PVC windows Are they better than aluminum or wood?

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Comparison of PVC windows versus aluminum or wood

Recognizing which is the best exterior carpentry for a building or for our own house is a key point that we must know to improve our energy savings and insulation, among many other factors.

In this article we are going to focus on the characteristics and types of PVC windows compared to wood or typical aluminum windows that we have many at home, recognizing their advantages and disadvantages, materials, functionalities, types of profiles, types of windows and other technical aspects to determine which windows we should buy according to our needs.

First of all we must recognize when should we change the windows of our house and start that little reform. We can follow a small guide that will help us understand the state of deterioration of our external woodwork. (By clicking HERE the following image is enlarged)

With a few simple steps we can recognize if the carpentry that we have in the house it is sufficiently hermetic, if the glass really insulates or if we are safe against thieves. According to the company specialized in PVC windows Alugalventanas, the four main advantages of changing the windows are:

  • Around 35% of the energy used for heating or air conditioning is lost due to poorly insulated and deteriorated windows.
  • Improved acoustic insulation by closing hermetically and using acoustic insulating glass. Reducing by 10 decibels means acoustic insulation values in half.
  • Around 80% of thefts that are practiced in homes are through the windows.
  • Less maintenance and longer durability, and more if we talk about the PVC joinery. Not counting the aesthetic aspects.

What are the best windows on the market

Although the dispute is always between pvc or aluminum. First, we must understand that the glass and the frame work together, they are responsible in the long and medium term to provide adequate benefits of comfort and well-being for our home without counting on the economic savings that we can obtain by outline a better insulation in the joinery.

When we combine both in aluminum or pvc windows, and wood, we obtain the insulation capacity in the windows. In a graphic way for a better understanding it would be to have - in part - attention to the following formula:

Before the insulation of a window: The frame of the advantage is just as important as the glass that we are going to put

We remember that this formula is an approximation because there are other factors that also influence; if it is installed well, if it has a shutter or not, the thermal bridge, or the possible combinations between a very bad profile and a very good glass and vice versa.

So in reality you were talking about a set of factors that answer the question of what elements must be taken into account to choose the best window. We remember that we have an extensive article where glass curtains and the different types of glazing are discussed to understand the part of glass.

In order not to go into overly technical specifications, we are going to focus on understanding the energy label of windows to see which are the most optimal:

The letter assigned at the top is the great reference that determines the energy efficiency classification (They are assigned from the highest A to G). At the time of buy windows This will be what mainly influences the price that will be accompanied by the type of material chosen.

What is better pvc or aluminum window, or wood

Here enters the typical user question about … Which material is better pvc or aluminum?… or which is cheaper or more expensive, or what are the advantages and disadvantages of different types of windows, what are the best pvc window… etc.

As we see in the video of the installer, both types of carpentry are good and quality options. The sale price already enters more than a quality factor, which is often difficult to calibrate.

If we mean to buy PVC window profiles with aluminum, wood with technical specifications. We can see the following table window comparison according to material:

Based on the data provided;the aluminum windows or those made of wood are less efficient than those ofpolyvinyl chloride (PVC).

What is the life cycle of a window

The PVC joinery or aluminum that forms the envelope of the building, is one of the fundamental elements of any building, which in addition to providing luminosity to the different rooms of the house, isolates us from noise and protects us from weather conditions (rain, cold, heat, etc).

Scheme of the useful life of a window:

It is necessary to bear in mind that the duration and resistance of a window depends on the correct choice of the materials with which it is manufactured, both from the perspective of the structural frame, the air chambers or the glass itself.

Here, there are contradictions when reviewing some characteristics between the pvc or aluminum windows and wood. To do this, we rely on two reports:

1.- A report carried out by the Polytechnic University of Catalonia - UPC (Consult from HERE) gives us very interesting data among them:

  • For example, although it may seem crazy PVC windows are the most energy saving in their life cycle compared to aluminum or wooden windows. The different phases of the life cycle must be taken into account; from the extraction, the production of raw materials, their elaboration, the transfer, transport and assembly or the possibility of recycling.
  • Another conclusion is that In general terms, PVC carpentry has an average useful life of 50 years., where in addition, a large energy consumption is not required for its maintenance.

2.- A report made by AEA (Spanish Association of Aluminum and Surface Treatments) that we can consult here. And that graphically the comparison is perfectly understood:

If we look at the previous graph, it is quite contrary to what the first report issued by the Polytechnic of Catalonia shows. But … Who is right? Well, honestly, we don't know.

Reports comparing the life cycle of different materials that windows are made of contradict each other

Advantages of PVC windows

Now we are going to list the 10 advantages that will confirm us what are the best windows for a house, recognizing that previously we have already reviewed the differences between pvc or aluminum windows in a more technical way about the exterior carpentry in the envelope of a house. And, roughly speaking, with reference to the polyvinyl chloride (PVC) material, we could say of the skylight that:

1.- Improves energy saving

Unlike other materials such as aluminum, PVC window It prevents energy from being lost when installing the windows, with the consequent economic savings that this entails. If an insulating glazing is also incorporated, the savings in heating and air conditioning can be up to 60 - 65% with respect to the old windows. Thus maintaining a comfortable temperature without wasting energy.

Energy saving in the window

2.- They improve thermal insulation

If you have problems with thermal insulation in your home, the PVC window profiles Depending on the different types, they can reach thicknesses in high millimeters and have several air chambers that improve the thermal bridge of windows, are the best option to end them and are considered the best insulating windowsSince they prevent cold and heat from entering the home, they are the most efficient windows. The use of heating will be significantly reduced while increasing comfort and well-being.

3.- Improves noise insulation

The window profiles prevent the passage of sound waves, therefore windows with PVC material are very suitable to achieve a high level of acoustic insulation as shown in the noise calculations indicated in the DB HR. In addition, they allow the incorporation of large windows that significantly reduce noise, so you and yours will enjoy absolute tranquility at home, preventing noise from entering the interior.

4.- Maintains a healthier home

Thanks to their watertight closure, they provide maximum tightness against external agents such as wind, rain, dust, pollution … etc. In addition, the corners are thermally welded (not glued), another feature that makes them the most insulating on the market. With them you will enjoy a cleaner and healthier home.

5.- Respect the environment

The use of heating and air conditioning is reduced, thus reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, as established by the Kyoto Protocol. We can find windows with profiles on the market that are 100% recyclable and are free of heavy metals such as lead. Always look at ecological certifications such as the AENOR Environmental Certificate (Article of interest here and how it is recycled from here)

In the following graph we see the estimation of energy consumption and CO2 emissions in the materials extraction and production stage; percentage of the total:

6.- They hardly require maintenance

Another advantage of this type of glass is that they hardly need maintenance, since they resist blows, corrosion and contamination. To clean the PVC windows it is enough to wipe them with a cloth with water and neutral soap. And for an even better result, there are specific cleaning products on the market that leave them as spotless as the first day. Remember to advise and consult the official installer.

7.- They are installed almost without works

Although we have to recognize that there is a varied catalog of types of pvc windows, some whose installation will be simpler and others, much more complex, if it is true that those with a compact structure, where, for example, the blind box is already included and embedded in its own grid can save us time.

In the following video we see how to withdraw an old sale Y how to install a new window Step by Step. In addition to knowing the necessary tools and some useful tips and ideas to keep in mind:

8.- Provides security

The robustness of the profiles with internal reinforcement, together with the leading brand fittings that many installers work with (which have numerous locking points) provide an even safer and more resistant carpentry.

9.- For its guarantee and quality

This point depends a lot on the money that we are going to spend when buying some good pvc windows. Of course, the market offers us infinite possibilities, but the best brands subject their products to the strictest laboratory tests, certified by independent entities.

When buying, you have to see the guarantee of the window profiles (Sometimes it changes according to color) which usually ranges between 10 to 15 years, the stability of the color, or the guarantee on adherence that in many cases depends on the installer . Advice, always certified installers and invoices in advance, as well as a document that exposes the signed guarantee.

10.- Variable window design

The PVC is a moldable material that adapts to all shapes, sizes and styles, always with an impeccable finish. We can find them with oval and square shapes, semicircular arches, profiles made to measure … etc.

We also find a series of profiles that faithfully reproduce moldings, jambs and other decorative elements. The systems have a wide range of colors and in different finishes such as imitation of wood, it is a positive option of the pvc joinery.

11.- Variety in color

Although many times the color of the windows are requirements of the aesthetics of the facade depending on the building, the color does matter … What window color to choose?

Depending on the color, we will have benefits on the absorptivity of the frame for radiation (It is the fraction of the solar radiation incident to a surface that is absorbed by it. The absorptivity ranges from 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%). )):

For quality climatology areas it is recommended light colored woodwork (White is perfect) and in cold areas, a darker woodwork.

PVC window disadvantages

It is evident that it must have some disadvantages and problems compared to traditional enclosures. These are aspects that must be overcome:

  • One of the most influential is the sale price of a pvc window, which we can see in the different establishments. As a rule, if we look for medium-high quality they will be higher but we will earn much more in isolation. So investing in PVC joinery may not be a disadvantage.
  • The aluminum window it is actually 23 times stronger than PVC. Although it is undoubted that we are not going to dedicate it to hitting, it is a fact that should be known. (Elastic Modulus of Aluminum = 70 x 106 Pa and Elastic Modulus of PVC = 3 x 106 Pa)
  • Another negative aspect is that aluminum is harmless when in contact with fire, whereas PVC releases highly toxic colored components. (Technology is advancing a lot in this regard and there are manufacturers that already offer alternatives with high resistances and that are more respectful with the environment)

Of course, aluminum also has negative points, highlighting:

Types of PVC windows

Of course, the variety and typologies of pvc windows It is abundant as the market offers us and with current technology, new types are appearing that reinvent the old ones, substantially improving many of its aspects, including carpentry with smart glass, but in a generic way we can identify:

  • Types of windows for vertical walls:

This section includes what are sliding windows (whose main advantage is that when opening it does not take up space) and folding windows (whose main advantage is the ease of cleaning glazed food and its ventilation):

  1. Vertical swing folding
  2. Horizontal axis slider
  3. Pivoting (or rotating) opening
  4. Elevator Slider
  5. Tilt-and-turn slide
  6. Folding

We must remember that each manufacturer also has different hardware that provide a series of skills such as optimal handling, improving durability or safety.

In the previous graph we can test the functional characteristics in relation to the type of window. It is an important issue that will bring us benefits according to what we need.

  • Types of roof windows

Depending on the type of material with which the windows are made, we can find them with different solutions, combinations of materials and alloys:

  1. PVC profiles
  2. PVC and aluminum profiles
  3. Wood and PVC profiles
  4. Aluminum and wood profiles
  5. Wooden profiles

Parts of a PVC window

We cannot talk about a building element without knowing what are the parts of a window PVC. So graphically we are going to explore its characteristics:

How we can verify the world of carpentry is very extensive and in this article we only cover a small part. Our main recommendation is that we do not skimp on money or price when it comes to buy the windows for our houseThey are elements that we are going to live with for a long time, which can bring us great benefits.

Technical documents used and regulations:

  • Technical guide pvc windows from here.
  • Glazing and glazed enclosures (IDAE) from here.
  • Guide to Efficient Windows and Solar Regulation and Control Systems (Community of Madrid) from here.
  • Building Technical Code - Basic Document (DB) documents from here.

Other articles of interest

  • Insulating materials and their properties
  • Interior sliding doors
  • Heating with thermostats
  • Outdoor blinds; types, materials and maintenance
  • Covered terraces and protections

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