Madrid will require that the certifying technicians carry out the visit "in situ"

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The certifying technicians must carry out the on-site visit to prepare the energy certificate

Given the permanent ambiguity presented by different paragraphs of the Royal Decree 235/2013 (Basic Procedure for the Energy Certification of Buildings) the Community of Madrid has set to work to clarify and improve different aspects of the aforementioned Royal Decree through a new order that complements a regulation that since its implementation has caused many headaches and disputes betweencertifying professionals of the sector.

From the Community of Madrid, among the most relevant aspects to be improved in the energy certification process of the new order we can highlight:

Article 4. Energy efficiency certificates for buildings in the Community of Madrid:

The energy efficiency certificates for buildings in the Community of Madrid will comply with the provisions of Royal Decree 235/2013, of April 5. They will be issued by competent technicians after the corresponding data collection carried out "in situ" by the technician himself or by an assistant technician with a professional training qualification., as established in the aforementioned Royal Decree 235/2013, of April 5.

It should be recognized that given the "picaresque" of some professionals in the sector it was necessary to add the tagline … "In situ" to completely eradicate a bad practice in the work of the certifying technician that is leading to a considerable reduction in the price of the report. As a matter of fact, that we remember, it is the only Community that has highlighted this point in the transposition of the Royal Decree (Access to information for each Autonomous Community in the energy certification process)

Another noteworthy point of the order is Chapter III (Information and advertising. Energy label) where we can review:

Article 8. Information to the buyer or lessee.

  1. When a building or part of a building is sold, the The seller must deliver the corresponding energy efficiency certificate to the buyer prior to signing the deeds Notary body.

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Although it seems obvious, in our daily work we have already encountered some case where the client has informed us that the certificate is being made after the deed, where at mass it was outlined that the seller would provide such a report to the new owner…. ?

Article 9. Advertising.

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  1. The energy efficiency label It will be included in any offer, promotion and publicity aimed at the sale or lease of the building or part of the building.

In the informative brochures, in real estate portals, in the windows of real estate agencies and in other similar means, the label may be reduced or enlarged, as long as the format and proportions are maintained and it is legible. Likewise, instead of the label, only the chromatic scales and the values that appear in its central part, called "Energy Rating Scale", may be displayed.

In the press announcements just mention the energy rating in property emissions.

In the For sale or rent advertisement posters that are placed on the exterior of buildings, in which only a contact telephone number appears along with the sale or rental indication, the label does not need to be included nor the energy rating.

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Undoubtedly, in terms of advertising, it was necessary to improve and specifically define the Royal Decree. The Official College of Architects of Madrid (COAM) recalled in its brief of allegations to said Order, the Importance of the standard referring to data collection 'in situ' to clarify the obligation to visit the client's property.

The question is simple from many professionals in the sector … Why from the beginning, Royal Decree 235/2013 did not clarify the aforementioned points? It is and was necessary to provoke controversies, disputes and discomfort among the professionals of the sector.

Proposal of the new order … HERE.

Brief of allegations of the COAM … HERE.

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Author: Pau Seguí.

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