Whorls: What are they and what are they - Summary

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The whorls are known as the set of both leaves, branches and flowers that are born at the same height, or from the same node, with respect to the stem of the plant. These joint formations of the different organs of the plant have both a structural and a reproductive function, especially when we talk about the flower whorls.

In this Green Ecologist article we want to teach you a little more about plant morphology so that you can increase your knowledge of botany. Join us a little more to know what are whorls and which are the most important.

What are flower and leaf whorls

Before beginning to explain in depth what flower whorls are, it is important to know that, as we have pointed out in the introduction, other organs of plants (such as leaves or branches) also make up whorls.

Whorled leaves

In this way, we can classify plants according to the arrangement of their leaves: alternate leaves or those that are arranged around the stem and whorled leaves, those that are arranged in whorls or that are born in the same knot.

Floral whorls

As for the flower, remember that it is the most characteristic reproductive structure of phanerogam plants. The flowers are formed by a set of modified leaves that originate once the plant has reached its adult stage and that usually stand out for their coloration. Thus, we can distinguish some main parts: peduncle, calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium. All these structures that make up the flower are known as flower whorls.

Thus, as with the leaves, we can make a classification of flowers according to their whorls:

  • Cheers: those flowers without perianth, also known as naked flowers.
  • Chlamydia: those flowers with perianth, also known as dressed flowers.

In turn, the flowers are also distinguished from each other depending on the perianth Of the same. Remember that perianth is called the set of floral envelopes that protect the reproductive organs of the flower, that is, the calyx and the corolla. Once that point is understood, the flowers are divided into:

  • Monoclamide, when they only have the chalice.
  • Diclamides, when they have two whorls in the perianth.
  • Homoclamideas, when they have two similar whorls.
  • Heteroclamideas, when both the corolla and the calyx are differentiated.

What are the flower whorls and their parts

Next, we are going to talk about the flower whorls or those structures that make up what is called a flower. We will classify them into two groups:

  • Androecium and gene: These two flower whorls can be alone or coexisting.
  • Calyx and corolla: These two foliaceous pieces make up what is known as the perianth.


Is he flower male sex organ. It is formed by the stamens that, in turn, have a filament with a closed sac just at the end that is called the anther. The anther is responsible for storing pollen. The stamens can appear both united and free and, in addition, grouped in different ways:

  • Monadelpho stamens, those that are united by the filaments in a single bundle.
  • Diadelphic stamens, those that have two beams.
  • Polyadelph stamens those that have more than two beams.
  • Syngeneic stamens those that are united by the anthers in a single bundle.
  • Didynamos stamens formed by two long and two short stamens.
  • Tetradynous stamens formed by four long and two short stamens.


Is he female sexual organ where some corpuscles whose function is to originate what we know as seeds are enclosed. In the gynoecium, which is made up of hairs, are the ovary, the style and the stigma. This can be classified into

  • Monocarpelar when it is constituted by a single carpelar sheet that, in addition, is welded on itself.
  • Multilayer, when it is constituted by several carpelar leaves. In this case, they are also divided into two: syncarpic, those that have the carpelar leaves welded together, and dialicarpellar, when the carpelar leaves are free.


The calyx is formed by the sepals, modified leaves generally greenish in color and performs a protective function. Depending on how the sepals are arranged, we can differentiate them:

  • Dialysepal, when these are free.
  • Gamosépalo, when they are soldiers.

Sepals can also be classified according to their duration as ephemeral or fleeting. That is, if it comes off when the flower opens after fertilization or if it remains with the fruit.


The corolla is formed by the petals, which are leaves modified with attractive shapes and colors to achieve pollination. In the same way that it happens with the chalice, it also differs in dialipet it or gamote it depending on how the petals are, free or welded respectively.

Other parts of the flower

Now that you know what whorls are and what they are, let's discover other parts of the flower that are important to know:

  • Peduncle: the last part of the stem that supports the flower is called a peduncle. The peduncle is a thin pedicel that is responsible for attaching the flower to the stem. When the flower has it, it is classified as a pedunculated flower. On the other hand, when it grows, it is known as a sessile or sitting flower. It is usually green in color and cylindrical in shape, as well as it can have varied sizes depending on the species.
  • Receptacle: also known as the floral axis, it is the widened part that follows the peduncle and where the rest of the flower whorls settle. That is, the calyx, corolla, androecium, and gynoecium.

Learn more about the Parts of the flower and their functions by reading this other article.

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