Decorating a balcony: 11 tips for decorating balconies - Super Guide

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How to decorate a balcony

A balcony or that small terrace can be transformed into a special space. Although in Europe they have a bad habit of constructing buildings with small balconies - I still don't get it - they can be very cozy if you spend a little time to redecorate it properly.

Before starting with the ideas for decorate balconies narrow and long we should practice; first, be clear about the dimensions (width, length and height) and secondly, what is the main use that we are going to give it.

Consider your most important needs, so if you need to buy things, you will spend the money consistently and you will not end up buying superfluous objects. If necessary, make a list of what you are going to use that area for and rate it (The winning goal, determined the gazebo decoration style).

We already talked about how to decorate a small house, today, we are going to see some useful suggestions and tricks to decorate small spaces and at the end, information with hundreds of images to inspire you …

1.- Distribution of the balcony and visualize the space

The distribution that we are going to practice will come according to our needs and the available space, but always with free central space (We will have more space, ease of routes and cleaning)

  • Large balconies or small terraces. We can create different zones; to sunbathe, to read, to rest, to eat, etc (Remember, prioritize one of them).
  • Small balconies. Allocate the space for a single use, if you intend to cover a lot you will have "chaos", and we do not want that.

Taking measurements - width, length and height - is essential for any project consistent with a small sketch (It will be great if we are going to buy any object or piece of furniture).

You have to take measurements of the balcony or we will end up buying an object that does not fit

Measurements of the door, if you have a wall with a window, take measurements of it and also remember to measure from the floor to the frame.

An example of a sketch would be the following image (we would already like to have a terrace of that size, it is just an example). From experience, do not use any App to measure. The meter of a lifetime, pencil and paper, that you will finish before.

In addition, you may be scared if you need to fit a piece of furniture exactly. (Later on we will explain an App for the mobile if you cannot resist having a more detailed map)

The space of that small terrace that connects with the interior - be it a room or living room - should be with a homogeneous decoration to achieve connected rooms and not break the harmony.

It is important to maintain harmony between the interior spaces - room or living room - and the exterior

And be careful!… Always bear in mind the weight of the furniture you are going to add, the balcony slabs are not always so resistant.

2.- What decorative style to use on the balconies

Harmonizing the elements that this small area will have is essential and you should ask yourself some questions:

  • Are we going to reform the entire balcony or just part of it?
  • What investment budget do we have?
  • Will we continue with the same trend of decorating the interior of the house to the exterior?
  • What air and style do we want to give it?
  • In what areas does the sun cover?
  • Do we need privacy on the balcony from the street?

We must see it as a single element, a total space that we will work on the floor, the walls, the ceiling and the side that faces the street.

According to experts, modern styles (minimalist, zen, retro - vintage, eclectic, etc.) are better suited for small spaces by dominating simple lines and simple designs with a wide range of furniture, colors, textiles and relatively inexpensive and easy to find objects.

The more different materials, colors, textiles and plants you try to combine, the more difficult it will be to harmonize the environment!

As advice, the rustic, classic or colonial style, are more relegated to rooms with more surface since the furniture is mainly designed with a large size.

3.- The Sun is important

Obviously, having the sun fall on our facade is great but it does not always provide so much comfort. In the following infographic we can identify the facades of a house, their orientations, the ratio of hours of sunshine we have and some other useful tips (The orientations are for Spain)

The image will show us if we really need an awning, slats or some type of umbrella that covers all or part of the balcony (be careful with the viewpoints, boxes and open terraces, the Sun can become our enemy).

In addition, if we have many hours of sunlight a day, it must be taken into account for the furniture that we are going to put (it is because of the materials, which we will see later) or the plants. Too much direct sunlight is good for us.

As a warning, remember that when buying an awning, if you live in a community of neighbors, it is possible that there are specific standards for sizes, colors … etc, ask!

The The shade and color of the fabric influences the freshness it offers and the filtering of the rays on the small roomIn other words, a canvas with a darker color will have a higher percentage of filtered rays but we will also have more darkness towards the interior of the house.

Taking this premise, we should use intermediate tones (You can see more about why awnings are important here).

4.- Furniture for small spaces

Here, the slogan "less is more" plays an important role in using balcony furniture little ones. The idea is to use furniture in accordance with the proportionality of the meters available in the box, the large pieces are not our friends.

The motto is «Less is more" plus:
Light Stackable Folding Dual purpose
  • You have to use lightweight, stackable or folding models on the balconies. They will save us a few centimeters, ease of handling and cleaning.
  • It is recommended to use low cabinets to preserve sight lines on a balcony.
  • A small table is recommended to support the wall or the railing that will help us to leave the central area of the gazebo clear.
  • The smaller the volume, the more we have to influence the structure of the furniture to be "finer" (It uses stainless steel materials in tables and chairs). We will have a more spacious feeling.

Furniture with "fine" structures gives a feeling of spaciousness on a balcony - gazebo

  • The folding chairs are our best friends. Look for models that are comfortable, even if their price is higher (you will thank us) and remember that they can also be stacked on the wall.
  • Uses dual-use furniture. For example, a bench that can be used to sit down and at the same time for storage.
  • If you have a very elongated balcony and narrow, do not put rectangular, long and narrow furniture it will give the optical impression that it is even longer, and vice versa.
  • If you add decoration to the walls, we are in the same situation as before. Rectangular and vertical squares for very long rooms, and for narrower ones, use horizontal squares.
  • You can separate rooms using some type of furniture, such as a sofa or some type of vertical planter that rests on the ground, for example.

5.- What materials can we use

All the furniture and objects that we may have outside the house will degrade more quickly due to atmospheric conditions.

If you want the furniture to be in good condition for longer, you should place it in a shady area for most of the day. If they get wet, as soon as possible, dry them with a dry cloth.

Protect the furniture from the sun, it is better that they are in the shade

Not all materials are suitable for a balcony and there are others that work very well. As well as, depending on the material of the furniture to be placed, sensations are transmitted, in our opinion:

  • Natural or synthetic rattan. They are very cozy, comfortable and warm furniture. They convey a feeling of relaxation and are resistant to sun and rain, plus synthetic. It is used a lot in warm places and combines perfectly with white (some cushions are perfect) and mud.
  • Tropical woods. The hardest and most resistant are the natural woods of Teak or Acacia, within a coherent price (it works very well in frequent changes in temperature and humidity). They also go very well in warm or white colors. Due to its nobility, it brings a lot of elegance to any modern balcony.
  • Soft woods. Pine or poplar must be previously treated by the manufacturer and must be protected with lacquers or varnishes.
  • Recycled woods. The famous pallets with their multiple shapes when transformed are a very economical option in decoration when combined with cushions.

  • Aluminum and stainless steel. They are durable and lightweight materials, which also take up little space due to the lightweight structure. Bring freshness to the outdoor balcony and are easy to use to change the environment. Modern environments with retro touches.
  • Resin. It is the perfect choice for furniture that is easy to care for, very strong and durable. Due to the options of colors and shapes, they are more suitable for creating modern and dynamic environments.

The paving the wooden floor with slats (they sell pieces) or covering a side wall represents one of the best options providing a radical change to the balcony.

What tips for decorating the balconyAccording to the dimensions of the hole we have, we should consider for the floor:

  • Decoration small balconies: Forget about strange drawings, woods with simple straight lines - combined they are a good option for decorate a balconyor or simply plain pieces.
  • Decoration large balconies: One suggestion is to use larger pieces of wood. Here we can already play with drawings but without being too complicated, remember that the floor of the viewpoint is not the center!
  • Elongated balcony decoration: You have to put the pieces perpendicular to the greatest length and thus break the feeling of too much depth.

6.- Pots and plants for balconies

For decorate balconies with plants, there are a thousand ways to have. There are many, many solutions that make our eyes happy; flower pots with wall or railing hooks, flower pots hanging from the ceiling, shelves hanging on the wall, etc.

The molds are already manufactured in all colors and all possible materials, yes, at most it is advisable to combine two colors and two different materials in small rooms. Homogeneity!

Good quality containers with a unifying decorative criterion. Harmony between colors and textures to create a comfortable environment

Where we have more space, we can have a small garden. I'm talking about vertical containers to have mini gardens on the balcony.

You can see our article on how to create an urban garden at home for more information or this guide to terraced plants.

They are also an excellent option to have aromatic plants or some climbing plants to create a reading area, for example.

If we look at some planters with hedges, they are usually offered in different materials and are a good option on the sides or the front to avoid glances from the neighbors.

There are also more daring that provide a different touch with grass. Although the natural one is perfect, we recommend artificial grass with synthetic fibers, they make them of good quality! and they look very good.

There are some with the ability to retain moisture and thus control irrigation, and others, very flimsy that will break just by moving them. Be careful with the weight of the pots, the plastic ones are the most suitablethey are also cheap.

Plants can serve to hide views or act as a screen to cut off the wind

7.- Textiles in small areas

Textile accessories are the perfect game to complement the balcony decoration and fabrics are king.

And we not only have rugs and pillows, we can use; tablecloths, tapestries to hang on the wall, the famous tropical towels or a hammock that can add a different touch.

This is where you can take risks and look for fabrics to create a more comfortable and warm atmosphere. Give it imagination! It is cheap and if it does not convince you, then for inside the house. Of course, they must be washable and resistant.

Neutral colors and white are normally a safe bet, they can use bolder colors giving a different and punctual touch.

The patterns are not very friendly to small spaces (visually they are exhausting being so close), in any case, look for them to have geometries that are not very complicated or based on lines.

8.- What colors can we use in a modern balcony

The safe bets are always the white and neutral colors, they are the ones that provide amplitude to the visual.

For a couple of years the recommendation is to decorate with one or two colors and keep those shades in the gazebo. Of course, dose the emotion and focus on the goal: create a haven of peace that has your personality.

Colors greatly influence our mood and body temperature, you have to decide according to use. Look at the following infographic of the colors and their effects It is very useful!

As tips for decorate very narrow balconiesAccording to the dimensions of the balcony, we should take into account that:

  • Decoration of balconies with high ceilings: We can paint the ceiling in a soft color that will give us the feeling that the room is lower.
  • Decoration of balconies with low ceilings: One suggestion is directly painted white.
  • Long balcony decoration: Painting the back wall in a soft color will give us a feeling of less depth.

In many cases, to break aesthetics, a wall is usually painted. Stronger on sunny walls and softer colors on shady walls.

Colors considered warm. Red and yellow and all the shades obtained from them. They are associated with fire and the sun. In light shades they suggest delicacy and hospitality while in dark shades they suggest power, richness, vitality and stability.

Colors considered cold. Blue, green, and all the colors in between. They are associated with water. In light shades they express freshness, rest and peace. In dark shades where blue predominates, they express robustness and strength.

With these notions … What aspects should you consider when using color in a small room?

  • Effect you want. With color we can expand a space, reduce it, give it luminosity, coldness, etc. This will depend a lot on the light of the space, the functionality you want to apply and the use.
  • Personal taste. There are colors that we will discard because we do not identify them with us and, instead, there are others that awaken our senses. Choose yours and enjoy adding brush strokes.

9.- Lighting in small dimensions

The lighting on a balcony It is a key aspect in the decoration of a house and of course, any terrace or balcony is included.

Depending on the light we use, we will have a more welcoming, warmer, colder environment, etc. We can create and highlight aspects that we want to give more importance.

  • If we focus on small dimensions and in this case, it is a space to enjoy, we will use quality light that will provide us with relaxation. And we will take into account:
  • The use of large lamps or spotlights is prohibited, we do not want them to be the center of attention.
  • No you spend using many points of light, we don't want you to be the center of attention in the neighborhood.
  • The lighting, if possible, should be dimmable. And if you can combine colors apart from warm light, green is perfect!
  • In case of high ceilings in the gazebo. One recommendation is to use pendant lamps, it looks great! And they are perfect for decorate a gazebo elongated and narrow.
  • Use low-light spotlights to mark a spot on decorated balconies if you have enough surface area.
  • Also think about where you have the table in the gazebo and the lighting options when decorating the small terrace.
  • With the walls and the railing that faces the street, many things can be done and, among them, place the light points or even put plants to avoid gazes.
  • Candles are our best friends, use them.

From a more technical perspective and as a reminder of the article on how to decorate a dining room, we leave the following image on artificial lighting and zoning:

10.- How to find more ideas and photos

When we start an interior design, design or remodeling project of any part of our home, sometimes we run out of ideas or we get blocked. Even if decorate balconies in homes it may seem difficult, there are very good ideas on the net.

The Internet is a perfect place to find information and ideas to decorate a balcony, but it is not always easy to find quality. So we propose two places to be inspired or to view photographs and we can even consult a professional.

  • Photos of balconies from the Pinterest website. It is a community of users where people post photographs, and there are many professionals in the architecture sector - who of course - upload their works of day-to-day works and renovations.

The advantage it has over other web portals such as the famous Instagram is the search engine; fast, easy to move around, and yields highly visual results.

  • Ideas to renovate your home. This time it is better through a mobile App and we focus on the community of professionals related to the Houzz architecture sector (Access App for Android and Iphone)

It is an internationally recognized mobile application and winner of many awards for its ease of use with a very extensive community of technicians (forum).

You will find professionals in residential design and renovations: interior designers, architects, experts in renovating bathrooms and kitchens, gardeners, specialized stores, etc., who can provide many ideas for customers. decorated balconies.

You can upload photos and add dimensions, drawings or objects to see how they look

The tool will allow you to make sketches from your own photos: make drawings, add notes and insert your favorite products to see how they would look.

11. - And don't forget …

To decorate a large or small balcony consistently, you need your time and think carefully about what you are going to do and pay attention to all the details. And pay attention to:

  • Taking care when decorating small terraces with accumulating many objects means having a storage room, not a relaxation space and even less, if the dimensions are reduced.
  • The walls or even the railing are perfect elements to hang many things and that, in addition, will facilitate the cleaning of the floor.
  • Take advantage of the corners, in interior design it is the most forgotten corner. They are perfect for a corner table or some plant.
  • Beware of plants, some attract mosquitoes and bugs and you can have a real headache.
  • Yes I need a specific shade that you can adjust according to your needs, there are umbrellas that are half-moon and very effective.
  • If you dry the clothes in reduced rooms, there are many utensils that hook and fold the band to the railing or wall, they are hidden and do not disturb.
  • What you buy, make it little, but hey, in the long run you will win! according to our experience.
  • Reuse furniture or objects that you have inside the house and pass them outside. With a touch of paint and a little patience, you can work wonders.

For the rest, you just have to enjoy and imagine what you really like and try …

More than 100 Images of balconies and photos for inspiration

Since we have learned many things, now it is time to see what users do to take some good ideas. There are users who have a lot of imagination! And so many other professionals from whom we can learn.

Although on the Internet we can find many balcony images for inspiration and hundreds of photosIt is not always so easy to access the good information that will give us the idea we need. So we have compiled some places with quality photos:

  • We start with Instagram. From HERE you can access hundreds of panels for inspiration.
  • Pinterest is a must see. From HERE you can access thousands of photos to extract original ideas.
  • In ISSUU hundreds of decoration magazines are posted with free access and without the need to register; New Style, AD, ELLE Decor, Architecture and Design. From HERE you can access many magazines for inspiration.

Well, you already have to have a good time …

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