Modern Kitchen Design: 13 Useful and Practical Ideas - Green Ecologist

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Modern kitchen design, with useful and integral furniture

Give a touch of color with pleasant accessories that accompany us when cooking, choosing the right furniture or the distribution in the design of modern kitchensThey are the key to creating our own environment and feeling at home.

We can find a thousand Kitchen furniture, a multitude of styles and modules, distributions for smaller and larger ones, integral, island-shaped or smart kitchens with state-of-the-art technology, in gray, black and white or strong colors, cheaper or more luxurious… etc.

But the reality is that kitchen decoration goes much further from these temporary trends as indicated by holy kitchens; Words such as utility, flexibility, simplicity, ease of cooking and cleaning, practicality, etc. should be favored.

Gastronomy lasts over time and we must understand that decorating and conditioning this space must provide us with long-lasting solutions over time.

"The ideal kitchen should be spacious, highly functional and easy to clean" Chef Xavier Llanos

To make better use of the space, we have to look at many details. Regardless of whether it is large or small, irregular or square … What do you want the best kitchen for your home?

Today, we are going to explain step by step how to have the best kitchen design without leaving us anything … (at the end, there are portals with interesting photographs to get some ideas)

How to distribute the kitchen

Ideally, it should be spacious, bright and orderly to achieve a special charm in that corner where we can spend so many hours without realizing it.

Here comes what the experience of years of cooking designates as Work Triangle and that many professionals apply to design kitchens. It is a coherent division of the kitchen according to its work areas.

Tip: Better a well-distributed kitchen than putting a glittering design first. In time, you will appreciate it!

For the triangle to work in a more optimal way, the sum of its 3 sides should not be greater than approximately 8 meters, and, separately, none should be less than 1.20 meters (To be able to work), nor greater than 2 , 70 meters away.

On the most conventional types of kitchens, visually they would be the following plans - diagrams about their work areas when cooking and moving better (The points reflect the most common ways that we move according to distribution):

These movements in relation to the forms - habitual rooms of the houses derive in the types of kitchen layouts more standard:

  • U-shaped kitchens
  • L-shaped kitchens
  • Online kitchens
  • Kitchens in parallel lines (Parallel front)
  • Island kitchens

For distributions, since it is a broad topic, we have created a very detailed article that you can watch from HERE.

We already know aspects of how to divide the space of our kitchen. Now… it's time to make a sketch!

Tip: If we do not make a small drawing with the measurements of our kitchen … we will end up spending more money!

To take the measurements, or we make a sketch with a graph paper (Remember to measure the height) or we can use an Internet program to draw.

Large surfaces, such as Ikea kitchens or Leroy merlin They have programs, but you have to download them. From HERE we have a planner a kitchen designer online very easy to use, practical, with a multitude of materials and 3D views.

Note: If it is a comprehensive reform, I advise you to see the tool at the end of the article to get an idea of the cost of the works.

Now! useful tips regarding space and distribution:

  • A single line of cabinets, in light colors, is the solution in long kitchens. A "widening" effect is achieved and, in addition, you can choose to place a bar or table on the opposite wall. A great example of design is these modular furniture that are totally transparent …
  • A kitchen island It is an option if the space is very large, it is an extra surface to prepare food or use it as a breakfast area; with drawers or cabinets you will gain space to store whatever you want.
  • For a square shape, the best distribution is the "U" shape. It will be practical and functional. Whether in a large or small space, the objective will be to use one side as a counter and bar area, and the other as a kitchen and sink.
  • Distributing in an «L» shape is another option in reduced measures, achieving more work surface without overloading it. A dining table can be placed on the free wall.
  • The recessed sliding doors do not subtract meters and allow you to take advantage of the wall for a piece of furniture.

Remembering that ergonomic kitchen measures can be designated in the following infographic:

And if we go deeper into the dimensions to improve the usability of the space. We have the following image that can be very useful in the distribution of furniture, both high and low:

The above infographic reflects common measures in ergonomics and most used, but as in the design and reform of bathrooms, it does not mean that they are mandatory, they are advice.

At this point… we get the furniture!

Kitchen furniture

We are going to give a series of tips from how to place kitchen furniture from the perspective of utility. Visually vent the kitchen in the minimalist style is the primary objective:

Imagine how you move and you will hit the furniture. A trick that does not fail for designer kitchens and not lose its usefulness, is to confirm the following:

Furniture distribution You would drink power
Food next to the plate and oven To reach
Pans and pots next to the hob and oven To reach
Pans and pots next to the dishwasher A quick save
Cutlery and crockery next to the dishwasher A quick save
Trash can next to / under the sink Easy waste disposal
Cleaning products next to / under the sink To reach
Cutlery and tableware near the table Set the table faster
  • The removable corner modules; You can also take advantage of any structural element (holes, projections …) with custom furniture, gaining a feeling of spaciousness and comfort.
  • A column with removable shelves allows quick access to what we keep in each of them.
  • A removable cupboard inserted in the corner of the kitchen, takes advantage of all the background, being able to handle it easily.

  • A large glass cabinet will be ideal to put crockery and ornaments, decorating the environment without the need to constantly clean them.
  • A "cupboard" above the worktop and sink will allow you to keep cups and glasses more close at hand.
  • Tall drawers take advantage of space for large accessories.
  • The kitchen furniture They can be easily transformed, from changing the pieces, to painting them or applying an imitation vinyl to the surface with excellent results. An example would be the following image:
  • The white color in the cabinets is a good choice, it combines very well and, in addition, it enlarges the space. The most current designs propose very wide wooden modules, combined with glazed glass, achieving a light and contemporary aesthetic.
  • Equipping drawers with large interior plastic or metal partitions will always keep utensils tidy.

  • Modules for recycling and cleaning are practical next to the sink.
  • If the oven, dishwasher or microwave is placed in a high module, it will be more conveniently accessed.

Kitchen cabinets can be easily transformed, from changing the pieces, to painting them or applying an imitation vinyl on the surface with excellent results. As a summary of suggestions:

We continue with creating the ideal kitchen more modern … They touch the colors!

Kitchen paint and colors

Daring to change the color of the wall, will give a radical change with very little money (We remember the article on how to paint a wall with good tricks). A tone that highlights the qualities of the space and the furniture will be ideal.

We remember an App for mobile phones (HERE - Itunes Apple) that you simply take a photo of a room, and it tells you the colors it uses. Useful to know how to choose kitchen colors!

The kitchen orientation it can help determine the suitability of one color or another. Those facing North require warm and bright colors, whereas those facing South improve with shades such as white or green.

East-facing ones are best for grays, creams, and pastel shades. The ones that face the West are perfect for cool colors.

  • The color pink or mauve, are two tones that can combine well with each other creating a soft contrast with the white lacquered furniture.
  • The gray kitchens It is a color that provides a sensation of visual amplitude and luminosity.
  • The eating area can be differentiated by dressing the wall with a cheerful striped wallpaper, giving it a modern air.
  • Universal colors of neutral tones, based on green, brown or yellow, go well with any style. Off-white combines cleanliness and clarity.

If we want to learn more about color we have a good extensive guide article on color in architecture.

Details, complements and accessories

Complements and small accessories will give the last note to the modern kitchen, achieving a very personal atmosphere:

  • Candles in different mixed colors placed on the shelves, or on the bottom of the table, will give warmth.
  • A vase will give joy if it is decorated with a good bouquet of natural or artificial flowers. It will be ideal for the corner of the countertop.
  • Small fun or designer accessories always give a touch of joy or distinction to a space that is often a meeting point. So take note!

  • A pot with a plant by the window will give life and color.
  • If you decide to put covers on the chairs, the fabric can be the same shade as the curtains, to match. (See home textile article)
  • By mixing pieces of different colors, these acquire more prominence but it is reasoned that they are very few.

If you can find the ideal distribution, custom furniture, matching paint and details combined, you will have managed to find the perfect environment. It is possible to change the design with a minimum investment, only a suitable distribution will be necessary.

Sometimes, unleashing creativity with simple details or leading parts can make a kitchen more enjoyable and easy to work with.

It should not be just a place to enjoy the gastronomy, cooking or cooking, it can also offer a space for meetings, sharing and conversation.

Add meters

In recent years, the kitchen has been a source of ideas in design, gaining ground today and becoming comfortable and manageable. They are looking for practical accessories and furniture to make cooking easy and to be the best host on any occasion:

  • To let off steam by giving more space, it will be necessary to dispense with tall cabinets by opting for pull-out modules, display cabinets and shelves, which have more than one function if their interior is equipped well and are increasingly taking center stage when choosing their current and practical design.
  • The seating capacity can be occupied by a bench, which will be an alternative to give space; the stools are ideal for not subtracting areas.

  • If, on the contrary, you opt for chairs, you can choose materials that are easy to wash and with designs that facilitate the passage area.
  • One detail that must be taken into account is the distance between the table and the closest piece of furniture; To add meters, round or folding tables, due to their design, take advantage of the corners.
  • If the stay allows it, a island cabinet for the kitchenWith or without a sink, in addition to presenting a work area, it can offer several functions: storage area and office area; on the sides, it will be ideal to place large drawers or shelves.
  • The drawers with several trays multiply their capacity by adapting to the needs; a good solution is to make the plinth area profitable by integrating drawers.
  • The columns with a removable opening system, placed next to corners, allow the storage of tall bottles and containers.
  • The modules with wheels have gained currency, since they are integrated into any furniture and are easy to handle.
  • An ingenious solution will be to put stainless steel plates on the back wall, which can act as a mirror giving a feeling of spaciousness.

Now, if you want exclusivity… Check out the following trends!

Trends in kitchen and style

Keys, the most current designs. The style of the furniture or its distribution, as we have already mentioned, are some key aspects in kitchen design. The more modern kitchen designs and current ones can give us some clues and suggestions to decorate without the need to go to a professional.

We observe in shop windows and decoration magazines the style of contemporary kitchens that are consolidated in clear trends united with the rest of the house without physical borders, movements of continuity open with great fluidity to the dining room, living room and exterior.

Fashion trends are adapted to personal uses, respecting the distribution and preserving current airs.

1.- Flexibility in kitchen materials

A designer kitchen it has to give off functionality in all its materials and a surprising aesthetic taste, attending to ergonomics with mixtures of good lighting and resistant and durable materials.

Combinations of stainless steel workbenches, workshop modules to maintain order added to stone, corian, zodiaq, solid wood or lamicolor countertops with curved line finishes. Glass, aluminum and steel are the right proposals for a kitchen with an aseptic and contemporary character.

2.- Lightness in kitchen furniture

Find storage solutions with internally lit removable columns for weekly or monthly purchases, and designed to also store crockery or glassware.

Drawers with sliding systems with straight sides and anodized aluminum, with a soft closing system in two heights, are practical and simple options that have been practiced for a long time in the decoration of dining rooms. All of this will provide us with a perfect setting for order and quality of life. Remember the famous phrase "Less is more."

3.- General ecological sensitivity with the installation of the kitchen

Furniture manufacturers offer their products with minimal consumption of raw materials and energy, long life, recycling and non-toxic finishes that guarantee us total freedom in the choice of finishes. If we look at the energy consumption table:

We will quickly realize the importance of household appliances in the kitchen; The oven, dishwasher, or the different types of refrigerators that we buy what we really consume. So be careful where we spend the money!

With the help of free-standing columns or cabinets it will allow us to hide a refrigerator, an oven or a microwave. Shutter enclosures for small-format ones and thus obtain a continuous surface appearance.

In addition, hiding all the electrical appliances from view, the concealment of these will allow us to isolate it from the noise they may cause in the daytime area.

4.- Modularity and functionality in kitchen equipment

Choosing the latest technological trends in appliances is important when choosing the style of your kitchen. An example of what latest in kitchen technology:

Extractor hoods with elliptical geometries made of aluminum and glass materials; refrigerators with climatic zones divided inside for better preservation of your food; steamed ovens for roasting and gratin, keep food warm and achieve precise cooking.

5.- Naturalness and beauty within the environment

The kitchen environment must be a family meeting point where everyone finds their place inside. It has to fit its owner perfectly, reflecting his life in it with an individual and independent style.

A space to cook, eat and socialize, an exquisite room to bring us happiness in our lives without great costs and unattainable signatures.

We will not only reflect the taste for decoration but internally we will grow as our needs and the inhabitants who live in that place grow. You want a place to cook but also one more motivation to live and enjoy your home.

6.- Well-being and coherence in the final result of the new kitchen

It is increasingly difficult for us to reach that glass on the top shelf or that pot at the bottom of the cabinet.It is not always possible to enjoy breakfasts and after-meals as long as one wants with all the calm in the world when we are in this part of the house.

If we think that a little more light would give it life, a better organization would be more comfortable and easier to clean…. Why not improve it for maximum enjoyment?

It is necessary to find a balance between kitchen design and lifestyle. The right colors will be searched (See meanings of the colors in this article), integrating the necessary lighting and finding the accessories that best suit the room (Shelves, sink, appliances, etc).

Practical advice on trends for kitchens

  • Lighting can take center stage, differentiating the work area from the office area in a localized way, enhancing objects or furniture. Pendant lamps are a source of ambient light and will highlight the place where they are placed, recessed spotlights increase direct light at the points that you want to highlight. (We can learn more from the article on current lighting and LEDs)
  • A simple change will be to update the curtains helping to modify the image; Roman shades are ideal for their decorative richness, they adapt to the measurements of the windows and allow you to control the lighting; it will be important that the chosen fabrics are resistant and easy to wash.
  • It should be ensured, and it is advisable, that the office area is located next to the window to invite natural light to enter, and thus, reinforce the feeling of a unique environment.

  • Flowers and plants can be considered, which can add color and also perfume the place. Playing to combine them with other objects of the same color such as lamps, curtains or covers, is a good idea; the floral centers allow to give a decorative and vital color effect, the standing flowers are another option to decorate the abandoned corners.

How to calculate a kitchen renovation budget

On the Internet we have different tools and applications to seehow much does it cost to renovate a kitchen and obtain more or less in detail an indicative budget.

To get a general idea of the cost of the works, we are going to see a useful application.

As we want to provide quality, professionalism and offer a tool that really adds value, we will have to go to the IVE (Valencian Building Institute) tool.

It works on a basis of fully updated construction prices per year and has a useful and easy-to-use application to give us a real guide value and possible reforms at home. (We can also save and print the budget)

With a decoration full of ideas, proposals and decorative secrets, you can get a new kitchen, practical and comfortable, without having to change furniture if not necessary.

Look for offers of kitchens for sale! There are many and, above all, in change of season or renovation of shop windows, there you can buy interesting things.

More than 100 photos to inspire you with good ideas

Although many times we have an idea of what we want, looking at other projects and images can give us more inspiration. So we leave some websites where you will find good photographs of modern kitchens To catch a good idea, there are users who have a lot of imagination!

  • We start with Instagram. From HERE and with the #kitchen hanstag there are hundreds of examples and photos.
  • In ISSUU hundreds of magazines and decoration books are posted with free access and without the need to register; New Style, AD Decoration, Interiors, ELLE Decor, Architecture and Design. From HERE you can access many magazines for inspiration.
  • Pinterest is also often the perfect place to find hundreds of user-uploaded photos. You can check from HERE.

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