Parts of a rose: names and functions - Summary with diagrams

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Due to their beautiful flowers and showy fruits, roses are one of the most widely cultivated flowers in the world, both naturally in gardens and artificially in greenhouses for sale as individual flowers or bouquets. Beyond being known for the presence of annoying spines on their stems and pointed leaves that protect them against the predation of herbivores, each of the parts of a rose and their functions plays an indispensable role in ensuring the reproduction and survival of these precious plants.

If you want to discover what kind of flower is a rose and learn more curiosities about its morphology and crops, continue reading this interesting article by Green Ecologist in which we show you the parts of a rose, their names and functions.


When it comes to differentiating the different Parts of a flower of the roses it is useful to do it from the outermost structure, the chalice, to the most internal structures, constituted by the male and female reproductive sections that we will see in the next sections; remaining as an intermediate part the corolla bearing the striking rose petals.

Thus, beginning with the description of the chalice, it is interesting to detail the protective function of this external floral structure, constituted by the so-called sepals, modified leaves, smaller in size, green in color and generally with pointed edges and even thorns, which appear separated from each other as a protective crown of the internal floral structures.

The calyx, in addition to protecting the rest of the flower structure, is attached to the stem through the pedicel, a structure with a smaller diameter and greater flexibility than the stem, which allows the flowers to grow from them and to be located in the outermost parts of the bushes or rose bushes in which they develop.


Probably recognized as the most striking part of the rose flower, the corolla is the floral structure responsible for the beautiful colors of the roses and their characteristic fragrances.

As in the external structure that we saw in the previous section in which the sepals formed the calyx, the corolla is formed of petals, modified leaves too, this time of different colors and textures softer than the leaves.

Thus, the function of the corolla, being an external structure of the flower, remains that of protect internal structures responsible for the reproduction of roses, also favoring the attraction of different pollinators that come to them for their showy colors and fruity aromas, hoping to find the precious pollen inside.

We advise you to read about What are petals and their function and What is pollination and its types.


Commonly known as the male part of the flower structure, the androecium includes each and every one of the internal floral structures that participate in reproduction, with male pollen as the carrier of genetic information.

In the androecium we differentiate the stamens, elongated structures formed by anthers in which the pollen grains and the flexible filaments. They are always located around the female part of the rose flower, facilitating that, after pollination, the pollen grains reach their destination in the ovary.


Refering to female part of the flower or gynoecium, differs into three different structures, each with an important role to play in the proper functioning of the flower reproduction process:

  • Pistil: Commonly recognized as the female organ of the flower, the bottle-shaped pistils house the ovary that carries the ovules that participate in the reproduction of the flowers. The pistils are located in the inner center of the flowers, being protected by numerous carpels, modified leaves of smaller size and great resistance that protect the ovules, located in the receptacle or base of the pistil.
  • Stigma: it corresponds to the upper part of the pistil, coinciding with the entrance where the male pollen grains are deposited. Its structure is somewhat sticky, facilitating that the pollen remains well adhered until it reaches the interior of the ovary.
  • Styles: elongated structures that connect the ovary (lower) with the stigma (upper), favoring the subsequent fertilization of the ovules by the pollen that remains attached to the stigma.

We recommend that you learn more about this important part of a rose by reading this other post about Gynecium: what it is, its parts and its function.

Curiosities of the rose

Now that we know the morphology of a rose According to the different parts that make up its flowers, it is interesting to highlight more information about these curious flowers that arouse the interest of gardening enthusiasts. Can you tell how many types of roses exist in the world? Let's see in this section some curiosities about them.

  • Starting from the rose taxonomy, or rose bushes, are located within the genus Rosa, belonging to the Rosaceae or Rosaceae family, which includes plants of different sizes and shapes, including shrubs and climbing plants.
  • Among the great variety of roses that exist on the planet, perhaps the best known are the modern roses whose cultivations have been fostered over the past centuries by adorning sophisticated gardens and villas. In these cases, they are hybrid roses those that are usually cultivated, because due to their curious characteristic of continuous flowering, they remain always green, embellishing the gardens.
  • Not all roses have such striking colors and sizes, since wild roses are usually smaller, lighter shades and found in the form of bushes of different sizes growing on the sides of nature trails. Are wild roses more closely resemble those commonly known as old roses, those roses with many petals that were cultivated prior to the introduction of modern roses in the majestic gardens since the nineteenth century.

Now that you know roses much better, we also advise you to learn more about the Parts of the flower and their functions and the Parts of a plant and their functions by reading these other Green Ecologist articles.

If you want to read more articles similar to Parts of a rose: names and functions, we recommend that you enter our Biology category.

  • Yong, A. (2004) The cultivation of the rose bush and its propagation. Tropical Crops 25 (2), 53-67.
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