How To Recover Dry Hedges - Causes And Solutions

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Dry hedges are one of the worst concerns for both gardening enthusiasts and those who are professionally engaged in it. There are few things that make a garden look as neglected as browning in conifers. Because we all know how difficult it can be to extract a dry hedge in order to replace it, since its roots tend to spread quite a bit. Fortunately, the browning of the hedges is not always definitive; in fact, in most cases it is possible to recover them.

If you want your garden to look healthy again by returning green to your hedges, join us in this Green Ecologist article, in which we are going to see how to recover dry hedges, analyzing what type of treatment for dry hedges is necessary on each occasion.

Dry hedges due to waterlogging

It is common to think that a plant that is weak or seems to be drying out needs more water, and one of the worst mistakes that can be made in this case is over water it. When the air spaces of the substrate are completely filled with water, roots do not have access to oxygen what they need, and the plant drowns irretrievably. When this happens, the roots lose their ability to absorb water and nutrients, and the leaves begin to turn yellow due to the lack of these.

The cause of the roots suffering from waterlogging does not necessarily have to be excessive watering. Maybe the soil is too clayey and heavy and does not have the ability to adequately drain the water, or simply the planting hole has not been made correctly and accumulates water in some places. In the same way, uneven ground, sloping or with holes, will cause irrigation and rain water to accumulate mainly in some points, these being susceptible to waterlogging.

Dry hedges due to lack of irrigation

Obviously, the lack of water it can also be a cause of yellowing of the dried, especially if this occurs during the warmer months, when the plants are exposed to intense sun.

Despite what one tends to think, this problem is much easier to solve than excess watering, since the damage that a dry plant has suffered are easier to retrieve than those of a puddle.

Dry hedges due to lack of magnesium

Another of the most common causes of yellowing in conifers It is the lack of magnesium, an essential element in plant nutrition. If drying is noticeable first on the tips of the leaves, and advances from there towards the center of the plant, it is certain that the problem is precisely this.

The good thing is that we will not be facing one of the diseases of the hedges or anything similar, but simply before a nutritional deficiency that is very easy to solve.

Dry mushroom hedges

One of the main problems associated with waterlogging is that it tends to provide an ideal environment for fungi to attack the hedge, since the conditions of excess moisture that they need. It can also happen that your hedge is attacked by fungi even if the soil has a good drainage and you do not water excessively, especially in humid climates and moderately warm times, which are those that favor its growth.

In addition, many fungi can affect not only hedges, but many other garden crops, so it will be necessary to act quickly. If you see white or gray spots on the leaves or branches of your hedge, act as soon as possible by using hedge fungicide. If the affected or treated area is small, you can use ecological homemade fungicide, such as a fungicide with milk, very effective and without resorting to chemicals.

Another sign of fungal attack is resin bags that occur in some hedge pruning wounds, which means that the fungus has penetrated through there. If the resin and tissues in the area turn brown or reddish, it is the fungus Seridium. In this case, it may be necessary to resort to specific fungicides.

How to revive dry hedges

Recovering a dry cypress, or another type of hedge that is drying up, is possible if the following indications are followed:

  • Don't over water, let the substrate dry slightly before doing so.
  • Fertilize the hedge regularly, even when it is not sick.
  • Check that your hedges have quality substrate, rich in nutrients, aerated and with good drainage.
  • Contributes potassium phosphate against the attack of fungi, a type of fertilizer that strengthens the defenses of the plant.
  • Always disinfect tools before and after each pruning and on each plant, so that you do not unknowingly spread diseases between them. Do not leave the remains on the ground or in contact with other hedges.
  • If you had to get to tear the hedge, don't use the land where it was: the most dangerous fungi stay in the roots and soil.
  • Apply commercial or homemade fungicides to get rid of fungus. If you know which species of fungus is the one that attacks specifically, do not hesitate to look for a specific fungicide, as it will be more effective and faster.

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