101 free architecture books to download in Spanish

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Free online architecture books in PDF, Word or Epub

The training of every architect, interior designer or engineer must be constant and more so taking into account that architecture does not stop evolving.

We have decided to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the Internet to offer an extensive catalog of information on where to find and search architecture books free that can be downloaded online in different formats how; PDFs, with direct download in Epub format for Ebooks, the famous Word or the latest for mobiles in mobi format.

They are text copies with free access so that we can read them quietly at home or simply add to our library or notes.

Our training must cover different disciplines that fall within the architecture sector such as construction, works, history, construction techniques, urban planning, design and structures and infrastructures or the biographies of the great architects of history, among some examples and ideas.

The reviews that we provide in this article are assigned with downloads without copyright (No copyright - Creative Commons) and free. In legal format or hosted in non-profit organizations and institutions that offer it for free.

And also, they are not websites where you get lost based on links, viruses, popups and advertising without power download the volume you are looking for We started!

Where to download free legal books?

Download technical books On the Internet to read them on mobile devices, on Ebooks, tablets or the desktop computer itself is a reality for most of the readers who consume its digital version.

Although the large publishing houses, portals and establishments dedicated to the sale of books (Amazon, El Corte Inglés, La Casa del Libro or Fnac, as examples) have enabled specific platforms for the sale of their volumes, new pages appear every day to download texts illegally.

However, there is a false belief among consumers that outside of these online commerce platforms, they can only be obtained for free on websites of an illegal nature or of dubious origin. As we will see, this is not true! And there is some search engine optimized for books.

1.- The collective catalog of digital publications

Did you know that on the web there is a library of libraries, well yes!… A collective catalog that links 14 million digital records from more than 900 Institutions, Universities and all the official organizations that you can imagine and more. Not bad at all if we are looking to download any work in the sector. It is the great Worldcat information library.

We can follow the steps in the following image once you enter from HERE. We just have to put the word we want in the search engine and it will give us thousands of results.

Afterwards, to better hit the searches (Since they will appear; articles, theses - dissertations, visual material, magazines … ect), on the side we can specify Downloadable Archive Material + e-book, and even search by author or year as we can see in the image above.

Okay! We already started with 103 results from digitized books for download not counting the thousands of documents and information that we can find.

2.- Modern architecture books

A good platform to find quality texts. We can lose ourselves in hours and hours of reading, it is as simple as accessing the Issuu portal but in a particular way. We enter the portal and search "Architecture books" or if we want it in English "Books architecture" and then, we will click on “Stacks”, which are small libraries created by users of the portal dedicated exclusively to the word we have searched for. To understand it better …

We can already tell you that there are very conscientious people in collecting the best architecture PDF books. You will be surprised by the number of boards and copies that are available to download quickly and easily or read them online.

Remember, you can also search by authors or find other information such as presentations, free images and infographics that are really useful for our projects.

3.- From Internet Archive

One of the world's largest information libraries is the Internet Archive (Many know it as Archive ORG) with more than 2 Million scanned documents. A non-profit institution that tries to preserve the educational information that is presented on the web.

Among its qualities is an extensive bookstore of digital books on architecture and related topics. Entering from the following link we just have to put "architecture" or "architecture" to see a good amount of huge volumes.

4.- The Google eBooks library

By now we all know that Google has an immense library of Ebooks (The Download Ebooks) that although they proclaim that it is free, in reality there are not manycomplete free booksOf the majority, we will only see a few pages and the rest, if you want to see them, you have to pay!

So all we have to do is search conscientiously from the advanced search options HERE. And you have to put, for example:

Remember that it is important to add "Full view only" to read the volumes in full. Not everyone knows that you can collect and catalog them in what is called "My collection" which is a board where they will all appear and that also, it is possible that other users can see or share the title of the shelves.

We have created a contribution with best technical books, in total 65 complete volumes that you can see from HERE. A good collection of works to read online or download.

We remember that from the Google Scholar search engine we will also find files of interest.

5.- How to download complete Spanish books on Slideshare?

This is one of the great platforms to download thousands of copies where you will even find the latest news.

If it falls within the law or not, that is another issue that the platform must assume with its users, copies without copyright They are mixed with others that are not so much or with thousands of documents, guides, manuals, novels and even Doctoral Theses (By the way, doctoral research can be found in full from Doctoral Theses in Network of interest for students or for university students who are studying degrees and masters).

We will only inquire into how to download free books from Slideshare in PDF in a simple and easy way while maintaining legality. Steps to follow:

  1. You have to register on the portal. From HERE at the top (You can do it quickly with Linkedin or Facebook)
  2. In the search specifications: Indicate subject or author title. Add Documents or Slides and Spanish, as we see in the image.
  3. As a tip, skip straight to Documents with few slides (Slides are pages). They are not of interest in 99% of the cases.

To download them you just have to click on the button as in the following image. Direct download of books!

We have to comment that in some texts the "Download" tab does not appear, but we can view them online without problems.

6.- The Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library

The portal allows free access to the titles of the virtual library, where books of Spanish literature are highlighted. Practically most of Architecture PDF that you find on the net, comes from this repository. Access from HERE and we can find some suggestive collections:

A search for volumes with advanced options is advised as in the image above. Let us remember that there are other words of interest such as construction, urban planning, design, structures … etc, from which you can also obtain varied content.

7.- In the Digital Library of Ibero-American Heritage

Apart from entering the searches of national libraries such as those of Argentina, Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama, Chile, El Salvador, Portugal … etc. It has a feint at the bottom to specify that it only drops books. You can access it from HERE. At the moment we have 211 Books.

8.- By the Higher Council for Scientific Research

The CSIC of Spain platform also has a section on its website dedicated to free electronic publications.

In the virtual library we can find a few free electronic works on some of the investigations of this organism (42 On architecture) although, yes, the download requires the registration in the web.

You will also find other topics such as archeology and prehistory, art, science and technology, philosophy and religion, health, romantics, self-help, computing, linguistics or philology.

9.- From the National Library in Spain

It has a free and free portal for digitized documents that is actually the Hispanic Digital Library. When we enter we click on «advanced search». The results that it gives us are older books, but as a counterpoint, in the «Discover Collections» section we will find sections of interest with architectural drawings, manuscripts, photographs, engravings … etc. From multiple disciplines (Art, philosophy, history … etc.).

10.- Advanced search for books in Google to download in PDF

In the Google search engine you can not only explore and inspect information as we normally write or by voice, there is an option that is very powerful and that yields very accurate data.

They are advanced Google searches that work on a series of specific commands that only the present searched understands. A example of advanced search to find PDF about books:

  • We enter from HERE.
  • We add the fields as in the following image. It is recommended to go testing the different boxes without changing the one that indicates "File type" that we have initially put PDF. Although as you can test, there is also the option for Excel, Word, Autodesk DWF files, among many others.

The example of results that it gives us with architecture PDF is very long:

Also, we remind you that from our portal we have created a search engine specialized in PDF and Word documents. It is a very powerful tool that can help us even in our day-to-day work to quickly find all kinds of documents.

11.- From the UPM library in Madrid

We also have to consider that the large universities, in their libraries, have a section of digitized archives open to the general public.

For example, from the Polytechnic University of Madrid and accessing here. According to its search engine, it gives us a lot of documents and volumes of architecture.

You have to look for the free access section. For the rest, then go testing in the different Universities and surely there are very interesting documents such as the digitized theses of the former students. Not counting that municipal libraries and more if it is a big city, with a simple card - which in many cases is free - you will have access to hundreds of works.

Platforms to download books with 30 days free

  • From the Amazon bookstore with the Kindle Unlimited… HERE. We have the first 30 Days Free trial. For any device, you can read and reread with the Kindle App. They boast of having more than 1 Million titles. Perfect for gathering information for a job or project!

  • Another great bookstore, Nubico. Unlimited reading, with a 30-day trial, you don't need to include your bank details to try Nubico Premium. Without advertising and without commitment of permanence. (About 100 Titles for the word architecture)

  • The 24symbols library. From your computer, tablet or smartphone you can access more than 500,000 books without connection. With the offer of … "Now read the first three months for the price of one."

There are no more excuses not to read!… If you like more to read electronic books on different devices or you simply don't have an ereader and want to read on a computer, tablet or smartphone, a good option is books in pdf format. They are very easy to find and legally, you should always keep this in mind.

Why download books in PDF?

As a small paragraph, remember that the advantages of PDF formats are more substantial (Files in Adobe format) than in the ebooks epub or mobi (Kindle) or Word itself.

They can be read on any device since native applications are already included for reading on mobiles, tablets, desktop computers or laptops and are compatible with all operators.

In addition, it allows you to save the document, certain pages or print in a simple way, always within the law, of course.

Within themain disadvantages of PDF, it does not just adapt well to e-readers or electronic book readers, or it has shortcomings such as enlarging the letter quickly, translating it, knowing the meaning of a word.

In addition, you can find more copies and documents of interest from:

  • Refrigeration systems and installations for home
  • Techniques and decoration of modern offices
  • Types of insulators and the properties of materials
  • The bagua and feng shui at home; colors and techniques step by step
  • Measures and ways to save energy
  • Tips for decorating a dining room

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