Creative ideas for recycling cans

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Cans are a temptation to creative minds looking for raw material for recycling. Even the simplest projects have a special shine that is very attractive.

Whether we are handyman or newbie to reusing waste, cans are a perfect choice. So much to get started in the fun world of recycling creative enough to carry out expert work that might even be artistic.

What can I do with a simple can?

The simpler ideas they are often the best and this case is no exception. If we have a simple can and we want to turn it into a small container, we simply put it in a paint pot and we will have it painted. No need to walk with the brush.

Or why not, let's line it with paper from Newspaper, magazine or recycled wrapping paper. Or, as can be seen in the photo below, wrap it with a string or the like to give it a stylish look that will turn it into a beautiful pencil or vase.

Likewise, it will be perfect leaving its precious silver color to shine. If we want to give you a original touch, let's knot a rope and finish with a bow, or put a fabric edging that we have in the sewing box, for example, from an old scrap.

Once we have our can or cans ready we can use them for endless things. Besides of handy pencil (We love them when there are more than one and with different colors) they can serve as a box, especially if they have their respective lid.

If it does not come standard, we can buy the lid, as they are sold separately, and also create it with a little imagination, recycling some other material, such as the soft plastic from water jugs, for example, creating some small hinges.

Small flower pots

Use as vases or small flower pots it is another of the most common uses. If we are going to use them as pots, let's not forget to make some small holes in their base for drainage.

The possibilities are many and one imaginative mind You can achieve surprising results by combining colors, fixing forms, types of plants, different types of cans … Without a doubt, they are a challenge to the imagination.

As can be seen in the image above, they are cool painted or unpainted. Respecting the original decoration when they are painted can also be a way to collect them, while decorating the garden.

Decoration for the holidays

If we cover them with different thematic drawingsWhether using Christmas papers, with typical drawings of a birthday party or any other holiday, cans can become the star decoration of our home.

The small cans, such as those used for tuna or, even better, of a somewhat larger size, are perfect for making an original wall-type Christmas fir tree, as can be seen in the image that opens the post. In the same way, applying the same logic, they can help us to make an Advent calendar.

Ovals can also give a lot of play, especially if we want to make garlands. Or, put to create atmosphere, we drill the standard-size cans to turn them into lanterns that we can place on any surface or hang.

The effect of several of them in the twilight is really beautiful. It will also be fun to make them in different sizes. By the way, the holes can form simple drawings, such as stars or hearts, for example, or simply be random, as if it were a starry sky.

As we decorate a festive space, let's combine painted cans with others that contain candles, like little lights. The combination from colors or for certain reasons, if they are lined, it will help us create a certain atmosphere with a Christmas flavor, a happy birthday or a party, among endless possibilities.

Toys and organizers

The cans of different sizes are also suitable to create funniest toys. If the larger cans are perfect for the body, the smaller ones will serve as shoes… In this world of creative recycling anything goes, as long as we like it!

Of course, if we are going to play with them later, let's be careful with the upper part, as it can be cutting. Above all, you have to be cautious with the kids. And, of course, the most traditional games are an inexhaustible source of ideas, in this case with the typical cans that act as zantos, held by ropes.

It will also be most entertaining to convert a couple of cans and a cord in a telephone. It is the well-known tin phone, a craft that the little ones in the house will love. They can do it in a few minutes and enjoy it during hours and hours. Also in this case it is important to check that the can does not cut.

An eco-gesture with a message

Be that as it may, the recycling of cans is an important eco-gesture for the health of the planet. Obviously, we are going to do little recycling some how many cans. However, adding small efforts to those initiatives that seem to be nothing in the end make a big difference.

Beyond recycling itself, we are giving a message of respect for the environment which is also a nice way to lead by example. If our projects are beautiful, then in addition to attracting attention they will encourage many other people to do the same.

With a bit of luck, in addition, we bet that in many cases this inspiration will translate into an attitude in favor of the environment. And all from a simple can.

If you want to read more articles similar to Creative ideas for recycling cans, we recommend that you enter our category of Crafts with recycled material.

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