Why Do Plant Stems Bend - Causes

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Unfortunately, it is common to see plants that have bent or appear to be in poor condition with stems or branches that are not straight. On some occasions, certain species or varieties bend naturally, since that is their size, while on others, it can pose a problem that threatens the health and development of the plant.

If you wonder why do plant stems bend and you want to learn how to repair a plant stem, join us in this Green Ecologist article.

Lack of light

There are cases in which a stem can be bent due to lack of light. We tell you what happens depending on whether the plant is young or mature.

Lack of light in young plants or seedlings

When a young plant or a newly germinated seedling is in its early stages of growth, it always seeks sunlight to photosynthesize and generate nutrients. However, if it is in an environment where there is not enough light, the plant will grow abnormally fast, stretching as long as it can in search of access to a greater amount of light.

This phenomenon is popularly known as threading and it is very common to occur, especially in seedlings cultivation. Why especially in seedbeds? We normally resort to this method of germination and cultivation when we want to plant species earlier than the climate would commonly allow, growing them indoors under warmer, sheltered or controlled conditions. However, precisely for this reason, it is common that the seedbeds do not always receive all the light they need, since in an indoor grow it is easier that there is not enough light.

Seeds normally contain enough energy for a plant to develop during its early stages, but if the plant is forced to overgrow in search of light, these nutrients will not be enough, and the plant will eventually bend under its own weight and die.

If you notice that the seedlings in your nursery or any other young plant grow abnormally elongated, with a stretched and thin stem, weak in appearance, you should immediately change the location of the plant so that it receives sufficient light or, if this is not possible, install a plant bulb.

Lack of light in mature plants

It can also happen that a more mature plant shows deformations due to lack of sun or because it affects it irregularly. When this happens, look at the stem of the plant: if it grows crooked in a certain direction from its base, it is not a problem, but if it twists only from a certain height, it is very likely that it is a lack of light. It can happen even to plants that apparently receive sufficient light, but if they are always oriented in the same direction, the branches and stems in the shade can end up twist looking for the sun.

Here you can read about What is the importance of sunlight for living things, such as plants.

Lack of water

Yes you don't water your plants enough or the plant has some other problem that prevents the roots from absorbing water properly, such as soil that drains it too quickly or some problem in the own roots, the plant will quickly weaken.

A plant without enough water will not have the nutrients to form strong, thick stems. Weakened stems will eventually buckle under the weight that they support. In these cases, the plant will need an immersion irrigation to revive it if it is in a pot, or an abundant and frequent one outdoors.

Here you can read about when to water the plants.

Excessive competition

If you are still wondering "why is my plant falling to the side?" Because you think none of the above causes fit, maybe this one does.

If you sow many seeds close together, the small seedlings will compete to grow the first to gain access to light before your competition. This accelerated growth can ultimately lead to consequences similar to threading, which is why never more than 2 or 3 seeds are sown together and, when these begin to germinate, the smallest ones are eliminated and only the strong ones are left.

What happens if the stem of a plant bends

When a stem bends, if it supported fruits, flowers or a large number of leaves, these probably will fall to the ground. On the ground, in contact with the earth, more humid, it is very likely that they appear rot problems, which can end up spreading to the rest of the plant. Similarly, a bent stem can be damaged by mechanical stress and get to split, being necessary to prune it in case of serious damage.

Some species, however, such as tomatoes, aubergines or peppers, can see their stems bent by the weight of their fruits, but this does not necessarily pose a problem: you can lightly bury the bent stems and they will develop roots.

How to straighten a plant

We give you some tips to lift the stem of a plant that bends:

  • If it is a matter of threading due to lack of light, the only thing you can do is move your plants to a new one. location with more light so that this is corrected before it becomes too severe.
  • In the case of pots that receive light only on one side, it will be enough to rotate them every 3 or 4 days, so that the solar incidence is compensated without problems.
  • In the case of climbing plants or with stems bent due to the weight of their fruits, it is best to resort to a plant tutor. In fact, many species need it. Drive it into the ground at a distance of between 2 and 10 cm depending on how much the planted species is going to grow and help the plant to grow by leaning on it.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why do plant stems bend, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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