Ideas to recycle yogurt cups

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Recycling yogurt cups is a authentic festival of colors, ideas and possibilities. This contributes to the fact that there are many cup designs on the market, of one and a thousand colors, and also how fun it is to give them a new life, especially using many units.

In general, they are a recycling that we could call coral, because rarely a single glass is recycled, although there is the challenge, because the potential is the same, actually. Be that as it may, recycling yogurt can help us decorate any corner of garden or inside the house and even be very useful in schools to make crafts or to order the children's material.

Most likely, the recycling from little glasses yogurt is one of the most creative, a challenge to the imagination that is available to everyone. Because who can't collect yogurt cups? If we do not usually take them, we can ask a neighbor, friend or family member to keep it for us and, once we have them in our possession, we simply let ourselves be carried away by the magín and do something different.

Fun for the little ones

That there are no ideas? No problem, as long as there is little glasses, there are a thousand and one possibilities. In this post we will put you on the track so that your imagination is activated or, why not, so that you can copy ideas that you like. A nice suggestion that children will love is to make dolls by putting eyes, ears and others on them or, for example, collect colored plastic cups and then use them to put them one on top of the other, in an even more difficult way.

In the same way that castles of cards are made, we can make buildings with glasses. If we cannot get colored glasses like the one in the image, any other will do. As long as they are the same size and shape, they will be perfect for fun, and if we're in the mood for crafting and don't like the way they look, cover them with magazine clippings, fabric scraps, or old wrapping paper.

Decoration and order in the home

If instead of having cups we have made a few bottles of liquid yogurt, an idea is to join them by holding them with a ribbon (see the image that opens the post) and place flowers or plant seeds to sprout and thus obtain an original little garden. Finally, when they grow we simply transplant them to another pot or to the garden. Turning them into bowling pins or dolls are other original ideas.

Likewise, yogurt cups serve as seedbeds And, now put to use in the garden, turn them into hanging mobiles using other elements as well, such as bottle caps and whatever else we can think of.

As drawer organizers, glass cups yoghurt they are priceless. It will be enough to place them one next to the other, without more, if possible inside a box or structure that keeps them together, or let's snap them together. The result will be perfect to save from imitation jewelry even coins and even socks.

Bright decoration

Lighting is another of the great possibilities offered by little glasses from yoghurt. Go ahead, yes, everything that involves electricity requires knowledge and caution and, for the rest, the most attractive glasses are the colored plastic ones.

With them we can do real wonders, as the image above shows: from fitting them into a simple garland of lights as is or doing it by working each glass to turn them into lamps, to daring to make a small-great work of art by artistically superimposing them to form a figure, whether or not geometric. Being made of a translucent material, a very suggestive atmosphere is created.

If you want to read more articles similar to Ideas to recycle yogurt cups, we recommend that you enter our category of Crafts with recycled material.

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