How to fertilize an organic garden

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Ecological agriculture is one that dispenses with the use of synthetic and artificial products, which allows it to be a traditional agriculture, respectful with the environment and the ecosystem as a whole, as well as 100% natural. However, all agriculture requires fertilization from time to time and, in the case of organic farming, the fertilizer must also be organic, since it will be the only way to preserve the conditions of the organic garden and achieve an equally organic harvest. If you want to know how to fertilize an organic garden keep reading Green Ecology and we will tell you about it.

What is organic compost

As we talk about organic farming, organic fertilizers are those that dispense with synthetic and artificial products to provide the minerals and nutrients to the soil that the plant needs. Thus, to make organic fertilizers, it is necessary to opt for options that are natural from the beginning. Despite what it may seem, the use of organic fertilizers has been used since the invention of agriculture and, only from the 19th and 20th centuries, with the introduction of chemical fertilizers, were relegated to the background.

Actually, to produce an ecological compost, all we need is organic material (whose origin is also ecological) and adapt it so that it can be used as fertilizer. In this sense, we can find some very traditional examples, such as the use of cattle manure or compost, which allow obtaining ecological fertilizers in large quantities by reusing waste from other activities.

One of the aspects that must be taken into account when manufacturing ecological fertilizers is that the origin of all raw materials that we are going to use are also ecological. That is, if we take the use of livestock manure as an example, it will be necessary that these livestock have also been fed with organic feed. We cannot forget that the main objective of organic farming is to dispense with synthetic substances. When livestock are fed artificial feed, these synthetic substances remain in their feces. In this way, if we used this manure to fertilize a vegetable garden, these synthetic substances would pass to agriculture, so it could not be considered as ecological. As you can see, this is a simple distinction, but one that must be taken into account when it comes to knowing how to fertilize an organic garden.

In the following article we explain the advantages of composting.

How to obtain ecological fertilizers

Buy ecological fertilizers

There are different ways to obtain ecological fertilizers. Broadly speaking, we can differentiate two, or we buy it already prepared or we make it ourselves. One of the simplest options to obtain these ecological fertilizers for, simply, by buy them at a farm or garden store. There are several companies that manufacture these fertilizers on a large scale and, if we want a quick option but at the same time ecological, it is the simplest option to fertilize our organic garden. All we have to do is read the labeling correctly and make sure that it is a fertilizer that is marketed as organic, which, at the same time, we can check by reading the ingredients. At this point, we can find a large majority of organic fertilizers made from organic compost that has subsequently been packaged for marketing.

How to make organic compost

On the other hand, if we want make the compost ourselves, we will have different options at our disposal, which will go from looking for an ecological farmer that allows us to collect the excess manure to use it as compost, to make our own ecological compost in an area properly enabled for it, or, simply, to opt for a fertilizer green. The so-called ecological green manures consist of burying plant remains (generally green leaves) in the fallow land and allowing them to decompose directly in the garden. It is a more laborious option, but equally effective if we want to fertilize an organic garden.

How to fertilize an urban organic garden

On the other hand, it must be taken into account that, although most organic gardens are located in rural environments and have access to fertilizers such as manure or self-manufactured compost, in the case of having a small-sized organic garden (for example an urban garden), it is very likely that it is difficult for us to access this type of fertilizer. In these cases, we will always have the option of acquiring ecological fertilizers in a store as already mentioned. However, if we still want to opt for an ecological and homemade compost, there are several options that we should not lose sight of.

Compost infusion

First, we can make a "compost infusion". This can be done in different ways and in different amounts. In the case of doing it for a small urban garden, it is best to introduce organic food scraps in a cloth bag and leave it in a container with water for several days. After this time, we will see that the water will have taken on a dark appearance, as well as a certain intense smell. This water will be loaded with minerals and beneficial microorganisms for the crop, so we can use it as irrigation water to provide all these nutrients to the plants in our garden.

Second, we can also choose to speed up the "compost infusion" process. In this case, it will suffice with boil organic food scraps in a pot and, allowing it to cool completely, use the water as irrigation water. In this case, we will have accelerated the process and eliminated the microorganisms but, even so, we will preserve all the beneficial minerals.

Compost with organic remains

Finally, we can also get an ecological fertilizer for a small urban garden from the crushing of organic food remains. In this case, we will pass these remains through a blender until we obtain a homogeneous paste. Next, we will mix this paste with the earth that we are going to use in the cultivation and, after a few days, we can plant in it any plant we want, since it will be a soil with a high content of nutrients.

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