Digital automation and No Code: Save many hours of work - Green Ecologist

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Automations digital and No Code

Today we have to talk about the technology of digital automation (Digital Automation, in English) and the movement No Code, and, how, in a few mouse clicks you can save many hours of work per month.

We like the CAD world or BIM software, but in every company, be it an architecture, engineering, design or whatever you have in mind, there is much more.

We are talking about the management of the digital company, data and organization; from projects, procedures with clients, budgets, Emails, to the thousand tasks that they touch every week. A huge job that we can simplify, be more efficient and faster, using a software No Code for automate a digital task.

No Code tools will accelerate our productivity and control of information in a resounding way

You want to know more about the No Code tools and how to boost your office …

What is a No Code application

A No Code app is a online software designed to create workflows and data management with a simple visual and a simple administration before an important premise, its management is focused to people who DO NOT know how to program.

Its philosophy is based on not having to learn programming languages to be able to create apps, web pages, bots, data managers or whatever you have in mind.

And I endow this, in my office of architect, engineering, decoration or design … How can we take advantage of it?

As we know that you like the examples. The surveyor Antonio Trujillo has all the management and organization of his commissions, architecture projects, work, rehabilitation in the No Code Notion tool:

Notion is a simple to use No Code information manager. The technician adapts Notion to his work needs by creating his own data manager.

The video explains in detail the work flow that manages practically all its business with a very cheap online program, but, the important thing is to understand the potential of these tools and what they can contribute to us.

And you know the best, this is only a small part of the potential No Code … What else can we do?

Main functionalities of No Code applications

The No Code world is very wide, especially in the English field that we have a few years ahead of us. But the main functionalities we see in the following scheme:

In the No Code, automations are very important by facilitating that we can connect and exchange information between different online software

No Code tools functionalities:

  • Creation of apps, software, web pages, bost, information managers, etc, without knowing programming.
  • As a database: Management of treatment, organization, classification and analysis of information.
  • Form creation: Online programs No Code that generate forms to capture information, either based on a URL or that we can embed in a web,
  • Automations: They are applications that connect online tools with each other in an automated way. You can connect two software online or 50 in a very easy way (Example; A form that automatically creates a PDF and then sends it by Email - you are automating the process by connecting different tools together)
  • API management: Short for Application Programming Interfaces and in a few words we could say that it is a protocol that allows communication between two software applications through a set of rules (Very similar to Automations).
  • Marketing: Here the No Code technology focuses on the automation of processes and tasks related to the world of Marketing.
  • Sales (Sales): The software focuses on process automation and tasks related to the world of sales, from a digital product to literally the sale of an apartment.

The digital automations They are an essential part of the No Code and are of vital importance to connect online programs to each other and to interact.

What's more, you may not need to create an app or have your own information manager created by you, but we are sure that automating some office tasks, yes.

So we need to understand what it is automate tasks digitally and how to take advantage of them …

What is digital automation

The automation of digital processes is use any No Code software that performs one or more digital tasks of our daily work without human intervention.

Target! Gain in productivity and organization; You can automate the generation of invoices, budgets, control of work and projects, improve internal and external communication, automate marketing and a thousand more possibilities.

Today, in the world of digital automation, the limit is set by your mind.

A simple example. Let's say I have a prefabricated house company, with a website and a form that potential clients looking for a quote can fill out. And today, we receive an Email from a user:

The image above represents just a small example of how to automate a digital process that many of us do repeatedly every day.

By the way, if you are thinking that here you can little customize the Email, you are wrong! You can create super personalized, professional PDF budgets or put in Email, directly what you want and all automated.

Voucher! But, what advantages does the automate a digital workflow

Advantages of digital automations

Of course the machine digital jobs has advantages and disadvantages. I'm not going to beat around the bush. So the following scheme simplifies the advantages of automating a business:

  • Time saving: Much more productive by simplifying the routines and repetitive actions of the day to day.
  • Efficiency: Tasks that are performed manually and repetitively are automated.
  • Optimization: The human resources used between, for example, company and client are reduced and perfected to the maximum.
  • Information control: We have a clear database on clients, company information or workers.
  • Better customer management: Possible errors are reduced and the relationship between client - company is optimized, although a prior, it does not seem like it.
  • Monitoring what we do: We can know what we do, how we do it and what results we are obtaining.

And the downsides? Obviously, all this is not so pretty and at this point I would highlight three barriers:

  • Need to clarify very well the processes or tasks carried out in the office in order to choose the most appropriate software.
  • The good ones No Code Software and to automate tasksThey have a cost, but it is nothing to write home about.
  • It is necessary to train. Although, I already confirm that for 95% of companies, it is not a barrier if you compare it with the results you will obtain.

And now… Where do we start?

How to start in the world of automation

The easiest way to get started in the world of digital automation is act on repetitive processes, actions and tasks that are managed in the company every week, which are, mainly, those that take up a lot of time.

We cannot know what automation to carry out, if you don't know what steps you carry out for task "X"

Here, knowing what we do in our business from a detailed perspective comes into play. We cannot know what automation to perform if we do not have detailed steps we do for job "X".

Although it seems complicated a prior (We will indicate where to train later), the automate repetitive tasks of a business is simple, and, in addition, you will be able to better organize the company and the data.

The following video of Gisela bravo (Top in Automation) by Sharing Away is an excellent introduction to the technology of Digital Process Automation with examples.

Documenting the steps we take in a task is important. Some tools to create flowcharts or mind maps are in the article on digital tools for productivity.

You can automate everything! And, for example, the Integromat tool (One of the best known) already shows you that you can connect hundreds of tools in a few clicks, even with pre-designed templates for ease of use.

And at this key point, we have to know which digital applications are the best and where we can train for free …

What No Code tools and to automate there are

Although we are only going to present a small part of the broad No Code ecosystem, which does not stop growing. We believe it can represent the best No Code tools that are currently on the market:

Top main No Code and Automation tools
For creating web, software, bots and apps
For Database and management
Google Sheets
For forms
For Integrators - Automation
For API management
For Marketing automation
Active Campaign
For sales (Sales)

Note: Of course, we have surely left some interesting ones. In addition, they perform combined tasks, for example, several of the Database applications can also create forms to capture information (Airtable).

Free courses in No Code and automation training

Unfortunately, in the face of this new technological trend - in the Spanish-speaking field - we do not have all the resources that would guide us, but even so, little but with quality there is quality.

We started the free No Code courses with:

  • Nocode Hackers They were with whom we began to introduce ourselves in this subject. They have several free courses from Airtable, introduction to no-code, Zapier and Notion, check from HERE (There are also some paid). 100% quality! And well explained.
  • On the platform Sharing away have specialized in this innovative technology to learn how to create, automate and grow your digital product without programming. They have a free introductory course to No Code you can watch from HERE. As a note, in addition to the paid courses (they are great) they have a powerful Spanish-speaking community.
  • Integromat It is the most powerful tool for automating processes, from easy to very complex tasks. In this YouTube channel of Sharing Away you have a free Integromat course, from the most basic to the top.
  • No Coders Academy It is also a Spanish-speaking portal. Good resources, free video tutorials every week that you can watch HERE and some courses.
  • Notion It is already a very mature platform with many followers. There are different free courses on YouTube and we recommend these videos by Elena Madrigal to introduce ourselves in depth.

Digital Automation Infographic - Abstract

Well, nothing, we have assembled an infographic as a summary of the article …

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