There is work in the architecture sector in Northern Europe

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Architects will have to look for work in Northern Europe.

The current situation of the architecture and construction sector in Spain is well known, and with more deficiencies in the labor part, so many colleagues have to emigrate to other countries in search of bread. In January, a survey of economic trends was published with reference to the architecture sector from ARCHITECTS ’COUNCIL OF EUROPE. Where it is revealed that the architecture sector in Northern Europe follows an upward trend greater than the rest of the Community countries.

The survey of around 4,600 architects from across Europe reveals an upward trend at a European level of optimism within the architecture profession or sector. The number of respondents who consider the current situation as good or very good has doubled in the last year (from 9.1% to 21.9%). Despite the rise, the majority of respondents are still pessimistic (54.6%) regarding the economic recovery of the sector.

If we look at the breakdown by country we can see significant differences where Northern Europe, led by Norway, Sweden and Finland, are clearly more confident and satisfied than the rest of Europe. In the case of Spain we can verify the existing pessimism.

It must be taken into account that from the graph we can also extract from the opinion of the respondents that construction continues in Northern European countries and therefore they are places where we can find work.

With reference to the workload or expectation of more projects related to the architecture sector, an improvement is expected compared to previous years. Fewer architects expect a decrease in their workload (31.3%) and more expect an increase (23.8%).

Regarding the number of employees in the different technical offices, the survey reveals that starting in 2014, theoretically, jobs will be created in the sector.

In the private construction sector, specifically housing (Represents 44% of construction in Europe), according to the respondents, they foresee an increase in work for this year, as well as for the public sector where expectations are also favorable.

As conclusions of the survey we can extract that:

  • In general the mood among architectural professionals is improving. More respondents expect an increase in their workload in the short term, and anticipate an increase in the number of employees as a result.
  • An increase in work is expected in both the private and public sectors.
  • A slow recovery in the architecture sector is suggested.
  • Important differences between the countries of Northern Europe where the trend in construction was more linear and coherent compared to those of the South and Central Europe where the economic boom at the time caused an upward rebound in excessive construction.
  • Countries like Norway, Sweden and Finland are suitable and with good prospects of finding a job related to architecture and construction.

Access to the report from HERE.

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