Cinnamon for Plants: Benefits and How to Use It - Practical Guide

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Cinnamon is a spice native to Sri Lanka and widely used in many cuisines, including ours: the Mediterranean. Its smell and taste seduce by how unmistakable they are, and it is also a proven ingredient with numerous health benefits.

However, cinnamon is not only beneficial for us, it can also be beneficial for your plants. Its beneficial properties for them are many, and in addition to being cheaper than many products made in the laboratory, it is completely ecological and natural. If you want to know what cinnamon is for for plants, join us in this Green Ecologist article in which we detail the benefits of cinnamon for plants and how to use it correctly.

Cinnamon as a fungicide

One of the main benefits of cinnamon for plants is its use as antifungal. In the spring and early summer, when temperatures begin to rise and there is still a lot of humidity in the environment, it is common for some plants and crops to suffer the attack of fungi, especially in areas with little air flow or ventilation.

If you see the characteristic dots or black or white coverage on your plants, whether on the leaves, on the stems or on the ground, you just have to use the cinnamon powder that we all have at home. Gently sprinkle the cinnamon powder on the parts affected by the fungus. If after 48 to 72 hours the fungi have not disappeared, you can repeat the application without fear: the cinnamon will not harm the plant, quite the opposite.

Here you can learn much more about homemade fungicides.

Cinnamon for ants

Ants can become a worrisome pest, because when they arrive in large numbers they tend to be accompanied by mushrooms that they cultivate and transport themselves. Yes ants are a plague and, therefore, a problem in your garden or orchard and they are seen in too large numbers, cinnamon may once again be the solution.

This spice acts as a powerful repellent not just ants, if not all kinds of harmful insects for plants, such as flies and mosquitoes. It is enough, again, to spread some cinnamon powder over the area where we want to prevent them from appearing, and they themselves will look for other areas without that smell that they dislike so much.

Here you can learn more about How to eliminate ants from the garden.

Cinnamon for cuttings

Cutting a plant is a task that always carries some risk of failure, even in those species where cuttings tend to root successfully. A good way to maximize the chances that the cutting becomes a new healthy plant is to use rooting hormone or a natural rooting agent, which will stimulate the growth of roots at the base of the stem. Cinnamon, of course, has the ability to act as a rooting agent, one 100% ecological and cheaper than chemical preparations.

To prepare homemade cinnamon rooting You can add a tablespoon of ground cinnamon to half a liter of water, to which you can also add two well crushed or ground aspirin. Stir well and let the mixture sit for at least half a day, then strain it from coarse residue. Soak the bottom of the cuttings in this mixture for a couple of hours, before planting them, and you will soon see how your cuttings root much more easily.

Learn how to make cuttings with this guide.

Cinnamon after pruning

Pruning is a necessary process, but also aggressive for plants. Even when carried out with properly sanitized and well-sharpened tools, we run the risk that the wounds generated are an entry point for diseases or pests.

For this reason, some species need the application of sealant paste in pruned areas. You can make your own pasta with melted candle wax, to which you owe add ground cinnamon To improve its antifungal and antibacterial properties, you can still apply liquid but not too hot on the pruning wound, so that it solidifies on it and seals it. It is also possible to apply it directly as a powder on small wounds: it will not seal them, but it will help the plant to heal more quickly.

Cinnamon as a repellent for animals

We have already mentioned that this spice is an effective insect repellent, but its action is not limited to these. Small mammals like rabbits, moles or squirrels They will also flee from it, as it causes annoying irritation to the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth that, without causing them any serious or permanent damage, will make them avoid the place.

How to use cinnamon for plants

In all the uses we've specified, just use ground cinnamon on plants or the area of the garden that we want to protect. Finely crushed, it will have the desired effect in a totally ecological way.

It is also possible to elaborate Cinnamon tea to use it in the watering the plants. To do this, heat a liter of water gently and add a tablespoon of cinnamon powder to it. Stir well with low heat until the cinnamon dissolves completely and we let it cool for 10-12 hours later.

If you want to read more articles similar to Cinnamon for plants: benefits and how to use it, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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