How to mold classical architecture with steel mesh - Green Ecologist

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Carve classical architecture with steel

Sculpting a architectural painting About a space is not an easy task, whatever the material, with the intention of moving us to ancient times or reviving a certain construction. But if we want to replicate and shape the classical architecture With galvanized steel mesh, this is literally "Chinese" work, not to mention a feat worthy of much applause.

This time, we travel back in time with the help of the Designlab studio and the artist Edoardo Tresoldi, of whom we have already seen one of his exemplary works with the article on how to build a church with mesh. Now it's time to relive the splendor of the classical era in the hall of the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center.

8,000 square meters of steel mesh has been patiently molded to sculpt transparent sculptures reminiscent of the history of classical architecture in a totally haunting and futuristic setting. Imposing structures that have been part of the decorative setting for a wedding with 1,750 guests in the luxurious exhibition hall.

A old aesthetic, where the classical structures of a period facade, colossal columns and a central dome are engulfed in the environment of vegetation that surrounds the patio wisely combining them perfectly with geometric and more modern decorative elements such as suspended wire cubes and flocks of birds in flight . A mix of worlds with a stunning visual!

A scenography that is conceived as a dream garden, a scene where nature and architecture meet. Green areas and living trees are in symbiosis with the perfectly lit mesh material. Steel wire filters create a fusion of classical and modernist languages in an ephemeral landscape.

According to the artist, after the event, the installation will move to different museums and cultural spaces in the capital of Abu Dhabi. (All images © Roberto Conte)

From HERE we can see a reference video. We are sorry but it is restricted to embedding on the web.

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