How to CARE for your JASMINE PLANT in your garden - Easy Guide

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Jasmine has an unmistakable aroma that everyone who perceives it usually enchants. It has a pleasant smell that quickly connects us with nature. If you also like jasmine and want to have it in your home, then don't hesitate to keep reading.

No matter what time of year you are, if you like jasmine you should learn to take care of it so that it can flourish and delight you with its aroma and flowers. No matter the type of jasmine you choose, you can enjoy these flowers in white or yellow, as well as star-shaped and with a magical fragrance. With good care you can have an impressive plant throughout the year. In Green Ecologist, we explain how to care for your jasmine plant in your garden with this simple guide.

Characteristics of the jasmine plant

These are the main characteristics of jasmine:

  • Its scientific name is Jasminum officinale and it is a climbing plant It has its origin in the tropical areas of Asia, Europe and Africa.
  • One of its main characteristics is its great ornamental value and its rich aroma, hence it is one of the most commonly used species of climbers in gardens; both public and private.
  • It usually reaches a maximum of 5 meters in height and its flowers are presented in beautiful inflorescences of white or yellow color, depending on the species.
  • Another characteristic is that they are not known Jasmine pests and diseases that are serious for their growth and development. Therefore, there are pests and diseases that attack jasmine and can weaken it, but they do not usually harm it until it is finished.

We recommend that you know well the different types of jasmine, which you will discover in this other guide, to see which one is best for you according to the climate of the area where you live and the care you can give it. Also, if you like this type of plant, we advise you to discover these 24 climbing plants.

Next, we will talk about how to care for the jasmine plant on the ground, either in a garden or on a field.

Climate for the jasmine plant

Jasmine is a plant that varies its behavior depending on the climate. Therefore, depending on it, it can behave both as an evergreen species and as a deciduous one.

Similarly, for optimal growth, it is best planted in an environment with mild climate, without high temperatures and that these do not drop below -3 ºC, since does not stand strong frosts well.

Light and location of the jasmine plant

Jasmine is a plant that requires direct sunlight, but not continuously. Being a plant typical of warm climates, it is grateful to be located in a place where sunlight reaches it directly during a good part of the day to increase its flowering.

In the same way, it can also develop without receiving direct sunlight, although, in most cases this lowers the volume of flowering, although not its growth.

Therefore, if you wonder where a jasmine should be planted, it is best to do it in a part of the garden where it touches the wall or another vertical surface, so that it can climb it, and that it is a place with a lot of solar incidence along of the day. If you want to know more aspects such as when you can plant a jasmine or how to do it correctly, we recommend this other guide on How to plant a jasmine.

Watering the jasmine plant

As with most flowering plants, it is very important water it regularly, especially during spring and summer. In fact, in summer it is not unreasonable to water this plant more than twice a day. In winter, on the other hand, we recommend that you water it only when you notice that the soil has begun to dry out.

If you wonder more about how often jasmine is watered, here is a general guide on When to water plants, with tips to know when a plant really needs water.

Substrate and compost from the jasmine plant

Jasmine adapts without problems to all types of soils, but if possible, you should avoid planting it in clay-type soils. Also, you need a good universal substrate for its development and fertilize it during the months prior to flowering. Do youWhat is the best compost for jasmine? The truth is that we always recommend organic ones. Here we explain how to make homemade organic compost for plants. You should also make sure to offer a good drainage, since this plant does not tolerate waterlogging.

Jasmine pruning

Jasmine is a plant that needs a specific pruning depending on the climate and where it is found. Therefore, below we will explain when and how to prune a jasmine:

  • In winter we must always prune after the first flowering. Normally, this also coincides when it ends in winter to avoid possible frosts. Pruning must be strong to strengthen it and increase its flowering in spring.
  • In summer, light pruning is recommended after the first flowering. Here you should carry out a more superficial pruning, leaving between two and three buds. This will ensure that your jasmine will bloom again the following year.
  • Our advice is that you do not be afraid to use pruning shears. Remember that it is very important that this climbing plant is always neat so that the strongest branches grow and widen each season.

In this link you will see more information about when and how to prune jasmine.

What you should not do to take care of a jasmine

There are some things in the jasmine care that you should avoid at all costs. If for any reason you carry out any of these actions, it is decisive that you stop doing it because otherwise you will be risking the health of the plant and it is very likely that it will end up dying.

  • Adding too much organic nitrogen or fertilizer: This would only get you to direct the energy to the growing foliage and away from the shoots, so the plant would be unbalanced and it may not hold as much fertilizer and end up dying.
  • Keep jasmine in small, poorly ventilated areas: This plant requires good air circulation in order to stay healthy and radiant all the time. If you want your jasmine to be healthy, then you shouldn't be short of clean air.
  • Exposing the plant to extreme cold: Jasmine does not like the cold because it is a subtropical plant and thrives in warmer climates. If you have to endure too cold climates, then you could die. If you live in an area where it is cold, it is best that you put the pot inside your home and that you can choose a warm and protected area outdoors.

My jasmine's branches and leaves dry up, what do I do?

Yes your jasmine's branches and leaves dry up, this is the first sign that you have a severe dehydration. Therefore, we recommend that you water it a lot, especially during the summer, since its roots tolerate high levels of humidity.

During the summer water it twice a day and make sure it has a rich soil, with around 75% topsoil and 25% peat, and that it is well drained. Also, if possible, avoid direct sunlight for too many hours at a time, as jasmine needs a lot of sunlight but does not tolerate continuous strong sunlight well. So, if you see that it dries up, apart from watering it, look for a area with less direct sun.

As you can see, the jasmine plant is not difficult to grow if you put a little effort into its care. It is a plant that needs a lot of affection and, above all, do not forget the doses of water it needs regularly. Remember that it is a plant that, in addition to loving fresh air, although not cold, also needs a space where the sun is good to be able to have enough energy to be able to grow and flourish. If you like jasmine and want to enjoy it in your home garden, don't forget all these tips to get good results.

If you want to read more articles similar to How to care for your jasmine plant in your garden, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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