Turmeric: properties, benefits and how to take it - GUIDE

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Turmeric (Curcuma longa) is one of the most used spices in many oriental cuisines, forming a basic part of the well-known curry. It is also known as toothpick, Indian sulfur, food coloring, root saffron or simply saffron, which should not be confused with the Crocus sativus. The ground root powder of this plant is an exceptional additive with a host of beneficial properties.

If you want to know what turmeric is for and more details about this spice, keep reading us in this Green Ecologist article in which you will see a guide on the properties of turmeric, its benefits and how to take it.

Characteristics of the turmeric plant

The Curcuma longa It is an evergreen herbaceous plant that can reach heights of up to a meter and a half, although it tends to grow more horizontally than upwards. Its leaves can exceed one meter in length and the plant produces triple hermaphroditic flowers, which appear in spikes.

What is consumed are its roots or, more precisely, its rhizome, which is woody on the outside and a warm yellow or orange color on the inside. To the palate, the taste of turmeric is sweet, although it also has spicy and bitter touches, which is why it is used as a spice to garnish dishes of all kinds.

Turmeric is preferably grown in hot climates, with abundant rains and no frosts, which could kill the rhizome of the plant.

Properties of turmeric

Between the active ingredients of turmeric stand out:

  • Essential oil with turmerone and zingiberene.
  • Curcumin
  • Curcumoids.
  • Bitter principles.
  • Resins

The turmeric plant is credited with a host of beneficial properties. These are the main properties of turmeric:

  • Antioxidant
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Hepatoprotective
  • Choleretic
  • Lipid-lowering
  • Digestive
  • Purifying
  • Antispasmodic
  • Antiviral
  • Antibacterial
  • Antifungal

Because of this, it can be used to aid in the prevention and treatment of a myriad of diseases and ailments.

Turmeric benefits

Thanks to its great properties, the consumption of turmeric in the diet is highly indicated in many cases. If you were wondering what is turmeric for, here we tell you what are its main benefits and uses:


The anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric help keep the joints in better condition, as well as reduce the symptoms of pain and stiffness associated with arthritis, especially in the case of osteoarthritis, which is one of the most common types of arthritis.

Muscle pains

Thanks to its great anti-inflammatory capabilities, it is used in treatments for muscle aches, minor sprains, tendonitis, low back pain and sciatica. Taking turmeric together with the treatment or therapy indicated by the doctor or physiotherapist facilitates the recovery of these problems.

Hepatitis and gallstones

As it is a protector of the liver and the gallbladder, thanks to its hepatoprotective function, it is widely used to facilitate recovery in cases of hepatitis and to facilitate the expulsion of stones or gallstones.


The consumption of turmeric helps a lot when it comes to reducing the amount of sugar in the blood, so it is a great ally for those who suffer from diabetes, as long as the doctor tells them how to take it and take it into account for food intake throughout the day and the insulin doses to be applied.

Circulation problems

This spice is also very useful when it comes to improving blood circulation, it helps to keep the arteries in better condition and also to prevent diseases such as atherosclerosis.

Digestive problems

It is a very effective digestive tonic. It is an optimal medicinal plant for cases of indigestion, intestinal inflammation, diarrhea, flatulence and bloating, stomach pain and gastrointestinal spasms.


Thanks to its hepatoprotective, cleansing and circulation improvement functions, turmeric favors the mobilization of fats, stimulating their burning and expulsion. It also favors the elimination of retained liquids. For all these reasons, turmeric for weight loss is a very effective dietary supplement.

Respiratory conditions

This spice also has the ability to reduce inflammation in the lungs. This, together with its antiviral properties and helps in cleaning the lungs, makes it a great ally in the treatment of respiratory conditions. You may also be interested in discovering these 13 natural antivirals.

Nervous system stimulation

This plant is also very useful when treating patients with anxiety disorders and people suffering from Alzheimer's, helping to improve their conventional treatment with medicines and therapies. Thanks to the stimulation of the nervous system, as long as this spice is not taken in excess, capacities such as memory and reflexes are improved, among others.

Premature aging

Thanks to its antioxidant properties, it helps fight part of the free radicals that reach our cells, which prevents cells from aging too quickly and signs of premature aging appear.

Breast milk production

One of the capacities of this spice is that in lactating women it can stimulate and increase milk production, which is why it is sometimes prescribed for cases in which there is difficulty in producing a minimum amount adequate for the baby. Of course, it should always be taken under medical supervision.

How to take turmeric

There are many ways to take this spice in order to benefit from all the positive effects it brings to our body. We tell you how you can take turmeric:

Spice for meals

This is by far the most popular and widespread form of turmeric consumption in most countries. Simply sprinkle the ground root in the form of a yellowish or orange powder over your dishes and meals. In Spain and other countries it has traditionally been used to flavor rice, although its use on fish, meat and even soups is also common. Add one to three teaspoons at the end of cooking to enjoy its flavor and not lose its beneficial properties. Some of the most popular recipes with turmeric are: curry, turmeric rice and turmeric milk or golden milk. Here below we leave you a video of an easy golden milk recipe.

Turmeric tea

The tea or infusion of this spice is very easy to prepare. Take notes on how to make turmeric tea: bring a liter of water to boil, add a tablespoon of turmeric powder and simmer for about 10 minutes. Then strain the mixture and add lemon, honey, ginger or other ingredients of your choice to improve the flavor.

Turmeric Capsules

Turmeric in capsules has been common on the market as a food supplement for a long time. In these cases, it is best to consult a professional nutritionist or a doctor to advise us on the doses to take, since in each case it may vary. However, you must always adhere to the instructions on the package and never exceed the maximum dose indicated on it.

If you were wondering, "What happens if I take turmeric every day?", We are sorry to tell you that it is not the most suitable for long periods. Yes, you can take it daily if you are going to do a treatment for a short time, but if you plan to take it for a long time and very often or even daily, we do not recommend it because side effects or other problems would begin to appear.

Side effects and contraindications of turmeric

If you consider taking this spice from time to time or for a treatment, it is normal that you ask yourself what are the side effects of turmeric. The truth is that it generally does not produce significant side effects and there is only evidence that some people, either due to sensitivity to any of its components or by taking this plant in excess, produces:

  • Stomach ache.
  • Sickness.
  • Dizziness
  • Diarrhea

In addition, applied to the skin, in the case of sensitive skin, it can cause irritation and if it is left on for a long time it can dye the skin a yellow-orange tone.

As with all substances with medicinal properties, there are turmeric contraindications to be taken into account:

  • Pregnant women.
  • Patients with obstruction of the bile ducts, since it stimulates the production of bile and the obstruction would increase.
  • People with very delicate skin.
  • People with an allergy or sensitivity to any of its components.

In addition, diabetic patients or patients with clotting problems are advised to always consult a specialist before taking turmeric on their own as a treatment, that is, in doses higher than those commonly used as a spice to season dishes.

If you like to know the properties and benefits of medicinal plants, don't miss these other Green Ecologist articles in which we tell you all about various medicinal plants:

  • 60 medicinal plants of Peru and what they are for.
  • 50 Mexican medicinal plants and what they are for.
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If you want to read more articles similar to Turmeric: properties, benefits and how to take it, we recommend that you enter our category of natural remedies.

  • Cebrián, J., (2012), Dictionary of medicinal plants, Barcelona, Spain, Integral RBA Libros.
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