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What are the cold hardy plants to have in your garden? If you are looking for ways to create your new garden or to remodel it and you have a lot of shady area and it is usually rather cold, then you need to know the different outdoor plants and flowers for this type of environment, and you have come to the right place. Although we also recommend that you consult your choice and the location of each of them with a professional, at Ecologista Verde we show you a list of the 10 cold and shade resistant outdoor plants, with their names and photos.


The first species that we recommend if you are looking cold and shade resistant outdoor plants is the well-known chrysanthemum or Chrysanthemum.

Chrysanthemums bloom with the arrival of autumn and is that its ideal temperature is between 10ºC and 15ºC. For this reason, we can consider that it is one of the outdoor plants resistant to low temperatures, although not to frost, and that it can be in the shade. Although it does need a lot of natural light, it does not need direct sunlight.

Another great advantage of this outdoor plant that needs little sun and heat is, and without a doubt one of the best, that there is a great variety of chrysanthemums, with colors like pink, lilac, orange, white, yellow and mixed with each other.


Scientifically called Ilex aquifoliumHolly is one of the most characteristic plants of cold and shady climates, you will surely see it a lot at Christmas time. These are the typical dark or light green leaves with yellow or whitish lines and small red balls, which usually decorate homes at Christmas time.

In this case, although it can be potted indoors, the best thing for this species is to live planted in the soil outside. So if you have room in your garden in which it is cold and there is shade, undoubtedly The holly it's a great choice. This shrub is very decorative and, in addition, it even withstands frost.

Learn how to take care of it with this guide from Green Ecologist on Holly Care.

Cyclamen or persian violet

If you are looking for flowering plants for the cold, the Cyclamen is one of the best options because blooms in the middle of winter. There are varieties of this type of pcold and shady outdoor tires, there are smaller and larger ones and there are even those of which the flowers reach up to 40 cm high. The dark green leaves of the cyclamen or persian violet they are in stark contrast to colorful flowers such as white, pink, purple, red, and pink.

Here we show you a guide on Cyclamen Care and below you can see the video about these plants with cold and shade resistant flowers.


Between the outdoor flowering plants for cold and shade most used in gardens and terraces is the Jasminum officinale. Jasmine has small, dark green leaves and small, white flowers, but what I like most about this winter-resistant plant is its characteristic and sweet smell. There is another variety called Trachelospermum jasminoides that withstands the cold even better.

These are climbing plants, so you will have to place them in an area of wall, wall, lattice or place sticks that act as a guide in their pot.

Ornamental cabbage

A curious plant to have in the garden when you are not thinking of making a garden, but as its name suggests, this is for decoration or ornamental purposes, it is not edible like other cabbages. If you are looking for plants resistant to cold and that are the most decorative ornamental cabbage or Brassica oleraceait is one of your best options.

If you choose it, you will have an area of the garden with green colors of different tones, purples, pinks and whites with curly leaves. This plant can be up to 30 cm tall and it is great to plant several together in the ground or in planters.


The Viburnum tinus, commonly known as durillor, laurentino, wild laurel or marfull, is another good option that we recommend from Ecologist Verde to decorate a shady garden and with cold temperatures.

It has very green foliage and small, white flowers and, in addition, it can grow to about 3 meters in height. Thus, if you are looking to fill a good space in your garden this is a good option and thus you will have beautiful white flowers during the winter. Of course, as it is a bush, it grows much better planted in the ground and somewhat isolated from other plants to be able to grow in all its splendor.


The hellebore or hellebore It is also known as Helleborus, Christmas rose, Christmas rose or winter rose. It is another plant that stands out for withstanding the cold and shade very well, as well as its common names can make us understand. This plant of European and Asian origin exists in various varieties, there are them with white, yellow, purple, pink and even black flowers.

They are perfect for covering areas such as flowerbeds and, although they are fine in the shade, so that they bloom well and their flowers hold up as much as possible, it is best if they are in a place where there is natural light, even if the temperatures are cold.

Snowdrop or galantus

As its name indicates the galantus, snowdrop or snowdrops It is one of the best options to decorate with plants for cold and shade gardens.

It is advisable to plant several Galanthus nivalis together and grow very well in grassy areas and in cold and snowy soils. Its name is due to the shape of its flowers, which look like bluebells, since the stem is bent and they look down, and they are white flowers. Although it supports dark and cold areas, it grows much better in areas with sun and shade and in low temperatures, as the heat does not withstand it very well.

Hebe or veronica

The plant scientifically called Hebe x Franciscan and commonly hebe or veronica is another great option to have in temperate zone gardens where the minimum reaches an average of 10ºC, but they do not withstand neither hot nor frosty temperatures. It is a plant native to several areas, such as South America, New Zealand, Australia, the Falkland Islands and Papua New Guinea.

Specifically, it is a shrub with elongated green leaves that is usually about 50 cm high on average. Its flowers are colored like pink, white, purple and red.


Finally, from Ecologist Verde we recommend that when planting outdoors you think of lavender, which is one of the best cold resistant plants. The Lavandula, in any of its species from the common u L. officinalis, the L. agustifolia, the L. vera and even lavender and others, it is a successful option if you want a garden or terrace area with a spectacular color and a relaxing aroma.

It is a plant that is cultivated in warm Mediterranean places, but withstands temperatures of up to -15ºC. However, when the plant is kept in a rather cold area, it is not suitable for producing essential oil but is suitable for decorate exteriors.

This plant is from warm climates and, although it withstands the cold very well, when it blooms in all its splendor it is in the warm spring and summer season, as it is one of the best garden plants with sun-resistant flowers that we also recommend in in case you have areas with a lot of light and heat.

If you want to read more articles similar to 10 cold and shade resistant outdoor plants, we recommend that you enter our category of Outdoor Plants.

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