Epiphyllum oxypetalum: care - Complete guide

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The Epiphyllum exypetalum It is an epiphytic cactus of impressive beauty that gives us flowers of incomparable beauty and aroma to dress up the nights in our garden. Despite its striking appearance, it is a very simple plant to care for and, if its needs are known, even gardening enthusiasts with less time can enjoy it.

If you want to learn more about the cactus Epiphyllum oxypetalum and your cares, join us in this Green Ecologist article.

Characteristics of the Epiphyllum oxypetalum plant

The common name of the Epiphyllum oxypetalum is kadupul flower, although it is also known by many other names such as queen of the night, Dutchman's pipe cactus, gallant at night, Brahma Kamalam in India or even lady of the night, although in the latter case it should not be confused with the Cestrum nocturnum, a shrub from another family that also receives that name because of the capacity it shares with our cactus: that of bloom overnight.

The Epiphyllum exypetalum It is a plant that lives in the wild in almost all of Tropical America, although it is found threatened in Guatemala. It reaches heights of up to 3 meters, although only when it can grow on some other plant or support. Given his epiphytic natureWhen it does not have this, its bearing is creeping.

Its leaves, bright and bright green, are actually flat segments about 10 cm wide, but the most attractive thing about this cactus are its large white flowers, up to 25 cm in diameter. Do youAnd when does the Epiphyllum oxypetalum? Always at night, closing as soon as the first rays of the sun arrive. Once pollinated, they form a red fruit. The flowers are also very fragrant, with a pleasant and unique scent.

Find out more about Epiphytic Plants: what they are, types and examples in this other Green Ecologist article that we recommend.

Location for the Epiphyllum oxypetalum

The kadupul flower needs outdoor locations, since it requires all the possible luminosity. It can grow in direct sunlight if it is not excessively intense, but it also does very well in semi-shade. Depending on the local climate, it will be preferable to choose one or the other.

It can grow very well both in a pot and in the soil itself, although one detail must be taken into account: pests. This plant is particularly attractive to snails and other mollusks Therefore, if these voracious predators appear in your garden or area, you will do better to plant your kadupul flower in a pot, more protected from them.

We leave you this other article on How to eliminate slugs and snails naturally that may help you.

Climate for Epiphyllum oxypetalum

Like almost all plants of tropical origin, the kadupul flower does not tolerate frost well. You need relatively warm temperatures. If you already have your Epiphyllum and winter is coming, you can transplant it to a pot with a support and keep it in a lighted room during cold months, trying to put it in a room as bright as possible, but away from windows and drafts.

Another great option, when there is no choice but to keep it indoors, is to use the plant lamps. Currently there are LED models of very low cost and consumption, ideal for these cases.

Take a look at this other article on LED ecological lighting to take care of the environment that may also interest you.

Irrigation of the Epiphyllum oxypetalum

The plant is not particularly demanding in terms of watering:

  • In the warm months: between one and two weekly irrigations will suffice, especially in times of drought.
  • In the cold months: It is convenient to space the waterings to one every ten days or fortnightly, when the upper layer of the earth has dried.

Soil for Epiphyllum oxypetalum

Being an epiphytic plant, the most important thing about the soil is that it be a light mix and, above all, with a good drainage. In a pot, mixing equal parts coconut fiber, peat and worm castings will produce a rich and light substrate, particularly suitable if perlite and vermiculite are added.

In soil, it will be enough to find an area with the best possible drainage and add some worm humus to the soil to provide it with nutrients and beneficial microorganisms.

Find out more about Coconut Fiber for plants: properties and how to make it or How to make worm castings in these other Green Ecologist articles that we recommend.

Fertilizer for Epiphyllum oxypetalum

At the moment when the temperature exceeds 15 ºC, which normally will occur in spring, it is very convenient to contribute to the Epiphyllum specific fertilizer for cactus. If it is done from the arrival of heat until the end of summer, we will favor the development and flowering of the plant much more.

Here you can find more information on How to nourish plants with compost and fertilizers.

Multiplication and pruning

The pruning is not necessary at Epiphyllum oxypetalum, Instead, it is enough to regularly remove those leaves and flowers that are in poor condition so that the plant does not waste energy on them.

His multiplication by cuttings is very fast And simple. Simply remove a stem from the plant with well-sharpened and disinfected scissors and let it dry in semi-shade for a week. After this time, the cutting can be planted in a small pot with suitable substrate, providing it if we want rooting hormone to maximize its chances of success. Finally, just water often but always without waterlogging and, in about two weeks, if everything has gone well, the cutting will have taken root.

If you are curious about the multiplication by cuttings, do not hesitate to read this other post on the Multiplication of fruit trees by woody cuttings.

If you want to read more articles similar to Epiphyllum oxypetalum: care, we recommend that you enter our category of Cultivation and care of plants.

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