Cities that will disappear under the waters due to the global thaw

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The whole world faces great challenges. Humans are the only ones responsible for taking care of the planet and it seems that we have not been doing it very well. Global warming is a reality. Summers are getting hotter and winters are getting milder. The climate is changing across the globe at a frenzied rate, the consequences of which are going to be devastating for all of humanity. We are not talking about the apocalypse, we are referring to the world thaw.

Indeed, the increase in global thaw seriously threatens the coast of the planet, which means that for practical purposes a rise in sea level would submerge some of the most important cities on each continent. This is a serious problem that will have a brutal impact on the lives of all people, of all corners and of all nationalities. Of course, the economy will also be severely depleted and environmental catastrophes will be more frequent and severe. In Green Ecologist, we show those cities that can disappear under the waters due to the global thaw.

Which cities could disappear due to the thaw of the planet

According to the latest report published by National Geographic, if we do not reduce CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, in about 5,000 years or perhaps sooner (we will not know it but future generations will experience it in their flesh) the average temperature of the Earth will rise a few 14ºC and all the ice on the planet will melt completely. Do you know what happens when you put an ice cube in a microwave? Well, the same but on a planetary scale. The result: a dreaded 66 meter rise in sea level throughout the earth's surface.

If the forecasts are true, something quite contrasted by the scientific community, the large cities located on the coast would literally be under the sea surface. The main ones would be

  • Europe: Venice and London and Barcelona, among others.
  • America: New York, Miami, Montevideo and Rio de Janeiro are some of the cities that could disappear or be largely flooded.
  • Asia: Seoul, Manila and Shanghai, in addition to several countries made up of small islands.
  • Africa: Tunisia and Cairo would be the most affected African cities.
  • Oceania: entire countries that are made up of islands, such as Palau and the Solomon Islands, plus Melbourne and Sydney, in Australia, and Wllington and Christchurch, in New Zealand.

The outlook is not very hopeful. It is true that the time horizon is very far away, we are not going to suffer it directly, neither our children, nor our children's children, but if we leave solutions for tomorrow, a day will come that will be too late. We cannot allow ourselves to continue looking elsewhere as if nothing happened here. It is happening and the pollution is still in the air. We must act now to save the planet of the future and not become the generation responsible for its destruction.

Discover in this other Green Ecologist article the consequences of the melting of the poles.

Cities of Europe that will disappear due to the global thaw

With such a rise in the level of the seas and oceans, Europe would see flooded by meltwater the following cities:

  • London
  • Venice
  • Barcelona
  • Lisbon
  • Rome

Also, countries like Holland and Denmark they would be practically flooded in its entirety.

Cities of America that will remain under the waters of the thaw

In the case of North America, the Florida peninsula will bear the brunt, leaving it completely submerged under water. Cities as crowded as Miami will literally disappear from the map, pun intended. New York (header photo), Washington, San Diego, San Francisco and Los Angeles are not spared either. Everyone would pay for these effects of the thaw.

In South America, cities like Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo or Lima would also be under water.

Asian cities in danger of being flooded by thaws

If ocean and sea levels rise as high as expected at this rate, the following Asian cities would be flooded:

  • Beijing
  • Shanghai
  • Tokyo
  • Seoul
  • Hong Kong
  • Manila

In addition, countries that are very coastal or made up of islands could disappear completely or remain with water up to their necks, as could be the case of Singapore and Japan.

African cities that could disappear due to the thaw

Africa will be the continent that will best resist rising water levels. However, the thaw effect would reach the north with Tunisia and Cairo, as well as on the west coast impacting the surrounding cities at Gulf of guinea, like Dakar.

Oceania cities at risk of melting away

Finally, Australia, which is still a gigantic island, will not be saved from the floods that will cover important cities of its geography such as Sydney, Adelaide and Melbourne. In addition, other countries on this continent made up of small islands could disappear completely, such as Tuvalu, Solomon Islands, Fiji, Micronesia or Palau. New Zealand would also be partially flooded, losing cities such as Wellington and Christchurch.

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