Architecture and design to improve the lives of refugees

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Eco shelters for refugees. Stores with an efficient design and a coherent architecture.

The efficient architecture and design come together for a common goal, to help improve the lives of the thousands of refugees that exist around the world, whose current estimate is 43 million. Human beings who need makeshift shelters that are quick to assemble, affordable and with a number of special features to meet their most basic needs. Refugees living in camps where they often lack sanitation, space or sanitation to give a few examples.

Faced with the desire to improve the lives of refugees, the architect Jordanian-Canadian, Abeer Seikaly, It seems to have a viable and well-planned solution…. “Eco refugee shelters”.

The draft focuses on a structure created from an ingeniously folded woven fabric with the ability to expand or reduce your space according to your needs plus two points in favor that provide excellent engineering design, own water and electricity supply.

According to the architect of the project, the shelters must be based on a structure that works autonomously and independently in order to cover basic needs in adverse conditions.

The electricity is obtained with solar energy Through the "skin" of the tent the energy is transmitted to a battery stored under the tent. In the case of water, once the rainwater is collected by different conduits-tanks by means of a thermosiphon system, the water is transferred to a tank nestled in the roof that serves as a quick shower for the occupants.

This project has had one of the best recognitions in the world, awarded with the Lexus Design Awards. As a starting point to complement the article, we want you to see other projects for the same purpose:

IKEA prefab shelter:

The IKEA Foundation presented a shelter prototype for the Agency of the UN for Refugees (UNHCR). It is a tent specially created to be light by means of a structure of metal profiles, and transportable in flat packaging, which serves to provide temporary shelter for women and children in certain camps. Each of these modules has twice the space of a conventional refugee tent. It is from is very low and continuing the philosophy of the Swedish company and it is assembled with comfort.

Yahya Ibraheem's refuge.

Ibraheem takes the ancient method of construction of temporary shelters «tipi», a refuge with diagonal lines that has proven to be the strongest in strong winds. It uses a type of ceiling gasket in a way that creates a flexible interior space that can accommodate any number of residents. Conveniently, a ready-made layout for four people can be quickly modified to accommodate eight in no time.

Shelter Uber emergency shelter:

A portable housing unit It would help people meet their immediate housing requirements created by disastrous events. This concept is designed by Rafael Smith with a particularity that stands out, theshelter is made of recyclable and reusable materials. (An example of use from HERE)

As a colleague commented … "The reality is that the best objective of these projects is that it is not necessary to use them"

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