Images of changing architectural landscapes - Green Ecologist

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Changing Landscape Images by Petey Ulatan

Sometimes you meet people who are capable of changing reality through photography and, above all, they are totally credible. Photographers who with their different vision contribute images of landscapesarchitectural styles that break aesthetics with an imaginative forcefulness that stands out from absolute reality. It is no longer just about seeing the landscape, it is going further, it is about what the urban environment we inhabit could be like.

Here digital photography comes into play, wisely combined with a touch of video and peppered with surreal collage, all combined by the artist. Petey ulatan, with the concern to transform the architectural landscape most spectacular in cubic formations that challenge the laws of physics at its finest and are an allegory to total hypnosis. A different look, for different times!

Although it seems that it is an image, no. Play the next video!

Where water flows horizontally and vertically at the same time and skies are squared into infinity …

Cities folded in on themselves and twisted architectural landscapes in their 90 degrees show us a world parallel to reality with unmistakable reminiscences of science fiction films like Inception. Do not miss its ability to surprise and dazzle you, authentic wonders of nature and architecture in digital format.

Able to bend Paris!… A landscape architecture that amazes with the vision of the famous Eiffel Tower and his or her environment.

"We have the power to take the natural beauty that surrounds us and create our own worlds"

Images of seas where the waves intermingle in their directions …

In his Instagram account he has an infinity of videos that enhance the beauty of the landscape around the world … Check Petey Ulatan's website HERE or his wonderful Instagram account HERE.

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