2 Free courses on urban sustainability by the UPV - Green Ecologist

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Urban sustainability courses

The challenges of modern urbanism are many, but without a doubt, sustainable urban and territorial development without forgetting this triple dimension; social, economic and environmental, poses a complex urban progress.

The million dollar question… How to evaluate the behavior of a city with respect to sustainability? A problem that takes us much further than preparing a traditional environmental impact report.

If civilization wants to survive, it must live off the interest of nature, not capital… By Ronald Wright

It is here, where the two free courses of the UPV can clear up many doubts to understand urban sustainability …

1.- Course on evaluation and impact of sustainability in the urban environment

Training aimed at understanding the trends and basic elements to be able to carry out a comprehensive sustainable assessment of an urban environment constructed.

It analyzes which tools are the most appropriate to carry out an analysis on the impact of urban sustainability policies in cities.

The course is divided into five weeks with a total of 3 to 4 hours per week and starts at the end of this month. Each week represents a theme and they are:

  • Week 1: Dimensions for urban sustainability. First, an analysis through the classics is carried out, followed by a keynote address on climate change by the Nobel laureate Edward S. Rubin and ending with an interview with the late Nobel laureate Sir Harold Kroto on Nanoscience.
  • Week 2: Tools to develop a sustainable urban environment. The connection is built with the tools available through science to make our cities sustainable. The possibilities of nanomaterials, followed by the key impact of green infrastructure on the metabolism of the city and ends with an analysis of the role of smart grids in energy distribution for the cities of the future.
  • Week 3: Evaluation and assessment. The concepts of evaluation and impact analysis of the built environment are covered. The theoretical framework is developed followed by the Integrated Design approach necessary for an assessment and evaluation of the impact presented.
  • Week 4: City models. Modeling techniques that are applicable in cities are investigated. Introduction of how to apply BIM (Remember the compilation of free BIM courses that we have) and life cycle analysis.
  • Week 5: Circular cities. The final planned paradigm of the circular city is presented based on the foundation of the concepts that are subsequently developed in the proposed Circular City model. As a final point, the Sustainability Plan of the University of British Columbia in Canada is analyzed.

We can access the course on evaluation and impact of sustainability in the urban environment from the EDX platform HERE (Remember that the MOOC course is free and you can see all the videos, but if you want an accreditation of having done it, you have to pay the corresponding fee)

2.- Interdisciplinary introduction course to urban sustainability

This course to understand sustainable urbanism is aimed at students can develop a neighborhood model and be able to assess their behavior. It offers an interdisciplinary approach to sustainability in urban architecture.

The course is divided into four weeks with a total of 3 to 4 hours per week and starts at the end of this month. Each week represents a theme and they are:

  • Week 1: Relevance of materials in buildings. You will learn to develop a conceptual model from the architectural elements of the buildings; the basic component of which will be the performance of the materials.
  • Week 2: Buildings: behavior, functions and materials. It investigates the methods to optimize energy performance. Needs and limitations inherent in the selection of materials and urban elements of the neighborhood (the second layer of the model for the green, blue and gray infrastructure).
  • Week 3: Efficiency, sustainability and architecture. Basic tools will be developed to introduce energy and measure its potential impact on climate change (CO2). This represents a new (third) layer in our neighborhood sustainability model, which will be approached from a global perspective.
  • Week 4: Integrated design and business models. Techniques for a joint evaluation directly related to policy issues to be applied will be explored.

We can access the course on interdisciplinary introduction to urban sustainability from the EDX platform HERE (Remember that the MOOC course is free and you can see all the videos, but if you want proof of having done it, you have to pay the corresponding fee)

And from the following article on courses for civil engineering and architects we can learn with training in MOOC format. And if we want a little more, the LinkedIn social network has also launched free courses.

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