied as much as possible and park the car in a lighted place, and when getting out of it, check that the doors are properly closed and try not to leave the keys in the ignition or at the door.

7.- The environment of your home is also important

8.- Theft in public spaces

A large number of thefts occur when walking on the street and especially in crowds, so it is convenient, among other security measures:

  • Bring your bag or backpack forward.
  • Never carry the wallet in the back pocket of the pants but close to the body.
    Avoid wearing the camera around your neck.
  • Do not count money in public.
  • Try not to talk on the mobile phone in the street.
  • Try not to wear a lot of jewelry to avoid attracting attention.
  • Do not neglect your belongings.
  • Pay attention to strange attitudes that could be distraction maneuvers, such as shoving, requesting a signature, questions about directions, etc.
  • Beware of street gambling, which is generally a fraud.

9.- Measures against theft

  • In the case of returning home and seeing that the door frame has been tampered with, a broken window or something strange or unusual, the most prudent thing is to immediately call the police from your own mobile phone or failing that from the home of a neighbor and provide the address and a contact telephone number.
  • Keep the phone line free until the police arrive.
  • Seek medical assistance if necessary.
  • Do not touch anything that could be used to obtain a trace of fingerprints or other clues about the authors.
  • Try to look at the physical characteristics of the thieves and the details that can help the police to identify them later, such as clothing, direction of flight, vehicle registration, etc.
  • And above all, try to act calmly and prudently in situations of risk or intimidation

In short, any precaution, including small details, can avoid major surprises both during and after the holidays. And in the case of having suffered some type of theft, it is best to report it as soon as possible.

How to prevent accidents at home

To avoid accidents caused by the failure of any of the facilities, automation must be arranged to respond to an unforeseen event.

Accident caused by water entering the house

One of the accidents on which we can act is the possible leakage of water produced inside our home due to the malfunction of any of the elements that make up the plumbing installation: valves, pipes, heaters or taps.

The solution would consist in the provision of humidity detectors at ground level, connected with two-way solenoid valves, to be arranged at the access of the water source to the house.

At the moment in which the accidental spillage of water to the floor occurs, the circuit will be closed, activating the two-way valve and cutting off the water inlet.

Accident caused by gas leak at home

Another possible domestic accident to avoid is the gas leak. For this we would install gas detectors in the kitchen, differentiating between the different gases used.

In the case of butane and propane, since they are gases denser than air, they accumulate in the lower part of the room, therefore the detector must be located as close to the floor as possible.

In the case of natural gas, the opposite occurs, so it must be installed as close to the ceiling as possible. The installation would be completed with a solenoid valve to be installed in the gas inlet pipe to the house -outside-.

With these common sense measures, with a reduced economic cost, we will considerably reduce the risks of suffering an incident during our vacations.

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