UPV free course construction procedures: land in civil works and buildings - Green Ecologist

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Course on land improvement in civil works and building

The engineering, public works, urban planning and architecture sector encompasses many aspects. Perhaps, some more important than others, but of course, when we talk about the terrain. Here the opinions are generalized is the key!

Understand how it works and what mechanisms allow us to improve a soil It is not an option, it is a must. Any mistake or bad execution will cause a lot of headaches, not to mention the economic aspect.

Compaction methods, types of piles, injection systems, screens, materials, machinery, etc. A long list of procedures and aspects that we often forget and is an essential subject that we must know as professionals in the sector.

The good news! That from the UPV this month they launch a free online course to refresh us techniques and procedures for land improvement commonly used in civil engineering and building works.

And, in addition, the course is directed by Victor Yepes. That apart from being a Professor at the UPV in the area of Construction Engineering, he is possibly one of the people who more knowledge of public works and civil engineering disseminates through social networks and his blog, a top ten, adding value to the sector!

Course features

East UPV course is released in format MOOC, that is, open enrollment for everyone. Anyone with a minimum of basic knowledge can do it.

The temary index especially in the Necessary machinery, in construction procedures, in applicability to different types of floors, in economic, environmental and safety aspects at work.

Aspects such as preload, inclusions in the ground, gravel columns, piles, dynamic compaction, mechanical compaction, ground injections, soil stabilization in foundations, deep mixing, anchors, control will be addressed. of the phreatic level, among other issues.


The course agenda is organized for a 8 week period. In each week, a different module will be worked with an average of 4 to 5 Hours per week to learn the basic aspects of the terrain improvement techniques.

Remember that the UPV is very active in matters of free online training and we have already verified this with:

  • Two free courses on urban sustainability by the UPV
  • Excel online courses with some created by the UPV

Course objectives

  • Understand the usefulness and limitations of the different land improvement techniques used in the construction of civil works and buildings.
  • Evaluate and select the best construction procedure and machinery necessary for the improvement of the land under certain conditions, considering the economy and safety.


The training agenda it reaches many aspects and we wanted to list them in the following table:

Construction procedures course syllabus: land improvement in civil works and building
Classifications of soil improvement and reinforcement techniques Work recommendations in compaction
Land substitution as an improvement technique Soil injection techniques
Preloading as a technique for land improvement. Procedures used in the injection of land
Vertical drains as a soil improvement technique Materials used in the injection of land
Soil vacuum consolidation Grout types and applicability of soil injection materials
Gravel columns Injecting unstable grouts
Gravel column executed by conventional means Injection of stable grouts
Gravel column by vibro displacement Chemical slurry injection
Gravel column by vibrosubstitution High pressure injections: Jet grouting
Compacted gravel columns Compaction injections
Compacted sand piles Hydrofracturing injections
Columns encapsulated with geotextile Deep mixing of soils
Strengthening the ground through rigid inclusions Springsol: land improvement using soil-cement columns
Piles and classifications concept Screens made by deep soil mixing (Deep Soil Mixing Walls)
Compaction piles Floor-cement screens with hydrofra (Cutter Soil Mixing)
Vibrated concrete columns Bentonite-cement plastic screens
Controlled module columns Floor Screens-Bentonite
Lime and lime-cement columns Reinforced self-hardening mud screen
Injected gravel column Thin mud screens executed by profile vibration
Displacement piles Geomembrane screens
Wooden piles Mechanically stabilized earth walls: Reinforced Earth
Metal piles Geosynthetic reinforced soil
Driven metal piles Soil nailing or nailed floor
Driven reinforced concrete piles The bolonaje technique
Precast prestressed concrete piles Concept and classification of anchors
Displacement pile with dowel Areas of an anchor
“Franki” system for the execution of displacement piles Execution of an anchor
Pile Driving with Free Fall Hammers Safety in the execution of the anchors
Pile vibration driving Soil stabilization
Silent pile driving Soil stabilization with lime
Extraction piles Soil stabilization with cement
Continuous auger drilled piles Soil stabilization with bituminous binders
STARSOL: Piles with improved continuous helix Stabilization of soils with chlorides
Micropiles Gravel-cement
Soil improvement through vibrocompaction Gravel-emulsion
Terra-Probe Improvement Gravel-slag
Vibroalas method for improvement of non-cohesive soils Land improvement by heating
Soil resonance compaction Soil freezing
Dynamic compaction Biological methods as a land improvement technique
Fast dynamic compaction The problem of water in excavations
Dynamic substitution Classification of water control techniques in excavations
Compaction with explosives Selection of the water table control system
Electric impulse compaction Excavation drainage by surface pumping and sumps
Hydroblasting compaction Drainage of excavations using perimeter trenches
Mechanical soil compaction Horizontal drainage with radial wells
Compaction curve of a soil Excavation drainage through deep filter wells
Selecting a compaction equipment Water table control by drainage lances (wellpoints)
Test sections in soil compaction Electroosmosis as a soil drainage technique

We can access the course on construction procedures for the improvement of land in civil works and building from the EDX platform HERE to register (Remember that the MOOC course is free, but if you want proof of having done it, you have to pay the corresponding fee).

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