How to fumigate plants with natural products - CASH

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Caring for plants requires more attention than just watering them once in a while. In this sense, one of the most important care that we have to take into account whenever we want to have healthy and beautiful plants is to protect them against pests. For this, it is necessary to fumigate specific products that act as protectors against the specific pests that we want to eliminate and, when choosing these products, it is important that we bear in mind that natural products are going to be more respectful with plants, therefore which should be the first option to choose. If you want to know how to spray plants with natural products keep reading Green Ecologist and we'll tell you about it.

Why use natural products to spray plants

Today we can find a multitude of synthetic products intended for the elimination of plant pests. These products are very effective. However, they are also dangerous, many times both for the plant, for people and animals that live at home and for the environment in general. Keep in mind that most synthetic products are so effective because contain toxic products. Their function is to eliminate a pest and, for this, it is necessary that they act as a poison for said pest.

However, this also causes them to have secondary effects that, although they may not be seen a priori, they are there and significantly affect the ecosystem. On the one hand, it must be taken into account that these are synthetic and toxic products that, although they are formulated for plants, this does not mean that they are harmless for them and their environment. Generally used correctly, that is, following the manufacturer's instructions, it should not pose a risk to the plant. However, high usage could lead to damage or even death of the plant. Therefore, they pose more risks than natural products that, although they are not always safe, do not have the same level of risk, that is, natural plant spraying products are safer.

Secondly, they are toxic products and, therefore, they are identified with icons or symbols that warn that they must "be kept out of the reach of children". Naturally, an adult person is not going to consume these types of products by accident. However, in homes where there are children and pets, it is a real risk that must be considered. On the contrary, the use of natural products eliminates this unnecessary risk.

Finally, it must also be considered that the use of synthetic pesticide products entails damage for the pest and for other types of organisms that, in many cases, are positive for the plant. Synthetic products, precisely due to their power, eliminate practically any organism that comes into contact with the plant. This includes, for example, pollinating insects, such as bees, which are beneficial and necessary for many plant species. This is the case of neonicotinoids, here we tell you what neonicotinoids are and their effect on bees and the environment.

In addition, these synthetic products take a long time to decompose, so they end up in other ecosystems washed away by the water, where their effects continue to be disastrous for many forms of life.

What types of pests can attack plants

When using a natural product to spray a plantWhether it's spraying in the garden, orchard or indoors, the first thing to be clear about is what type of pest we want to eliminate on the plants: bacteria, viruses, fungi, or insects.

In this sense, a disease in the plant caused by a bacterium will not be the same as one caused by a fungus, a virus or an insect, it will not be the same problems and symptoms and the same treatment will be followed. Likewise, it will also be necessary to take into account the place of the plant where it is located, since a pest located on the leaves will not be the same as on the roots, for example.

In this way, once we have well located and identified the type of pest we are facing, we will adapt the natural product specifically to the needs of each situation.

What natural products to use to spray plants

It must be borne in mind that the amount of natural products that we can use to fumigate a plant against a pest is very wide. In fact, you can even find natural products such as natural fungicides or insecticides prepared and marketed in garden stores. In this case, they are natural products but they are presented in a traditional commercial format, but whose components are natural, that is, they do not use any artificially created synthetic ingredients.

On the contrary, if what we want is to use natural and homemade products, the best place to start looking will be the kitchen, where the use of different plants and formulas will be of great help when creating a solution for spraying plants against different pests.


Garlic is one of the most effective plants when it comes to constituting a natural pesticide. It works against bacteria, fungi and insects. To do this, simply crush a couple of garlic cloves and let them marinate for 48 hours in water. After this time, it can be fumigated on the affected areas of the plant.


Cinnamon is another kitchen product that has pesticidal effects. In this case, it is a particularly powerful fungicide. To apply it, it is best to dissolve the cinnamon in water, let it marinate for at least 24 hours and apply it on the areas affected by fungi on the plant.

Potassium soap

This natural soap is one of the most effective ways to kill pests such as whiteflies, aphids, spider mites or mealybugs among other insects that are harmful to the plant. It is enough to dissolve a little of this soap in water and apply with a sprayer on the affected areas.

Horse tail

This herb, which is generally used as an infusion to combat fluid retention, is also a powerful fungicide. To apply it, it will be enough to spray the infusion on the plant affected by fungi.


Sulfur is a natural compound that acts as a fungicide and miticide. Its application should be done with care, since it is a natural compound, but also very powerful. It is usually marketed already formulated in the form of a natural fungicide, so it will be a good way to make sure that we do not exceed the recommended dose.


This substance produced by bees is one of the most powerful fungicides that we find in nature. In fact, bees use it to keep fungi at bay in their own hives. To apply it, a part will be dissolved in water and applied with a fumigator on the affected part of the plant.

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