Energy saving measures and energy efficiency improvement.

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We analyze saving measures and improvement of energy efficiency in buildings.

In this article we intend to delve into the knowledge and energy efficiency measures necessary to be able to design an efficient building from the perspective of savings. We answer what energy measures we must apply to the building and how to apply the basic guidelines to obtain an adequate energy saving in buildings or homes.

Improvement measures in existing buildings


A.1.-IMPROVEMENTS OF THE THERMAL ENVELOPE. With them, it is possible to reduce the energy losses or gains of the home, so that in summer the heat flow from the outside to the inside is reduced and in winter it is avoided to lose the heat from the inside to the outside, optimizing energy behavior of the thermal envelope and reducing energy demands for heating in winter, as well as for cooling in summer, these measures are as follows:

- Winter: The heat does not leave the house, less demand for heating.

- Summer: The heat does not enter the house, less demand for cooling.

A.1.1.-IMPROVE THERMAL INSULATION. If we focus on the energy saving measures isolation is an important point. Having thermal insulation panels on facades, roofs, false ceilings and floors in the case of horizontal elements on outdoor space or non-heated premises. In the case of the façade, its position is very important since by transposing it externally it is achieved that all the layers of the enclosure are at a temperature close to that of the interior environment, notably improving thermal insulation, eliminating all thermal bridges and avoiding condensations, being nevertheless the most expensive solution due to the cost of the assembly of scaffolding and auxiliary means. The interior cladding is very economical but less recommended because it leaves areas at risk of condensation and thermal bridges. There is also the possibility of filling the air chambers with a thermal insulator inside, this being an intermediate solution between the two that also leaves thermal bridges. Regarding the type of insulation to be placed, I would recommend those that also have acoustic insulation properties such as extruded polystyrene, glass fibers, rock wool, polyurethane foams, ecological insulation of cellulose insufflated in chambers and the cellular glass that comes from the recycling of the glass and also has waterproof capacity.

A.1.2.-REPLACEMENT OF THE CARPENTRY AND GLASSES. So that there are carpentry with thermal break, double glazing systems with climalit-type air chamber, glasses with a low solar factor or low emissivity with a treatment that manages to reflect a large part of the solar radiation they receive and therefore both significantly reduce the load that solar radiation can enter the interior of the building. It is recommended to place shutter drawers with thermal insulation included and shutters with slats with insulation inside. It is also convenient to replace the carpentry with others with adequate air permeability, according to the climatic severity of the area where it is located, so that, as established in the Technical Code, for areas with greater severity (climatic zones C, D and E) have lower permeability and are more watertight to achieve better thermal behavior.

A.1.3.-PROPERLY ISOLATE THE AREAS WITH THERMAL BRIDGES. That is to say, as in the enclosures, in the areas where the enclosure is interrupted and loses its thermal inertia, the insulation must be reinforced, in shutter drawers, encounters with pillars, encounters with slabs, and especially in those buildings in Those who, to place radiators for heating, existed the bad practice of making a niche under the windows, reducing their thickness and leaving the enclosure thermally unprotected. If possible, it is always convenient to place the insulation on the outside of the area where the thermal bridge is located.

A.2-IMPROVE THE VENTILATION CONDITIONS OF THE BUILDING AND THE SPACES UNDER COVER. In general, it is always advisable to carry out adequate ventilation to guarantee indoor air quality. In warmer climatic zones, this ventilation is even more important, especially in summer, being convenient to carry out natural cross ventilation and night ventilation, so that the loss of energy will be achieved and dissipate the heat accumulated in the enclosures during the day, for It is therefore recommended in old buildings in these areas to improve their envelope in order to improve their permeability and reduce their tightness, while in colder climates the reverse should be done, reducing permeability and increasing tightness.


B.1.- REPLACEMENT OF THE EQUIPMENT OF THE HEATING INSTALLATION BY WATER AND DOMESTIC HOT WATER WITH OTHERS WITH HIGHER PERFORMANCE. Replacing boilers with other high-performance ones, such as condensing boilers, biomass boilers or an air-water heat pump that exchanges heat with a hydraulic circuit, the underfloor heating system being more efficient.

B.2.- REPLACEMENT OF THE AIR CONDITIONING EQUIPMENT WITH OTHERS WITH HIGHER PERFORMANCE. Most homes currently have this equipment, normally heat pumps, with an indoor Split and an outdoor unit, having to be replaced by others with lower consumption and greater energy efficiency, such as high-efficiency air-air heat pumps.

B.3.- IMPROVE THE HEATING AND HOT WATER DISTRUBUTION NETWORK. In addition to isolating the pipes from the distribution network, incorporating thermostatic valves in the radiators helps to reduce heat losses and achieve a more efficient installation. It is also convenient that the regulation and control equipment of the installation, such as switches, programmers or thermostats, are easily accessible and that they are programmed correctly.

B.4.- IMPROVE PERFORMANCE IN LIGHTING FACILITIES AND OTHER ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT. By replacing the lamps with others with low consumption and high energy efficiency, and having lighting control systems, the rest of the electrical consumption equipment and household appliances, it is convenient that they have an energy rating of A or higher. Do not use the stand-by mode of electrical appliances and turn off the appliances completely when we are using them because they continue to consume energy

B.5.- ESTABLISH HOME AUTOMATION SYSTEMS TO CONTROL THE COMMISSIONING PERIODS ACCORDING TO THE OCCUPATION SCHEDULES OF EACH AREA OF THE BUILDING AND IMPROVE THE MAINTENANCE OF THE FACILITIES. The introduction of home automation and automation, especially if we had the case of a rehabilitation of an office building, will allow us to make the most of and carry out a more efficient management of the building's thermal installations, depending on the climatic conditions. exteriors and demand.

C) INSTALL RENEWABLE ENERGIES. In this case the application of renewable energies such as solar thermal energy for the production of hot water or photovoltaic solar energy for the production of electricity, provided that the characteristics of the building and its facilities allow such implementation to be viable from the point of view from a technical and economic point of view. If not, it will be necessary to choose to implement systems with highly energy efficient facilities and equipment, in accordance with what is indicated in the previous point.

D) MODIFICATIONS IN THE USERS 'HABITS. It is very common for users to program the heating or cooling to temperatures that are not only sometimes outside the parameters of thermal comfort, but also represent a disproportionate increase in energy consumption, so that if we lower the temperature of our heating only 1 ° C, we can achieve energy savings of between 5 and 10% and avoid 300kg of CO2 emissions per household per year. About 20 ° C is enough to have a suitable temperature. The thermostat must be programmed so that it turns off when we are not at home or to maintain a comfortable temperature, being able to achieve a saving between 7 and 15% of energy.

In the case of existing multi-family housing buildings, one of the most efficient proposals would be the implementation of solar thermal energy for sanitary hot water and heating with a heat pump of high energy efficiency, together with measures to improve the thermal envelope (section A .1), so that these measures could simultaneously achieve energy savings ranging between 70% and 80%, and a reduction in CO2 emissions between 40 and 60%. In this case, the highest grade that could be achieved would be a B.

Improvement measures in new construction buildings

A) BUILDING DESIGN WITH BIOCLIMATIC ARCHITECTURE PARAMETERS. This means that, since it is a building to be built, it must be projected and built under bioclimatic techniques that will provide optimal energy saving measures in the home, optimizing to the maximum a series of parameters that, depending on its location, its surroundings and the climatic characteristics of the area, allow its optimal and appropriate behavior to achieve greater energy efficiency and minimize the environmental impact on its surroundings. It also aims to design the building to achieve passive heating in winter and passive cooling in summer, the most important bioclimatic architecture techniques are the following:

Two articles of interest to expand the information:

  • The article of examples of house plans where the plans of 28 ecological houses of large architecture firms are provided.
  • The article on 38 examples of construction systems based on the bioclimatic house. With a perfect manual to understand the importance ofecological building.

A.1.- LOCATION AND ORIENTATION OF THE BUILDING ACCORDING TO THE LOCAL CLIMATE. It must be adapted to the local climate of the area where it is located, since it determines its exposure to the sun and winds, therefore it is convenient to assess both solar radiation, temperatures, relative humidity, rainfall and wind both in summer and winter. The topography, vegetation of the place and possible sources of noise pollution in the vicinity should also be assessed.

A.2.-SIMPLE AND COMPACT DESIGN OF THE BUILDING. A compact building is required, so that the surface of the envelope is reduced in relation to the volume of the building (the smaller the envelope surface, the lower the thermal losses), since an excessive amount of projections or areas with a viewpoint, would increase the demand and energy cost. The form factor being the quotient between the surface of the building and its volume. the lower this is, the greater the capacity of the building to retain heat and therefore in cold climates it is advisable for this factor to vary between 0.5 and 0.8, while for hot climates it should be greater than 1.2. An adequate distribution of spaces is also convenient, disposing to the north the areas of lesser use such as garages.

A.3.-APPROPRIATE DESIGN OF HOLES ACCORDING TO ORIENTATION. Design of the glazed surfaces on each façade depending on its orientation, that is, according to the solar energy provided, recommending between 40% -60% on south facades, 10-15% on north façade, and less than 20% on the east east and west facades. (See more on sunning)

A.4.-THERMAL INERTIA OF THE CONSTRUCTION ELEMENTS OF THE ENVELOPE. In this way, and with high inertia walls and floors, we can smooth the variation in temperature between indoor and outdoor environments, achieving an adequate level of comfort.


A.6.- CONSTRUCTION SYSTEMS AND MATERIALS THAT ALLOW A REDUCTION OF ENERGY DEMAND. Therefore, they must be designed by reinforcing their thermal insulation and air tightness, with certain systems such as the following being recommended:

A.6.1.-LANDSCAPED ECOLOGICAL ROOFS. This system has many advantages, both from an architectural, aesthetic and environmental point of view. Vegetation absorbs pollutants and produces oxygen with the consequent positive effect on the environment. It also improves the total thermal insulation of the roof as well as its acoustic insulation, helping to achieve important conditions of comfort inside.

We can see more and access more than 20 manuals in the article garden roofs where the benefits and disadvantages of this type of design are also investigated.

A.6.2.-VEGETABLE FACADES. Being able to achieve a reduction of the solar contribution of up to 20%, by means of green facades or by planting a row of deciduous trees that help reduce the contribution of solar energy in summer and increase it in winter.

A.6.1.-VENTILATED FAÇADES. Made with ceramic or stone plates on a substructure of metallic profiles, usually aluminum, leaving an air chamber that ventilates by natural convection with the main enclosure, through which a large part of the energy absorbed by the outer layer is dissipated. There are also similar comprehensive solutions with solar thermal and photovoltaic panels integrated into the exterior cladding of the façade.

A.6.3.-DOUBLE GLASS SKIN FACADES. This system is made up of two glazed surfaces, separated from each other by a continuously ventilated air chamber, so that a second outer skin is created, fixed to the wall by an anchor system. In order to be able to control the external solar radiation and reduce its thermal transmittance, said glasses are treated by means of a pigmentation or screen printing process.

A.6.4.-GLASSES WITH SPECIAL PROPERTIES. They can be glasses with the addition of thin dynamic layers, chromogenic glasses capable of changing their color or transparency or glasses with a chamber with circulating fluids, in which the reduction of thermal loads is obtained thanks to the circulation of a fluid through its chamber, since some of them are capable of absorbing part of the incident infrared radiation.

A.7.-PASSIVE PROTECTION ELEMENTS. To avoid excessive heating of some facades with a higher incidence of solar radiation in summer, elements must be projected to control this radiation, these being overhangs, balconies, canopies, structures with mobile elements with adjustable slats, blinds, awnings, etc. Are saving measures that do not entail a significant expense and provide efficient profits.

A.8.-PASSIVE VENTILATION SYSTEMS. By running solar chimneys alongside Canadian wells to ensure air renewal:

A.8.1.-THE SOLAR CHIMNEYS, They are chimneys designed so that the air inside is heated and rises by convection, so that when it rises it generates suction and causes an air current, so that the air enters from the Canadian well, thus ventilating the house.

A.8.2.-CANADIAN WELLS, are a system that takes advantage of the geothermal energy of the ground so that, through buried tubes, circulate the air inside it so that in summer it acts by keeping the environment cool (the ground is colder) and in winter it is warmer (the ground is warmer) benefiting the efficient building.

A.9 .-. PASSIVE HEATING SYSTEMS WITH GLAZED GREENHOUSES AND TROMBE WALLS. The solar greenhouse consists of a glass enclosure attached to the house that takes advantage of the sun's energy that accumulates inside due to the greenhouse effect, since solar radiation enters but cannot leave, heating the interior. Trombe walls are a solar collector formed by an external glass enclosure, an air chamber and a high thermal inertia enclosure, usually stone or concrete, where the sun's energy accumulates so that through perforations in the wall the Air circulates by convention from the lower area to the upper one, entering cold through the lower area and coming out hot in the upper area to then distribute that heat inside the home.

A.10 .-. USE AND REUSE OF RAIN WATER AND WATER SAVING MECHANISMS: In this way, by means of a storage tank and a pumping equipment, rainwater is collected and used for irrigation of plant species as well as for the home's own use when its use does not require it to be potable, also having savings mechanisms. of water in toilets and urinals.

A.11.-USE AND REUSE OF GRAY WATER. The water that comes from the washing machine, the sink and the shower can be reused for the toilet cistern, for which an independent installation is required to collect that water and channel it back to the toilet.

A.12.-COLOR OF THE FACADE. Another aspect that intervenes in the energy exchange mechanism between the house and the exterior is the color of the facade. Light colors on the facade of a building facilitate the reflection of natural light and therefore help repel the heat of sunlight. Contrary to dark colors facilitate solar capture. Although apparently not of a matter of importance, the improve housing energy efficiency Based on the color, it reports palpable benefits that do not hurt the pocket. (Learn more with architecture and color)


B) ENERGY EFFICIENT HEATING, REFRIGERATION, DOMESTIC HOT WATER AND LIGHTING INSTALLATIONS. These facilities will be projected, designed and calculated to obtain their maximum performance, among these are air-to-air heat pumps, air-to-water heat pumps and high energy efficiency condensing boilers (We can learn more in the inverter heat). It is highly recommended to also design centralized installations, since a higher performance is achieved than in individual ones, as well as in underfloor heating. Also the VAV (variable air volume) and VRV (variable refrigerant volume) air conditioning guarantee good results.

C) INSTALL RENEWABLE ENERGIES IN BUILDINGS: In this way, when planning and executing these facilities, it is possible to significantly reduce energy consumption, as well as reduce or even eliminate CO2 emissions. The renewable energies most used in buildings are solar thermal energy, photovoltaic solar energy, biomass boilers for heating and sanitary hot water, water chimneys, as well as other systems such as cogeneration or simultaneous production of heat and electricity in a single process.

In the case of new multi-family housing buildings, one of the most efficient proposals would be the implementation of a biomass boiler for the production of sanitary hot water and heating, with a high energy efficiency heat pump for cooling in summer (both centralized ), simultaneously with the bioclimatic design measures in section A, so that great energy savings could be achieved and a reduction in CO2 emissions that could reach 100%, obtaining the best energy rating, which is A.

Faced with a possible energy rehabilitation, it is recommended to carry out a technical and economic feasibility study in which it can be analyzed which is the solution or solutions whose implementation would help us achieve the shortest amortization periods. For this, we will assess the cost derived from the implementation of the measures included in each proposal and the energy savings achieved annually to calculate the necessary years of amortization. However, and taking into account the increase in the price of energy and the aid obtained based on the qualification achieved, these periods can be considerably reduced and therefore their economic viability improved.


As I indicated in my previous article, one of the three basic pillars to improve the energy efficiency of buildings consists of the implementation of renewable energies that will provide us with effective energy saving measuresIn this article I will make a description of these systems or facilities that, together with the improvement of the envelope, can lead us to achieve maximum efficiency, the lowest consumption and the reduction of emissions, especially in those existing buildings that, for many years, They have been built without any criteria of sustainability. As advantages of renewables, they harmonize perfectly so that they can be integrated with other systems or installations with maximum energy efficiency. Solar and wind electricity generation can be implemented in parallel with other efficient installations.

Also taking into account the current regulatory framework regarding this issue, in which the Royal Decree that allows photovoltaic self-consumption has already been approved, and awaiting the approval of the Royal Decree of Energy Certification of Existing Building, as well as the approval of the 2013-2016 State Housing Plan, it is clear that the main objective is oriented towards energy rehabilitation and improvement of the energy efficiency of these non-energy efficient buildings and homes, so it is assumes that this will be the main engine capable of generating employment and reactivating the sector in the coming years.

In each particular case, the profitability and viability of the implementation of renewable energies will depend on both climatic factors of the place such as hours of sunshine, speed and direction of prevailing winds, the location of the building, use and maintenance, etc, … so that an assessment or study of these parameters is required to assess whether said implementation will be feasible, studying the cost of the installation, what energy savings and what reduction in emissions are achieved and in what terms they can be amortized.

But without losing sight of the fact that it is not only a matter of economic saving, the main objective is, on the one hand, the reduction of emissions and the impact on the environment due to the large amount of buildings or houses existing buildings with poor energy rating, and on the other hand, the construction of new buildings with almost zero consumption that would be designed optimizing the bioclimatic design parameters with clean energy to the maximum. In this way, we would also be able to reduce the energy dependence of our country since we can and do have the necessary technology to operate with clean energies. Some of the most widespread renewable energies for use in buildings are the following:


Spain is one of the largest countries in the lead as the largest producers of wind energy in the world, which reflects the enormous potential of this energy, and therefore should also be applied to buildings and homes as electrical energy production systems, as long as the conditions are favorable.

A wind energy installation is basically made up of a mill or a rotor with several blades that, when rotated by the action of the wind, starts an electric generator, which is usually attached to a mast. The main advantage of this energy is that as it is renewable it is inexhaustible, it does not pollute and its construction is subsidized by the state.

The great importance of the location of the building and the characteristics of the place that surrounds it should be taken into account, so that in general terms it will be more viable the higher the intensity of the wind, depending on the altitude, since at higher altitude greater speed, and also of the terrain, with greater speed in plains or areas near the sea. Therefore, better conditions will be given in isolated buildings or constructions, which are close to the sea, in high areas and when there are not a large number of obstacles in the vicinity that stop the wind.

The typical wind installation for buildings and homes will proceed to the installation of systems through micro-wind installations, with compact wind generators capable of generating an electrical power of less than 100 Kw, either isolated or in a hybrid system together with the photovoltaic solar installation. In this type of installation, an ideal place must be chosen, which is why a study of wind speed is required, its economic viability will also be studied, analyzing costs and benefits generated, but it must be taken into account that the improvement and Technological advance allows to have more efficient and cheaper facilities.



Solar thermal energy has as its main application the production of sanitary hot water for domestic or industrial use, water heating in swimming pools, low-temperature heating with underfloor heating, and also for cooling through the use of absorption equipment. It is normally used on the energy efficiency in single-family homes or buildings.

Solar thermal energy is mandatory in Spain since the entry into force of the Technical Code, requiring that at least a percentage of the total demand for hot water is produced by this system, said percentage according to DB HE-4 and depending on the climatic zone, varies between 30 and 70% in the general case and between 50 and 70% when the support energy source is through electricity.



The operation is based on taking advantage of the sun's energy to heat water or another heat transfer fluid that circulates inside the collector, from that collector the hot water is transported through a primary circuit, so that the heat is exchanged or accumulates in a tank for later use from the indoor hot water installation to the points of consumption. The demand for hot water that we cannot produce through the collector on cloudy days will be generated by a heater or backup boiler.


  1. It is a renewable, inexhaustible and clean energy.
  2. It presents a high performance of the installation due to the fact that in our latitudes we have a high number of hours of annual solar radiation.
  3. If the support system is based on renewable energies, such as a biomass boiler, domestic hot water and heating could be generated in the most efficient way, without emissions and with a reduction in primary energy consumption that could reach up to 80%.
  4. If the installation has been designed, calculated, built and maintained properly, it will be an installation that will function correctly and with a long useful life, and taking into account that its cost is not very high, its viability is more than guaranteed.
  5. As a disadvantage, the source of energy from the sun is variable in a way that can lower its performance.
  6. It requires continuous maintenance, which is vital for the correct operation of the installation, poor maintenance reduces the performance of the panels, it is advisable to clean them at least once every 6 months, as well as the periodic review of the elements and valves of the installation.


As discussed above, and taking into account that each particular case is different, but assuming a well-executed installation and with correct maintenance, it should have a long durability of not less than 20 years. So the repayment term would be quite short, and can vary between 5 to 10 years.


The main application of photovoltaic solar energy is the generation of electrical energy from the sun's energy, using panels with semiconductor elements, usually silicon cells, this installation consists of a collector, a regulator, storage batteries of power as well as an inverter. There are two types of facilities: the isolated ones that store energy in batteries for self-consumption and the systems connected to the network in which the energy is supplied to the electrical network. The assembly of the panels can be carried out integrating them with the slope of the roof slopes or in facades always oriented to the south.


1.-PHOTOVOLTAIC PANEL: It consists of a set of silicon cells, the most efficient are usually monocrystalline silicon, electrically connected, encapsulated (to protect them from the elements) and mounted on a support structure or frames. They provide a direct voltage at their connection output, and are designed for specific voltage values that will define the voltage at which the photovoltaic system will work.

2.-REGULATOR: Aims to prevent the battery from overcharging. In the charging phase during the day, its mission is to guarantee an adequate charge in the accumulator, while in the discharge phase during the hours without light, it is to allow the adequate supply to the consumption points without discharging the batteries.

3.-BATTERIES: They accumulate the electrical energy generated by the plates during the day for later use when there is no sun. They can be differentiated according to the electrolyte used, several types. Lead-acid, Nickel-cadmium Ni-Cd, Nickel-metal hydride Ni-Mh or Lithium ion Li ion. Also due to its technology that can be stationary tubular, starter, solar or gel.

4.-INVERTER: It is responsible for converting the direct current generated by the solar panels into alternating current so that it can be used in the home's electrical network (220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz).


  1. It is a renewable, inexhaustible and clean energy.
  2. The performance of the installation in our latitudes is very good, being able to reach a power of up to 1,000 W per m2 on a clear day at noon, without obstacles with shadows.
  3. As in solar thermal, if the installation has been designed, calculated, built and maintained properly, it will be an installation that will function properly and with a long useful life.
  4. The cost of installation decreases as the technology develops, while the cost of fuel increases because reserves tend to run out.
  5. Quick assembly of the installation, requiring minimal maintenance, although a periodic review is also required to verify the correct state of the installation and cleanliness of the face of the panels exposed to the sun.
  6. Even on cloudy days, although with lower performance, the panels generate electricity.
  7. With the new Royal Decree Law 13/2012, the conditions for self-consumption are favored, being an interesting option, since the self-consumer is exempted from the obligation to establish as a company; although it is allowed that the self-consumer can also be a producer.
  8. It avoids all the bureaucracy and authorizations that are required in the network connection.
  9. As a drawback, a high initial investment is required to carry out the installation.
  10. It will also be necessary to provide enough space in the home for the location of the batteries.


As a general rule, a photovoltaic installation for self-consumption usually has a useful life of a minimum of 25 to 30 years, always of course assuming good use and maintenance; Regarding its amortization, there are several parameters that determine it, such as the quality of the installation components, the proper installation, a calculation according to consumption needs, the use to which the installation is intended and even the subsidies that can be obtained, But as a guideline, it can be said that after 7 to 10 years the installation for self-consumption can be amortized, more than reasonable terms if its duration is taken into account.


Biomass energy uses as raw material pellets, pruning remains, olive stones, almond shells, (generally residues from agricultural and forestry activities or by-products of the transformation of wood) to generate thermal energy for water domestic hot and heating. There are also other types of wet biomass from the manufacture of vegetable oils, including biofuels such as biodiesel or ethanol, which are especially efficient for cogeneration boilers with Stirling-type technologies, but in this case I will refer to biomass solid.

In the case of single-family homes or residential buildings, it is possible to obtain high energy savings and great efficiency with the implementation of biomass boilers, to generate heat for sanitary hot water and heating.



It consists of the combustion chamber, exchange area, ashtray and smoke box.


Feeding system by means of an endless screw.



  1. The technology is analogous to that of fossil fuel boilers and the equipment is not excessively expensive.
  2. It is considered to have zero carbon dioxide emissions.
  3. Pellets are much more profitable than other fuels such as diesel or propane, this ratio determines their amortization.
  4. Biomass has a lower calorific value than fossil fuels, therefore, a greater quantity is needed to obtain the same energy.
  5. In some types of boiler, processed fuel is required, therefore it is necessary to buy the fuel from a specialized third party, since it is possible that raw biomass will not be accepted by the feeding mechanism.
  6. It is not easily integrated into the architectural complex of the house and must be located in a place specially equipped for it.


Taking for granted the correct maintenance of the installation, its minimum durability should be between 20 to 25 years. The amortization depends on several factors, each case is different, but for example in the case of an isolated single-family house of approximately 100 m2 with biomass for hot water and heating, it can be amortized in an approximate period of between 5 and 8 years.

A solution to carry out a project with maximum efficiency and with a high energy saving would be to install the biomass boiler with a geothermal heat pump for heating and air conditioning. Both for the case of new construction residential buildings and for existing buildings, as well as for single-family homes, maximum efficiency can be obtained by installing these boilers, since they reduce emissions to almost 100%, and provide significant energy savings, reaching the maximum Energy Rating.

Points of interest that can help us to improve the efficiency of buildings:

  • The 100 energy efficiency guides for homes.
  • And the article economic feasibility of efficient buildings.

I hope I have provided the appropriate information from how to improve the energy efficiency of a home or a building.

Article prepared by José Luis Morote Salmeron (Technical Architect - Energy Manager) Access to his website HERE, in collaboration with OVACEN

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