6 Marketing courses on Linkedin and much more - Green Ecologist

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Linkedin courses

If you are looking for business opportunities, employment, networking, grow your brand or simply make yourself known. Today, among all the avenues of action you can think of, the social network linkedIn It should be among the first options!

Last year, the linkedin platform in Spain had 13 million registered users. Which translates into opportunities for all and for all sectors, with very active professionals in the architecture, engineering or construction sector, and we confirm this.

The world has changed: if you are not on the internet it is as if you do not exist

The platform itself has a training section called Linkedin learning with a huge number of courses in Spanish and in all areas, some paid and others free linkedin courses.

That is where we should start learning about how to use LinkedIn, how to improve the profile, how to find a job, the recommended best practices on networking or the famous «social selling»(Get leads and sales from social networks).

Listen! This month, LinkedIn has also created a special section for marketing with new free courses that can help us …

Marketing courses on linkedin

There is a lot of art to getting around and using LinkedIn tools, but there is also a science behind it. And this time the platform is making it easy for us.

The professional social network has just launched LinkedIn Marketing Labs. A free online learning consisting of 6 courses to understand network best practices, analyze and optimize, and level our marketing strategies on LinkedIn.

A training to learn more about the strategies of how to boost business on linkedin or how to develop a powerful content marketing strategy, step by step, designed to deepen and enrich how we should act on the platform and what possibilities we have.

Each course has a total duration of 45 minutes that comprise different sections. The six new courses are as follows:

  • Introduction to advertising and LinkedIn Ads Ads
  • Using LinkedIn ad targeting
  • Reporting, optimization, and analytics on LinkedIn ads
  • How to build a complete content marketing strategy within LinkedIn
  • How to use LinkedIn to brand
  • How to use LinkedIn to create leads - Social selling

You can access all six courses from LinkedIn Marketing Labs HERE. To enter, it will ask for a "login" that you can use the same from the Linkedin profile.

The training is in English, but don't worry, there is a solution for everything. First, I have to comment that the small educational videos that appear are also explained in text, and, secondly, you can use this Google Translate Chrome extension (Very useful, see article on digital tools for architecture and engineering firms) to have something like the following translation:

You no longer have any excuse to perform the professional linkedin course about social network marketing, but there is more… And if it doesn't quite convince, we recently also publishedtotally free online courses of interest to the community:

  • Free Excel Online Courses
  • Free courses in Revit and Bim online
  • Free courses for architects and engineers

And at this point, it's time to see techniques to enhance the profile and improve visibility …

How to improve your Linkedin profile and learn more

One of the issues that surprises me the most about LinkedIn and its entire technological ecosystem is the little use of the Linkedin learnin training platformg. Free 30 days of training is offered with thousands of courses, and there is no way people will use it.

A simple example, in Spain there are a lot of millions that are active on LinkedIn, and yet, if you look at the visualizations of the video of how to optimize your LinkedIn profile or look for work in this network. We have the following …

What I want to say is, in my opinion, that I think we need to improve this aspect a bit and for that, we only have to access LinkedIn learning from HERE.

Of course there are other ways to understand what to improve in the professional profile, for example, Youtube. It is the fastest way to find tips and advice, like the following video from the Elabs Consulting agency, well known in Spain.

You can do many things online, but we are more interested Know what you should NOT do if you want networking to work on LinkedIn:

  • Being a continuous spammer and flooding other LinkedIn users or groups with information.
  • Subscribe network users to your newsletter without permission.
  • Ask for help from contacts with whom you do not have much connection to get a job, or to request a presentation with someone for an interview.
  • Send invitations to everyone before building a solid and professional profile.
  • Ask a contact to do you a favor on behalf of someone else.
  • Ask a contact who has not worked with you, or who knows you little, to make a recommendation.
  • Take advantage of a congratulation and, immediately afterwards, try to link on LinkedIn.
  • Do not put a photo on your profile, or place one that does not touch, you have to be professionals!
  • Copy the text of their extract to another user and place it on your profile.
  • Skip the rules of the platform. Put a phone number or email address in a field of the LinkedIn header or title.

If you do not stop spamming and you break the Linkedin rules, they can withdraw your account, all the work you have done will have been in vain!

  • Fake the profile. To say that you are who you are not, than to falsify titles that you do not have.
  • Send contact requests without filter; that is, without having previously investigated the profiles.
  • Constantly "self-aggrandize". If you start a discussion or publish an article, add value with quality information.
  • Leave the profile inactive for a long time. Update it at least once a week.
  • Use broken links that do not work in publications Always check them before!
  • Use an excess of shortened links in your profile. They are useful, but they hide the information in the URL.
  • Using language that is too heavy and full of technicalities.
  • Express oneself without meaning, that is, talking a lot without saying anything.
  • Use LinkedIn groups as therapy to report personal problems or insult others.
  • Send lots of group requests left and right.

These latest conclusions and a lot of quality information are extracted from this Linkedin PDF document «Guide to creating a perfect LinkedIn profile»Prepared by the Business School highly recommended!

Visibility in LinkedIn matters, and a lot!

LinkedIn does not work like other social networks and its information technology, although it appears, its key to visibility is commitment in:

  • Comments
  • Actions
  • I like it
  • Reactions

A "cocktail" that has to be worked on. The LinkedIn engineering team refers to this as "speed." The faster you can engage and engage with your posts, the more visibility the algorithm will give your content in people's feeds, and the more impact you'll have.

If you look at the information when you are online, you will rarely find spam. And it is that the platform has managed to maintain that the quality content, is the one that the user really observes and, the poor quality, remains at the bottom of the platform.

The platform itself has a guide document for companies where they already indicate some keys to move within the system. A winning strategy on LinkedIn starts with your goals:

The following video is a complete seminar on how to improve the positioning of your profile on Linkedin, one of the few that are worth seeing and deal with many relevant aspects …

6 Factors to have more visibility on Linkedin

1.- Get Comments on your post is the key to the viralization of the content (The first hour from the publication of the comment is the most relevant for the Linkedin algorithm)

2.- Do not always use links that refer us to other websites outside of LinkedIn. The algorithm will give us more positive points if we also play with internal posts by sharing things from other users. Tip: More scope if we remove the preview and add a photo related to the theme.

3.- The number of publications also influences visibility. According to the experts, make only one publication a day, you will improve your positioning!

4.- The SSI visibility on Linkedin. The platform itself indicates a visibility score that, the higher, the better. First we have to "enter - log in" and then we can consult from HERE.

5.- Share documents and videos. If linkedin wants users to spend more hours on its website, we will listen to you! Documents and videos retain users longer, and if it is thanks to us, it will reward us.

6.- Use PULSE. On the platform, there is a section to publish full articles called Pulse, in the style of a normal blog. Post a relevant article, the platform will thank you.

Segmentation is at the core of what makes it possible for you to succeed on LinkedIn. Take care of your profile and always act consistently.

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