+15 TYPES of CACTUS: Names, Photos and Care with VIDEO

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Cacti are a family of succulent plants, the Cactaceae. Like all succulent plants, they store water in order to survive in drought conditions and very hot environments, and they tend to generate thorns to defend their water reservoirs.

However, the commonalities of these plants end there. There are a lot of varieties of cactus, and their characteristics can vary enormously. From the cardón o Pachycereus pringlei, which can exceed 20 meters in height, to dwarf cacti, such as Rebutia, At less than 5 cm, there is a whole world of cactus species to explore. Join us in this Green Ecologist article to learn more about the types of cactus, their names and care.

Types of cactus and list of names

There are several ways to classify cacti according to the characteristics in which we look. Some classifications of common cactus types are as follows:

  • Types of cactus with thorns, like the Ferocactus.
  • Types of cactus without thorns, such as Lophophora diffusa.
  • Types of indoor cacti, like the Echeveria elegans.
  • Types of hanging cacti, such as Schlumbergera truncata.
  • Types of cactus with flowers, like the Astrophytum.

Here is a list with some cactus names of these types:

  • Lophophora diffusa or Peyote from Querétaro.
  • Lophophora williamsii or peyote.
  • Lithops salicola.
  • Astrophytum myriostigma or bishop's bonnet.
  • Ferocactus glaucescens or blue barrel cactus.
  • Mammillaria gracilis.
  • Echinopsis oxygona.
  • Echinopsis pachanoi or San Pedro cactus.
  • Haworthia fasciata or zebra plant.
  • Crassula ovata or jade tree.
  • Echeveria elegans or alabaster rose.
  • Aloe arborescens or octopus or candlestick plant.
  • Opuntia ficus-indica or prickly pear or nopal.
  • Schlumbergera truncata or Christmas cactus.
  • Euphorbia lactea or crest plant.
  • Haworthia cooperi.

In the same order as this list of types of cactus, you can see each species in these pictures.

Lithops or stone cactus, one of the most curious cactus species

The lithops, also commonly called stone cactus or living stones, they are a whole genus of succulents. Count on more than 100 species, and they are all native to the southern part of the African continent.

They are some of the types of cactus without thorns and of reduced size, with a conical body of only two leaves between which there is a crack, where the new leaves and the flower emerge. They are of very varied colors, and are adapted to dry and hot climates. Its flower, which appears in autumn, is nocturnal, very showy and can completely hide the cactus with its daisy-shaped petals.

They are cactus easy to care, which need a lot of light, little watering and widely spaced transplants, approximately every three years. If they do not flower, it is usually because the plant is still young or because it is not receiving enough light or heat. Here you can see a specific guide on the Care of stone cacti or lithops.

Christmas cactus, Easter or Santa Teresa feathers

The Schlumbergera truncata It's one of the types of tropical cacti It has its origin in Brazil, although it is currently spread throughout much of the world. It is also one of the types of hanging cactus, which in many countries is used to decorate homes at Christmas.

It is also called Easter cactus or Santa Teresa feathers, for its flowers with this beautiful shape and tones both white and pink, fuchsia or red, with a body formed by two flared sections and long and elegant leaves. These flowers are very attractive and decorative, which also bloom in winter, which is why it is used in the northern hemisphere to celebrate Christmas.

This cactus needs more humidity than those in a desert climate, so it will need its substrate to always be kept slightly humid, but never flooded. A poor substrate in organic matter is recommended, and fertilize it with specific fertilizer every 15-20 days. In this other Green Ecologist gardening guide we explain more about How to care for a Christmas cactus.

Euphorbia lactea, candelabra plant or cardón

The candelabrum or cardón plant It is a cactus that can exceed 5 meters high. It receives its nickname that its various branches are reminiscent of those of the candelabra cacti. Its scientific name, on the other hand, is due to the white latex that, like other succulents, it can generate. This product is corrosive and harmful, although it can be used as a purgative, as they do in some parts of India.

The Euphorbia lactea It needs transplants every year, as well as being placed in full sun, so it is not suitable for indoor use unless it is in very sunny locations. It also does not support the cold, so at temperatures below 10 ºC it will not be good outdoors.

Cacti care - a basic guide

As cacti are very varied and from different regions of origin, it is best to always consult the specific care that each species needs. However, and always keeping in mind that it is necessary to insure individually in each case, we can give some general guides of the main cacti care:

  • Irrigation: this is the most basic and usually the most important point, along with the location. Most cacti are adapted to dry climates and need very little watering, which can last up to once a month in cold months in some species. Most succulents tolerate excess moisture very poorly, and root rot will appear quickly, as well as fungal attack, if you water too much.
  • Location: many cacti need full sun to grow properly, but this point is not as widespread. Many other species do not support direct sunlight of great intensity, and tropical ones tend to be better in semi-shade.
  • Compost and substrate: these plants tend to require very little organic matter. Due to this, if you fertilize them, do it with specific fertilizer for cacti, and thus you will not risk damaging the plant instead of strengthening it.

To learn more about cacti care of different types, you can consult our gardening guides and watch the video below:

  • How to make a substrate for cacti.
  • How often to water the cacti and how to do it.
  • When and how to transplant a cactus
  • Homemade fungicides for cacti.
  • Cactus grafting: how to do it and care.
  • How to revive a cactus.

If you want to read more articles similar to Types of cactus: names and care, we recommend that you enter our category of Outdoor Plants.

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