19 plants in danger of extinction in Colombia - Species and photos

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Colombia is a country located in the northwestern region of South America with a surface area of 1,141,748 km. In its territory there are more than 27,000 species of plants, 796 are categorized in some category of threat as a consequence of the illegal extraction of wood. , excessive deforestation and climate change. The plants of Colombia, like those of the whole world, not only serve as food or as raw materials, but are ecosystems in themselves, important to conserve to avoid the alteration of the ecosystem they are and the ecosystem they inhabit.

If you want to know more about the flora of Colombia, continue reading this interesting article in which examples of endangered plants in Colombia.

Abarco or Cariniana pyriformis

The embraco, also known as gherkin, is a tree of the Lecythidaceae family that grows in the Sinú river valley, in the north of Chocó and in the Catatumbo region. The great resistance of its wood means that it is used in the artisanal and construction sectors. It is found nationwide in critical hazard (PC) since its overexploitation, deforestation and the allocation of land for extensive agriculture and cattle ranching has meant that its population has been reduced in the last 100 years by more than 80%.

Lily orchid or Cattleya quadricolor

The lily orchid is a type of orchid found in the upper basin of the Cauca River in the departments of Risaralda, Quindío and Valle del Cauca. Until 1940 this Colombian plant was still abundant, however, excessive collection that has been developing for more than 100 years and the reduction of its habitat due to deforestation has had a strong negative impact on the number of its populations. At the national level it is in danger of extinction (EN).

Bromeliads ambigua or Billbergia ambigua

It is an endemic species of the north in the Central Cordillera of Colombia, it is found only in the town of Providencia belonging to the department of Antioquia. It was registered in a tropical humid forest which has suffered different threats, such as the establishment of illegal crops or the extraction of gold. It has a presence in the territory of less than 100 km2. Its threat status in the national category is critical hazard (CR).

Bromeliad nidus-puellae

This bromeliad is endemic to the middle valley of the Magdalena River, found in tropical dry forest formations. There are historical records that prove that this species was cultivated on a small scale, but it is possible that it is currently practically extinct as it is susceptible to the alterations that its habitat may undergo. The state in which it is in the national category is critical danger of extinction (CR).

Cedar or Cedrela odorata

Tree of the Meliaceae family distributed throughout the American intertropical zone. In the Colombian country it was registered in all the departments, except Guainía, Norte de Santander, Vaupés and Vichada. Its wood is used for the manufacture of musical instruments, handicrafts, doors, furniture, among others. Approximately 60% of its populations are in regions of intensive exploitation, being for this reason categorized at the national level as in danger of extinction (EN).

Slender Coquito or Reinhardtia gracilis

The slender coquito is a species of palm that is found in a neighboring area of Colombia, and is highly appreciated as an ornamental plant. The fact that you are critically endangered (PC) It is due to the fact that the area of tropical humid forest in which it is found, especially the foothills of the Serranía de Darién, has been deforested for agricultural activities.

Cradle of Venus or Anguloa brevilabris

Terrestrial orchid located in the western zone of the Eastern Cordillera at an altitude between 1,700 to 2,300 m. It is one of the native plants of Colombia and the natural area it occupies is an area of less than 500 km2, which is why it is categorized into danger of extinction (EN). It is used for ornamental purposes.

Chanul or Humiriastrum procerum

The chanul is a tree that is currently in critical danger of extinction (CR) Due to the quality of its wood that is used for naval constructions, stairs, furniture, floors and beams. This is one of the native plants of Colombia that grows on the hills in the humid tropical forests at heights not exceeding 800m of altitude. The areas in which it has been found are heavily exploited.

Image: Argentinat

May flower or Cattleya trianae

Orchid native to Colombia being in turn the emblematic flower of the country. It is distributed in the Alto Magdalena ecoregion, in the departments of Cundinamarca, Huila and Tolima. For more than 50 years it has been collected in an abusive way, this activity added to the deforestation of the areas to which it belongs, has made some of its populations disappear causing it to be found endangered (EN).

Pinwheel or Iryanthera megistocarpa

An arboreal species of the Myristicaceae family located in the central Colombian mountain range between the Claro and Samaná Norte rivers, on the slopes of the Magdalena valley. Its wood is used for the elaboration of cleaning utensils, for which it is being heavily exploited until it is taken to the category of endangered (EN).

Image: Plants of the world online

Magnolia or Magnolia polyhypsophylla

Species native to Colombia that grows in the Ventanas region, in the central mountain range. Its appreciated wood used for the manufacture of furniture, sawdust and construction beams, means that this species is being exploited excessively and is currently in the category of critical danger of extinction (CP).

Image: iNaturalist

Mararay macanillo or Aiphanes graminifolia

Aiphanes is a genus of plants in the palm family, which has about 34 species. The Aipjanes graminifolia or commonly called mararay macanillo is only known on the western slope of the Eastern Cordillera of the department of Santander. It grows exactly inside humid premontane forest. It is categorized at the national level as critical danger of extinction (CP).

Masdevallia apparitio

Orchid of ornamental use that is only known in the northern locality of the Colombian Western Cordillera at an altitude between 1800 and 2200 m altitude. Its habitat is being heavily destroyed due to deforestation, standing at critical danger of extinction (CR).

Image: Pinterest

Restrepia aspasicensis

Species of orchid that is found inhabiting elevations between 1500 to 2300 m in the Eastern Cordillera, in the region of the municipality of Aspasica. It is used as an ornamental plant, despite its small size. Deforestation is the main activity that threatens this species by destroying its habitat, which is why it is categorized as critical danger of extinction (CP).

Restrepia pandurata

Epiphytic species that is located in the Eastern Cordillera, in humid and cloudy forests. Its habitat has suffered a great reduction, being this 100 km2 and is categorized into critical danger of extinction (CP). Its use is ornamental.

Other plants in danger of extinction in Colombia

To finish, here we indicate other names of plants in danger of extinction in Colombia:

  • Palmas Mararay de San Carlos or Aiphanes leiostachys.
  • Colombian pine or Podocarpus oleifolius.
  • Rosewood or Guaiacum officinale L.
  • Mangrove born or Ducke oleifera blackberry.

Now that you have met all these endangered Colombian plant species, you may be interested in reading about the Flora and fauna of Colombia and the Natural Resources of Colombia. In addition, here you can read about +20 endangered plants and their causes and 12 endangered trees, both encompassing species from all over the world.

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